Chapter 2: Being Thrown into the Wild Practical Magic Class Part 1
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"Please welcome the representative of the Adventurers Academy First-years, the young Witch of Legend, Emily Clark!" Announced Headmistress Susan. 

"Thank you, Headmistress. It is an honor and a privilege to stand before you all today as the representative for the new students joining this wonderful and illustrious academy. I believe I speak for all my fellow classmates when I say that it is an honor to learn not just from the professors and faculty, but also from the students who came before us. Here's to a great and magic-filled year." Emily stated with a voice filled with pride and gratitude. 

"That was well said. I'm impressed." said Headmistress Susan. 

"She was amazing." stated an excited upperclassman. 

"Such a brave speaker." 

"She's so beautiful." said an unknown female voice of a first-year. 

"I want to see her magic." stated one of the Professors. 

"Quiet!" Yelled out the the Headmistress 

"..." No one dared to say a word. 

Headmistress Susan addressed the first-year students after the opening ceremony. "Now that the ceremony is over, it's time for practical magic and survival training. You will be sent out into the wild for a month, with a few professors stationed in the areas you will be sent to. However, they will not interfere unless there is a life-threatening emergency." 

One of the students sighed audibly. "Aww, are you serious?" 

"I am quite serious," Headmistress Susan replied sternly. "You are all training to be adventuring witches and wizards, and you will need to gain immediate experience in order to do so. To ensure fairness, Emily will be paired with the other top two students - her assistant May Bledsoe and the third-ranked student, Sasha Long. They will be sent to a harder area than the rest of the class, with Professor Clark as their guide. However, Professor Clark will not be the one to do the grading." 

Emily, May, and Sasha nodded in understanding. 

"Good. All the necessary supplies have been gathered, so listen for the professors to call your names and head to them. Dismissed." 

As the students began to disperse, Emily turned to her companions. "I'm sorry you got dragged into going to a harder area because of me." 

"Don't be sorry, Emily," May said with a smile. "I'd go anywhere with you." 

Sasha laughed. "What a romantic thing to say. And please, call me Sasha." 

Emily blushed. "I'll try to remember that, Sasha." 

As they were about to leave, Professor Clark approached them. "Are you girls ready for your first assignment and class?" 

"Yes, Ma'am," they replied in unison. 

"Emily, here are the longitude and latitude of our destination. Can you teleport us there?" 

"Yes, Mo... I mean, yes, Professor," Emily corrected herself. 

"Wait, Professor Clark, are you saying Emily can use mass teleportation?" Sasha asked. 

"Well, to be honest, I don't fully understand it myself. It's more like space magic that connects places, and I wouldn't call it mass teleportation. Emily, how many people can you teleport at the moment?" Professor Clark asked. 

"I can create a space that fits and teleport up to five people. I can use all forms of magic, and space magic comes from the dark affinity, like how time magic comes from the divine affinity. So, I can combine the two, and it will feel as though no time has passed when we arrive. As such..." Emily explained. 

"Oh, space, that which we dwell in, oh time, that which we pass in, come together so that we can reach our destination that much quicker, Teleportation," Emily chanted. 

"Where... where are we? We are by a beautiful forest and greenery?" Sasha asked. 

"Dear, are you okay?" May asked Emily. 

"Ha, huh, huh, I didn't expect it to take that much mana... May, I need you to give me some of yours," Emily said. 

"Professor Clark, Emily needs mana. Can you take Sasha somewhere else for a moment?" May requested. 

"Yes... Yes, very well. I shouldn't have asked. I shouldn't have... Sasha, please come with me for a moment," Professor Clark replied. 

"Is Emily going to be okay?" Sasha asked. 

"Yes, she will be fine. This has happened before, and it is not as bad this time. Just come with me," Professor Clark reassured her. 

"Okay, they are gone. Take a slow breath first, dear," May advised Emily. 

Emily followed May's instructions, rose up, grabbed her hand, and pulled her close. 

"Thank you, I love you. I will be taking some of your mana now..." Emily said. 

"You can have all the mana you need as long as we can stay together forever, dear," May replied. 

After exchanging their love-filled words, Emily bit May's neck, and May bit hers to exchange some of their life essence. It was a mutual contract to keep them together forever. Once the act was over, Emily gave May a deep and sensual kiss, and she reciprocated. Soon, Emily's mother and Sasha returned. 

"Are you okay now, sweetheart?" Mother Klare asked Emily. 

"I'm okay, I promise, my dear mother. You're not in Professor mode right now, you know. Hahaha," Emily replied. 

"I was too worried. I know I asked you to do this, but please don't use the teleportation magic again until your mana pool becomes larger, okay? Please promise me," Mother Klare requested. 

"I promise," Emily assured her. 

"Are you okay, May?" Mother Klare asked. 

"Ehehe, I'm perfectly fine, Mother Klare," May replied. 

"Whew, I'm glad you are okay, Emily, and I guess you too, May. Though I'm confused and would like to know more. For now, where are we?" Sasha asked. 

"Welcome to the Ancient Forest, otherwise known as the Lion's Den. For the top-ranking first years, this place is where you three will be doing your practical magic and survival training. You will be expected to hunt as a team, cook as a team, clean as a team, and survive as a team. I will be here to teach you different spells to use, but that is it. I will be using a magic recording device, so you all will be graded later on, by the end of the month, you all will be expected to have exterminated at least a hundred beasts as a team and increased your mana pools by 10 times. I know it is a high bar, but it can be done in this environment. Good luck to you three. Dismissed."