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(???'s pov)

One moment you are relaxing in your bed after a good night of fucking some girl I found yesterday, and the next moment, you wake up in a void after your past fling rushes to your room and stabs you multiple times until I can't feel anything anymore, and I woke up here.

Knowing that she was the daughter of some police officer in a high position of power, my cause of death would probably be announced as suicide due to 28 stab wounds.

I may or may not have lied to her about being the only one, but I just couldn't let the chance to fuck the daughter of a policeman go. In actuality, I wanted to sleep with the daughter of a sheriff, but close enough.

In my defense, I didn't know that she was crazy until I was balls-deep in her, and after realizing that, I dipped as fast as I could. I know better than to stick a dick in crazy with my personality and stick around long enough to see the aftermath of my bad life choices. 

Unfortunately, I underestimated her craziness. I wasn't expecting her to find me, but maybe I should have expected it from Miss Let me check your phone so I can install an app that will tell me where you are at all times. Of course, I refused, but she must have done something to find me.

Eh... whatever. I'm dead now, and thinking how a crazy bitch found me won't do much good. Although I would like to pound her one more time before I died. She may be crazy, but the sex was amazing. It was almost worth dying for it.

[...User found... Connecting to the Soul... Connection established...]

Oh great, now I'm even hearing voices. At least I won't be feeling lonely in this void. 

Hello? Miss Voice in my head? Want to talk? Usually, I would buy a drink for a lady with a lovely voice like yours, but I don't have money or body to offer anything.

[Netori System... Online... User #027 has been selected. Would you like to hear a basic explanation about the system and its objectives?]

Sure, why not. It's not like I have anything better to do. Dying makes you have a lot of free time.

[Understood... The Netori System allows its User to travel through the multiverse. The System will notify the User of potential targets and cucking targets but do not make a mistake that the System forces the User to do anything. The User can choose to live in every world as long as he wishes to and travel to another world whenever he wants. After leaving the world, the User gets rewards depending on his performance. I insist on repeating that while the User is not forced to do anything, he is greatly encouraged to do so.

As the name implies, the Netori System encourages its User to steal girls from their lovers. It counts even when they aren't officially together as long as one of them or both hold feelings for the other one.]

I hope I'm not hallucinating because it would be a dream come true. Fucking girls for rewards? You can already sign me up. Add no consequences in case of failure, and I may as well start paying you... I don't need to pay you, right?

[Negative... The User doesn't need to recompense in any way. Do you wish to continue the explanation?]

Sure, why not. I'm still stuck in the void, after all.

[The way you steal, conquer, or/and corrupt is your own choice if you decide to do it. The system won't help in any way besides giving the user the <Observe> ability, which will allow the User to see basic information about the target. Otherwise, until you decide to change the world, the User won't receive assistance in any way.

Now that the explanation about the System function is finished, let's move to character creation.]

...You mean like in the games? I may not be the biggest gamer on the planet, but I know a thing or two.

[Precisely. As it is a Netori System, the User can choose one of the five prepared templates. Each of the choices comes with pros and cons, which can be later negated with the System's help.

Type - Ugly Bastard

Type - Gyaru-Oh 

Type - Tentacle monster

Type - Muscleman

Type - Shota

These are your choices.]

While showing all the choices, Miss Pretty Voice displayed silhouettes of all these body archetypes, which helped me greatly with my choice.

Ugly Bastard is out, and no amount of money will make me take this option. Besides enormous belly, there was slight baldness as well, and I don't plan on becoming either fat or bald. Nothing wrong with being bald, of course, but it's just not my thing.

Tentacle monster is out as well. I want to be a human, but I wouldn't say no to at least trying that body once. I don't want to stay tentacles for the rest of my life.

Shota and Muscleman are both respectable choices, but I turned them down as well. 

The former because I don't want to look up to everyone. I love looking down on people. Especially girls that are giving me a blowjob as they look up to stare me in the eyes. God, I love being in control. Although it could be fun to act innocent when grabbing hot Milfs asses or boobs.

The latter was for much more materialistic reasons. This body was bald, and I already mentioned how mine and baldness relationship. It is also too muscular for my taste.

That leaves me with Gyaru-Oh. From what I remember, it is a style in Japan, but it usually refers to a type of delinquent. 

For the second time in my life... well, afterlife... I thanked myself for watching both anime and hentai. The first time was when I forced myself to watch them because of that one girl in high school who was into that, and I wanted to get in her pants. The fun part was that it worked, and she liked to recreate some scenes from hentai. She was one kinky bitch. Also, I must admit that some anime and hentai were entertaining, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

Miss beautiful voice, I choose Type - Gyaru-Oh.

[Confirmed... The User chose Type - Gyaru-Oh... Looking for a world... World found... Good luck User #027.]


I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. Knowledge about "my life" came all at once, making my head hurt a little, but it disappeared as quickly as it came.

My name is Kirishima Daiki, or should I say Daiki Kirishima when I introduce myself since I'm Japanese. Kirishima is my first name, and Daiki is my last name. I also know Japanese. Neat.

I go to Asahiyama High School, but everyone calls it Asashi High School for short. It's in Tokai in Aichi Prefecture. 

My parents work abroad. Good. I wouldn't like to explain why I bring girls home or when I plan on staying somewhere else for a night. I also get some pocket money every month, which is also nice.

I need to go to school in about an hour, so I have time to check myself out. I need to know what I'm working with.

The first thing I checked was my trusty helper in everything sex-related, and I was positively surprised. It was flat at the moment, but it should be about 10 inches (about 25,5 cm) when erect. It's bigger than I had before, but I'm not complaining. Its grith is also not something to scoff about. All in all, I have a monster in my pants.

After entering the bathroom, I lost all my clothes. My body was nice, if I can say so myself. It's well-built but not overly muscular, just the way I like it. I also had pierced ears, but I'll probably wear earrings on one ear at a time. My hair was bleached, and my skin was tan.

Not bad... Not bad at all. I'm pretty handsome and give off bad-boy energy. By any means, I'm not a good person at all. I am a diagnosed psychopath, for God's sake. All I'm saying is that some girls will be much easier to drag to bed.

Speaking of which, I'll need to try kidnapping someone and try to train them. I never did this before only because I didn't want to get caught, but with the system, all I'm risking is leaving this world I don't have any connection to. I'll probably do it later or in another world entirely when I get these shying rewards or when I get too bored here. Whatever comes first.

First things first, I need to see the girls and identify the targets.


Well... that was easy. Five potential targets, and all of them are in my year. There is also a guy that has a tag called [Main Cucking Target], meaning that all the target girls are or will be interested in him. Sorry, man, but you won't be getting the girls as long as I'm around. 

Who am I kidding? I won't feel bad. I may even send him some photos when I'm done with the girls.

Speaking of which, I used [Observe] on everyone I came across, but I'll focus on my targets.

[Name - Fuutarou Uesugi

Age - 17

Occupation - Student, Part-time tutor

Notable traits - Prefers solitude, is direct with words, has a big ego and high confidence, hardworking, can sleep with eyes open, great at studying, bad at human relations, low physical endurance/stamina

Recent Thoughts - Worries that the quintuplets won't pass the midterm exam

Thoughts on you - Doesn't care as long as you don't interrupt his studying]

[Name - Ichika Nakano

Age - 17

Occupation - Student, Actress

Notable traits - Oldest of the quintuplets, great acting skills, great at "seeing through people"

Recent Thoughts - Thankful to Fuutarou-kun for getting her closer to her sisters. Thinks Fuutarou-kun is cute when flustered

Thoughts on you - Doesn't know you enough to form an opinion]

[Name - Nino Nakano

Age - 17

Occupation - Student

Notable traits - Social butterfly, has a sharp tongue, great cook, poor eyesight, likes blondes with wild air around them

Recent Thoughts - Annoyed at Fuutarou Uesugi for "invading" her home

Thoughts on you - You are her type, but she is too busy with her annoying tutor and sisters]

[Name - Miku Nakano

Age - 17

Occupation - Student

Notable traits - shy, competitive, has an obsession with generals from the Sengoku Period, low physical abilities, poor cook

Recent Thoughts - Wants to study because of Fuutarou. Has a small crush on her tutor

Thoughts on you - Doesn't care about you in the slightest. Doesn't even know your name]

[Name - Yotsuba Nakano

Age - 17

Occupation - Student

Notable traits - Can't say no to people who need help, has an inferiority complex towards her sisters, great physical abilities, great eyesight, still uses patties from her elementary school days, can be a good liar if she wants to

Recent Thoughts - Is excited to spend time with Uesugi-san after meeting him again after 5 years

Thoughts on you - Is impressed by your pshysiqe]

[Name - Itsuki Nakano

Age - 17

Occupation - Student, Food Critic

Notable traits - Serious and earnest, bears grudges, has a huge appetite, has a great sense of detail, has a poor sense of direction, poor eyesight, unlike her sisters, she was born after the date changed, believes in fate and charms

Recent Thoughts - Wants to prove that she can pass the exams by herself but at the same time wants to help Uesugi-kun because she thinks his sister is cute

Thoughts on you - Despise that you don't take studying seriously from what she saw]

There is some helpful information there. The best parts are, of course, traits, recent thoughts, and thoughts on me. While age and occupation could be used to my advantage, they are not anything I couldn't learn myself.

Now, seeing all the information, I started formulating a plan, and I grinned.


(A/N For anyone curious, the MC looks like the guy from 295703.)


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