Part 15
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Legal Notice: Non-explicit lesbian sex. So no matter what anyone says, all the characters in this story are at least the age of majority in [YOUR HOME COUNTRY]. Including your character. And the foxes. Don't forget about them.

Have you hugged a Tamamo today? Because someone's about to.

Additional Note: No audiobook is recorded for this chapter. Let me know in the comments if you'd like me and Sophie to make one.




This is not a dream. This is a memory in the making.

Two lifetimes' worth of sexuality couldn't prepare you for this.

Well, okay. More like two half-lifetimes, and the second one didn't count.

Because, let's face it. You were a virgin in your most recent life. The one where your birth certificate read [KAMIKO'S AND YOUR DEADNAME], and your first memory was of telling "him" that "his" parents were full of shit.

You didn't remember who you actually were, at the time. You just knew you were there, in her body, and her parents were full of shit. Someone needed to tell her that, you thought, before she fucking killed herself trying to live up to their expectations.

After she fucking killed herself, you had a lot of time on your hands. And you put those hands to good use! With TG porn, and TSF manga, and your shrine to Tamamo-no-Mae. Which started out as a waifu thing, with figures and artwork and stuff, but started becoming more serious when you realized that you and she wanted the same thing all along.

And you remember the price that she ... that you paid for it, in your life as her.

You remember it much more vividly than you would like.

You remember how much work it was to be sexy. Clothes, makeup, mannerisms. Tying and being tied up in straw rope. None of it came to you naturally. You were just a quick learner, because you had to be.

You remember giving men what they wanted. All of it.

And the really crappy thing about it? You don't remember a single time that it turned you on. At no time, in your entire first life as Tamamo-no-Mae, did you have sex with someone for pleasure.

TG comics and TSF manga lied to you, you think. They told you that women are innately sexual, in a way that guys just aren't. That becoming a woman means getting hot and horny and slutty. And maybe you resist it at first but pretty soon your boobs get big, and your speech bubbles turn pink, and in the really explicit stuff a guy fucks you with his magic cock.

That tames you. It shows you what "female pleasure" is like. And once you know it, you can't get enough of it.

You are thinking about this right now. That exact phrase, "female pleasure," over and over again. Because you're laying on your back, in a bed in the nurse's office, propped up on your elbows behind you. And Minato-senpai's face is between your thighs.


How the hell is this happening to you?!

This is literally your first time being pleasured by somebody else. Having a sexual partner who wants nothing more than to make you feel good.

And that phrase, "female pleasure?" It occurs to you how inappropriate it is, to use that for "being fucked by a guy's magic cock." Because the most female pleasure you can think of is being a girl and enjoying a girl, who is deep in the act of enjoying you.

It's just



You are a lesbian. A girl who likes other girls, like Minato-senpai. Who's smart and mature and fascinating, and just so incredibly hot.

You can't believe you get to touch her.

You can't believe what she's doing to you.

You can't believe any of this is happening.

You're trying, so hard, to make this all make sense. To construe it as brainwashing, as a punishment, as a thing that you have to resist. But when you pulled away, she didn't force herself on you. She made you ask for it. Admit that you wanted what she offered you, on top of the snuggles and kisses.

She didn't even call you a pervert.

So what are you, then? The historical Tamamo-no-Mae? Her vengeful ghost? A transgender Japanese girl?

A delusional male who takes anime porn way too seriously?

You look at your reflection, in the school notebook you've been clutching in your sweaty hand. In its blank screen you see a young anime foxgirl in the top half of a school uniform, with glossy black hair and wide, frightened eyes.

Is it really okay to be her, you ask? To be here, right now, doing this?

You can't say. There is literally nothing you can tell yourself, to convince yourself that you aren't a monster who deserves to burn in hell. For one reason or another.

But the feelings that Minato's giving you just plateaued

and you're breathing hard, making deep, lusty noises as she does this to you

and it's making it very hard to think about anything else.

Maybe that's the whole point of this place, you decide. Not to erase your past or your memories, but to give you new ones. To give you so much reassurance that you give up on contextualizing it, on making it fit into your messed-up life story, and just accept that you -- yes, you -- deserve to love and be loved.

Including sexually.

You try to hold back and savour it, as it fills every part of your consciousness. But you can't help but show Minato-senpai just how much you love her, and her body, and yours. And even yourself, in spite of it all.

And as you shudder and gasp for breath afterwards, Riko-chan wakes back up.

You hear a familiar giggling, and feel a familiar dampness, as you wake up.

You were sleeping with your head on your school desk, using your arm as a pillow. When you open your eyes groggily, you see a blur of movement as Ha-chan stands back up. She was apparently leaning over you.

She's blushing.

"You're, uh, really sensitive, aren't you?" She grins sheepishly. "I just whispered 'time to wake up,' and you-"

"That was my sister." Again, you think.

Oh my goddess I'm so sorry


You explain to Ha-chan as best you can. "Tamamo-née and I were always very close, when we shared a body. So close that I didn't even notice her there in Kamiko-née's body with me, or realize what it meant that I could hear her thoughts in my head and think back to her. I was so used to it that it was normal for me."

"Ohh ... this is a multiple systems thing, huh?"

You nod. "Median system. But yes."

"So it's not that you're super sensitive, but that she's having a lot of fun over there?"

It could be both!

"It could be both." You blush.

Ha-chan glances up at the door to the classroom, as though making sure no one's around. "Can she hear if I ask who it's with?" she asks.

"Minato-senpai," you say, before remembering that you and Tamamo-née are technically separate people now and she might not have wanted that to get around.


Ha-chan suddenly covers her mouth with both hands, as she doubles over laughing.


Like try to get Ha-chan to kill herself? you retort.


Too soon? you ask.

You hear her make murderous fox noises in response, only to be cut off by what sounds like a passionate kiss.

Ha-chan finally catches her breath, holding herself up on the edge of your desk. "Hah ... I guess that explains why Minato-senpai wasn't answering her phone!"

You nod. "Her tongue was otherwise occupied."

Ha-chan turns around and covers her mouth again, for a giggle fit. "I don't know why, but it sounds so funny when you say things like that, Ai-chan!" She turns back to face you and smiles at you, blushing.

"I have noticed that people often laugh when I point out the obvious."

"Like where you want to put your tongue right now?"

"I- what?"

She gives you another quick kiss, on the lips. Just enough to taste her.

You're blushing hard again when she pulls back.

"If Minato-senpai's over there tonight, we've got the classroom where we hold club meetings to ourselves ... " Ha-chan looks away blushing, as she says this, and presses the tips of her fingers together nervously.

The air between you is suddenly charged with sexual possibility.

You, and Ha-chan.

You have a girl all to yourself, now. What are you going to do with her?

You could make out behind the desks.

You could find a closet to hide in, and explore each other with your hands, in the dark.

Or you could connect your new Nintendo Switch to the school's wi-fi and play Warframe with her.

"Let's play Warframe," you tell her.

"For the Lotus!" She pumps her fist in the air, grinning awkwardly.

She sounds as relieved as you feel.




Original Author's Note from 2020:

I'm pretty sure my girlfriend gets hotter and sluttier the more I force-femme* her. So maybe those TG webcomics didn't lie about everyone.

* Consensually. This is very much her kink.