11 Sane Tobi
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In front of Obito is a copy of himself, a shadow clone.

It has been nearly a month since Obito’s confession to Rin. Currently and for some time already, Obito has been working hard for the coming Chunin Exams. His Shadow Clone in front of him stares back with intent, and similarly, Obito’s Sharingan focuses on the other.

From the background, Tobi’s snarky comments resound.

“What the hell are you doing man?”

“It has been like almost a month…”

“But seriously!? Why so intent on Shadow Clone!?”

Obito’s split personality, Tobi is growing irritable just more and more because of Obito’s doggedness. In fact, Obito has been training only his Shadow Clone for the past few days, and despite learning it quite quickly, he only continues to research the said Shadow Clone instead of moving on to learning new jutsu.

It is driving Tobi insane.

But Tobi is already insane.

The thing is... even the insane can be reasonable.

"Come on, Obito! You've been stuck in this loop for weeks now. The Chunin Exams are just around the corner, and all you've been doing is obsessing over that Shadow Clone of yours," Tobi exclaims, his voice a mix of exasperation and concern.

Obito's Sharingan narrows as he defends his training choice, "Tobi, you just don't get it. The Shadow Clone is more than just a jutsu. It's a game-changer. Imagine the possibilities in a real fight!"

Tobi lets out an exaggerated sigh, throwing his hands up in frustration. "I get it, it's a cool jutsu. But you need variety, man! You can't just rely on one trick. What if you face someone who can counter it easily?"

Obito smirks confidently, "That's where you're wrong. I've been experimenting with different strategies and applications of the Shadow Clone. It's not just about the quantity; it's about how you use it strategically."

Tobi scoffs, "And what if someone figures it out? You'd be left with nothing. Look, we need to diversify your skills. You're not just any shinobi; you have the potential to be great. Why limit yourself to just one jutsu?"

Obito finally breaks eye contact with the clone and turns to face Tobi, a hint of irritation in his voice. "Tobi, you're underestimating me. It is almost funny seeing you so normal, so please go on. Complain more."

Tobi narrows his eye at Obito's cynical remark, a mix of irritation and disbelief evident in his masked expression. "Oh, come on, Obito! This has nothing to do with Tobirama or any Uchiha conspiracy. I'm just trying to make sure you're ready for the Chunin Exams. You can't rely on one technique alone."

Obito smirks, his tone biting with sarcasm. "You act like I haven't thought this through. Tobirama might have created the jutsu, but that doesn't diminish its effectiveness. Please, I'm just being practical. Cramming won't make me a better shinobi. And like I said, I have a plan."

Tobi crosses his arms, shaking his head beneath the mask. "It's not about being the better shinobi, and I am not underestimating the Shadow Clone. It's about being well-rounded. What if you encounter someone who can counter it effortlessly? What's your plan then, genius?"

Obito waves off Tobi's concerns dismissively. "I adapt. That's the key to being a successful shinobi. And besides, I've been incorporating taijutsu and other techniques into my training. You just don't see it because you're too fixated on my choice of jutsu."

Tobi's frustration bubbles to the surface, and he retorts, "You know, I'm trying to help you. There is only one day before the Chunin Exams you madman! You'll face opponents with diverse skill sets, and relying solely on a single jutsu might get you killed."

Obito chuckles darkly, "You're being a worrywart. But let me remind you, Tobi, I'm not the same kid who got crushed by that boulder. I've learned from my mistakes."

Tobi rolls his eyes beneath the mask, muttering, "Stubborn to the core. Just don't say I didn't warn you, Obito."

It is truly madness. The current Obito has memories of a future version of him, who has learned a great variety of jutsus, not to mention practical, versatile, and powerful ninjutsus. It truly doesn’t make sense for Obito for him to stubbornly play with his Shadow Clone.

Tobi doesn’t understand it to a great extent. “Am I not supposed to be the crazy one?”

As of this moment, Obito is using his Sharingan and is staring intently at his Shadow Clone. There isn’t really anything happening. If Obito is casting genjutsu to the shadow clone, Tobi might understand this as Obito training his genjutsu, but that is not what is happening.

Obito is simply staring at his counterpart like some madman.

Tobi, clad in his signature mask, threw a skeptical glance at Obito, whose lone exposed eye bore the weight of countless experiences.

"You got a library in your head filled with all kinds of jutsu, so I don’t really understand your obsession with this shadow clone. If this is your trump card, then we are screwed," Tobi remarks, his voice echoing through the training ground like a whisper of doubt.

Obito, standing amidst the shadows of trees, tilts his head slightly, a sly grin playing on his lips. "Who said that the Shadow Clone jutsu is my trump card?" he replies, his voice carrying a cryptic undertone that leaves Tobi puzzled.

Tobi's confusion deepens, and he raises a masked eyebrow. "What is it then?" he inquires, his curiosity battling with the skepticism that clings to him like a shadow.

Obito's eyes gleam with a hidden wisdom as he speaks, each word dripping with an unspoken significance. "It is you."

"You're going to have to explain that one, Obito," Tobi demands, his tone a mixture of frustration and intrigue. “I swear, you are the one going crazy this time.

Obito chuckles, "Think about it, Tobi. The Shadow Clone jutsu creates a duplicate, an extension of oneself. But what if the clone is not just a replication of skills and abilities? What if it embodies something deeper, something rooted in the very essence of who I am?"

With swift movement, Obito proceeds to form his hand seals. Tiger + Snake + Dog + Dragon.

As Tobi watches Obito, he realizes what the jutsu the other is about to cast… and he… is very weirded by what he is seeing. “Edo Tensei? Seriously? You are going to use Impure World Reincarnation on a Shadow Clone?”

And then Obito claps his palms. “Edo Tensei? No, I am casting something like it but a thousand more times smaller. And this? This is actually more of a genjutsu than a ninjutsu, so no… It is not exactly Edo Tensei.”

Suddenly, Obito’s copy drops face flat on the ground.

Slowly, the Shadow Clone rises, complaining. “Fuuuck… What just happened, man?”

Tobi looks at Obito, his original self. As an existence born from Obito’s split personality, Tobi is programmed to act in certain ways… For example…

Tobi slaps Obito across the face with an audible thud, leaving Obito stunned.

"What the hell was that for?" Obito protests, his hand on his stinging cheek.

Tobi, his usual whimsical tone not missing a beat, replies, "Well, I just wanted to make sure I'm not dreaming. And if I'm not dreaming, then you must be dreaming, right?"

Obito looks at Tobi, confusion etched on his face. "Dreaming? Why would I be dreaming? And why did you slap me instead of yourself? What kind of logic is that?"

Tobi grins enjoying the perplexity he has caused. "Well, you see, if I slapped myself, it wouldn't confirm if you're dreaming or not. But slapping you, the original Obito, now that's a true test. If you feel the pain, you're not dreaming. Simple as that. Moreover as a Shadow Clone, won’t I go poof if I slap myself? What if I die with the clone!?"

Obito rubs his cheek again, his irritation growing. "You could have just asked. No need for the dramatics."

Tobi laughs, "Where's the fun in that? Besides, I have to keep you on your toes. Can't have you getting too comfortable with your mysterious jutsu experiments. Fuuuck… So that’s what has been happening, and that’s why you are staring so much at your Shadow Clone!! You bastard!"

Meanwhile, the Shadow Clone, still a bit disoriented, adds, "Seriously, what kind of jutsu was that? One moment I'm face-planting, and the next, I feel like I've been slapped."

Obito grins mischievously, "It's a little something I've been working on—a mix of genjutsu and a touch of the forbidden. With you as my trump card, I should be able to pass the Chunin Exams."

Tobi, still in his odd behavior, starts hopping on one foot while twirling. "Well, well! This just got even weirder! I'm starting to like it! Hey, hey… let’s double team Rin…"

Obito looks at Tobi, a mix of amusement and concern in his eye. "What the fuck? What do you mean by double team? You're enjoying this a bit too much, Tobi. Are you sure you're not malfunctioning?"

Tobi stops twirling abruptly, looking at Obito with a deadpan expression. "Who, me? Malfunctioning? Never! I'm just embracing the role, remember? Tobi is a good boi, I swear on my goddess, Rin-chan! I cannot be saner than ever!"

And thus, the Sane Tobi proclaims himself as sane.

While Tobi may seem odd and overly energetic, he is sane. He is sane, right?

Tobi adds, "I get to decide this new jutsu's name, let's call it... Slapdash Shadow Shimmy!! I like... possess a shadow clone, and then I'll do some face slapping, yeah? Yeah, that's badass!"


No. The narrator takes it back... Tobi is not sane... Also, the new jutsu will be called Shadow Clone: Alter Ego.