12 Chunin Exams
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The Chunin Exams are divided into different stages. Yesterday, the Written Exams were proctored by a jonin, and while the questions are not really a challenge for Kakashi, keeping Obito in check is somewhat difficult. Kakashi cannot exactly point out what’s the problem, but recently… Obito seems to have become weirder in a strange way.

Today, the Forest of Death Survival part of the Chunin Exams is about to commence. Genin from all sorts of teams has gathered around.


Kakashi and Rin stand amidst a crowd of eager Genin, all prepared for the Forest of Death Survival part of the Chunin Exams. The atmosphere is tense.

Kakashi mutters, “Obito is late again. We can't afford any more delays.” He crosses his arm as he looks around for Obito expecting him to make excuses for his usual antics. “This is getting too irresponsible…” He adds while particularly annoyed.

Rin whispers, “Kakashi, don't let it bother you. We'll be fine. He might not look like it but he is passionate about the coming exams. Look, he at least didn’t cause trouble yesterday, right?”

Kakashi glances around and notices the eyes of fellow Genin on him. He sighs, feeling a bit out of place. Though frustrated, Kakashi reins in his temper. "I hate being here with all these kids. I'm already a Chunin.”

Rin with a comforting voice calls to Kakashi, “They're just curious. And it is not so wrong of them to stare, you are a kid too. Moreover, after all, it is disadvantageous for them to compete with a Chunin.”

Suddenly, Obito appears, running towards them with a carefree smile. Kakashi frowns.

Annoyed, Kakashi calls out to Obito’s behavior. “Took you long enough, Obito. We're about to start the Survival Exam. Thankfully, the proctor is not here yet.”

Obito is grinning. “Relax, Kakashi. No need to rush things. Life's short, you know?”

Kakashi raises an eyebrow, exchanging a puzzled glance with Rin. Thus, Rin cannot help but mention it. “Obito-kun? What’s up with that?”

Slinging from Obito’s shoulder, and wrapped around his waist are chains. From each end of the chain are rather menacing-looking sickles. Perhaps, the reason Obito is late is because of the sudden change in weapon, but why now?

Kakashi whispers to Rin, “Something's off about him lately. Keep an eye on Obito during the exam.”

That is when all too suddenly, Obito smiles in a weird way. He walks to Kakashi with a certain aura to him, and this ‘aura’ is actually making Kakashi nervous. “What is it, Obito? Is there something wrong?”

“No, no… Everything is perfect. I love you, man.”

Rin’s lips twitch.

Kakashi scratches the back of his head.

And then too abruptly, Obito hugs Kakashi.

“Hey, hey! Where are you touching!?” Kakashi is rather panicked but Obito’s hold on him is quite strong. The most disturbing thing is Obito is touching weird places like the biceps, the shoulders, and everywhere. Kakashi uses a body contortion technique to slip from Obito.

Obito disappointedly lets go, “Come on man, let me feel you a bit more.”

Kakashi is speechless.

Rin remarks, “That’s not funny, Obito you dumbass!” She facepalms as she cringes at the thought of when Obito made his confession with her back in the training grounds. “Do you have a habit of confessing to every—”

While in midsentence, Obito suddenly ambushes her. Rin feels something soft touching her cheek. “Huh? Eh?” Rin is very perplexed. Just what? Obito stands beside her with a sly grin.

Kakashi who has seen it cannot help but slump his shoulders. “There is something definitely wrong with Obito… and Rin too… Yeah, the both of them must have gone crazy together.”

“Uuumm… What happened?” Rin looks around and notices the other participants in the exam have their eyes all on Rin. They seem to have seen something. Rin touches her cheek and looks at Obito’s mug.

Kakashi being the stern and boring person he is enlightens Rin, “Like a ninja, he went and kissed you on the cheek… Should we file for sexual harassment, Rin? I have your back.”

“I missed you too, Rin!” Obito makes a peace sign.

“Oh come on… this is bad for my health…” Rin shakes her head, clenches her fist and surprise attacks Obito, but Obito simply dodges them. “Don’t dodge, you dumbass!” Rin attempts to plant her fist at Obito but she fails to do so.

The bickering continues.

The sun hangs high in the sky, casting dappled shadows through the foliage surrounding the Chunin Examination area. The genial chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze create a stark contrast to the growing chaos within Team Minato. The sense of camaraderie that is typically expected among teammates seems to be replaced by an eccentric energy, leaving many onlookers puzzled.

It is Team Minato that is definitely the culprit from the sudden casualness that permeates the surroundings. In some sense, the antics that Obito has caused have helped the aspiring shinobi to relax a bit.

From one corner under a tree, Asuma and his friends have gathered. He eyes Obito suspiciously, and then Rin. “Hey, what’s Rin’s and Obito’s situation like in the academy?” Asuma leans on the tree, rather relaxed.

Kurenai who is sitting on a thick branch uninterestedly replies, “They are like the best of friends. Honestly, they look cute together, but Obito can be so noisy sometimes. Rin is a quiet girl most of the time, but she is honestly outspoken when it is about Obito…”

Raido who has a weal-like scar on his face stands seriously beside Asuma like a guard. Raido looks confused, and remarks, “Doesn’t Rin have a crush on Kakashi-san? That doesn’t make sense…”

Kurenai sighs, “Everyone has a crush on Kakashi.”

“Even you?” Asuma teases.

“No,” Kurenai replies with severe seriousness, “I don’t do crushes. And what got you suddenly interested in the two of them, Asuma?”

Asuma rubs his chin with the non-existent beard. “I recall Obito’s skills in the Academy are only so-so, teetering on inferior, right?”

“So, you are interested in the Uchiha reject?” Raido frowns.

“Just a feeling, but I suddenly feel like Obito will be an interesting opponent.” Asuma grins.

"You must be joking," Raido huffs in annoyance not seeing Obito as even his match.

Hearing Asuma’s words, Kurenai’s ears perk up. “Are you going to take these exams seriously then?”

Asuma becomes quiet. It is an attitude problem of Asuma only to take things seriously whenever he feels like it. Unlike the Nara kids who are inherently ‘lazy’, Asuma is ‘lazy’ and ‘impertinent’ by choice. Asuma recalls his duel with Kakashi, and then Obito’s meddling and involvement with it.

With a chortle, Asuma stands up. “No, I won’t take these exams seriously… just enough so that I pass.”

Every gathered team in the area are all Genins perhaps with Kakashi as the only exception. But that doesn’t mean the Genins present in the exams are all weaker than Kakashi. In fact, this might be more challenging for Kakashi as he might be targeted. Moreover, there are also the seeded clan kids who should be competent enough to prove challenging for any foe.

The murmurs in the Chunin Examination area die down as an air of anticipation fills the space. Kakashi, Rin, and Obito halt their bickering, and even Asuma and his friends fall silent. The canopy of the forest seems to hush in reverence.

Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows, and the crowd parts instinctively. It's the venerable Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. He walks with a measured grace, a stoic presence that commands respect. His long, flowing robes drape over his shoulders, adorned with the symbol of Konoha. Hiruzen's wise eyes, though aged, carry a spark of unwavering determination.

Flanking the Third Hokage on both sides are two jonins, unfamiliar to Kakashi. These are likely elite ninjas chosen to assist in overseeing the Chunin Exams. Their expressions are stern, revealing the gravity of their roles.

As the Third Hokage takes his place at the front, the forest falls into a profound stillness. His gaze sweeps across the gathered genin, their mentors, and the onlookers. The atmosphere becomes charged with the weight of his authority.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, with a voice that resonates with decades of experience, begins his speech. "Welcome, young shinobi of Konoha, to the Forest of Death Survival Exam. This stage is a testament to your skills, teamwork, and ability to adapt. It is here that the true strength of a ninja is forged."

Kakashi, despite his usual nonchalant demeanor, can't help but feel a sense of reverence for the Third Hokage. Rin and Obito, too, listen intently. Asuma and his friends exchange glances, realizing the gravity of the moment.

"As you navigate through the perils of this forest, remember the values of Konoha – perseverance, loyalty, and the indomitable will to protect our village," Hiruzen continues, his words echoing through the trees. "May this exam bring out the best in each of you. Now, go forth and prove yourselves worthy of the title Chunin."

With a nod from the Third Hokage, the jonins on either side take their positions, signaling the beginning of the Survival Exam. The tension in the air is palpable as the genins, including Team Minato, prepare to face the challenges that lie ahead.

The jonin and proctor of the exam, Minato Namikaze of the Yellow Flash, steps forward and addresses the assembled genins. His voice cuts through the stillness of the Forest of Death. "Listen up, young shinobi. Welcome to the second stage of the Chunin Exams. This is the Forest of Death, and the rules here will test your skills and resourcefulness. Pay close attention."

Kakashi, Rin, and Obito focus on their Minato-sensei, ready to absorb the crucial information.

Minato authoritatively continued, "In this stage, you'll engage in tournament battles with other three-man teams. Remember, losing a match doesn't necessarily mean you're out. Now, onto the rules."

The genin, Asuma, and his friends, along with the others, listen intently.

"Each team is issued a single scroll. Your mission is simple but challenging – bring two scrolls to the designated area, the Tower at the center of the Forest of Death. You can obtain these scrolls by either robbing them from other teams or finding them through treasure hunting."

Asuma raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the strategy involved. The proctor continues.

"Clues for treasure hunting will be scattered randomly throughout the Forest of Death. Keep your wits about you, as these clues are your ticket to more scrolls. The path to victory won't be easy, and the forest is filled with both danger and opportunity. There will be two scrolls namely the Scroll of Heaven and the Scroll of Earth. In order to pass, you must acquire both scrolls."

Kakashi looks thoughtful, considering the implications of the rules. Rin and Obito exchange glances, silently preparing for the challenges ahead… Though they are students of Minato, they have not received special treatment and are only hearing this now.

"Each team will be provided with a map and a limited amount of supply at the supply station. The exam will occur for two days straight.” Minato adds, pointing at the jonin who just arrived and is carrying a lot of sacks.

Finally, Minato is almost done. “Remember, the Forest of Death is unpredictable. Adaptability is key. Now, go out there and show us what you're made of. The Chunin Exams have just begun!"

With those words, Minato steps back, and the genins quickly disperse, their eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and uncertainty as they embark on the journey through the Forest of Death.

Of course, not before they retrieve their share of the map and supplies.

Well… uuhmmm… Obito is a bit different… he went and ran for the Forest of Death immediately in an evident hurry.

“What the f—” Kakashi runs after Obito quickly, half panicking.

“I’ll follow, let me get the supplies first~!” Rin hurriedly adds as both Obito’s and Kakashi’s figures vanish into the forest. "Ugh... What is Obito up to this time?"


Obito has gone crazy, or is it really Obito who is doing all of these antics? Yep, to those who guessed it right, congratulations, there is no reward. But where did the real Obito go?
