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One year later...

 The sound of blessing bells and confetti fell.

"Cain, congratulations!"

 Sister Eris, in her dress, congratulated us.

 Today is the wedding of me and Servia.

 Many guests have come not only from the kingdom but also from the empire.

 Selvia looked radiantly beautiful in her wedding dress.

 I've been excited ever since I saw her in the waiting room.

"......The day I've been dreaming of for so long has finally arrived. Brother Cain, I have never been happier than today."

 Selvia tells me with tears of joy in the corners of her eyes.

 The flower bouquet she holds in her hand is a bouquet of hazel flowers, which means [eternal love].

It's the same for me. It's really not a dream, is it? It's a ......!"

 Thinking back, I don't know how many times I have dreamed of this day over and over again since my previous life.

 I have been in love with the game heroine Selvia, and in my three-mat room, I have cried out in the middle of the night, "Selvia!"

"...... brother, you're gross, die!"

 I remember as if it were only yesterday when my sister, who lives with me, gave me a cold look and fainted.

 Still, I played the game over and over again, hoping for a happy ending with Servia.

 What's wrong with falling in love with a beautiful 2-dimensional girl?

 Selvia was my one and only healing and driving force for life after a hard day's work.

"I have been longing for the day when I could marry Selvia for a long, long time!"

"Yes, Brother Cain, I'm so happy!"

 Holding hands, I could feel the heat and heartbeat of the living Servia.

 I can't thank God enough that she's so compatible with me ...... when I'm so moved by the mere fact that she exists in reality.

 I prayed a grateful thanksgiving prayer to God and the game production company today.


'Guuuuuh ...... in the end, Cain didn't even look at me.

'Nah, all right, Angela. We elves have a long life span. I'm sure you'll find a nice man."

"Mother, there will never be a better man than Cain for hundreds of years to come."

 For some reason, Angela was sobbing in the corner of the room and Celine was comforting her.

 In the waiting room, guests came one after another to congratulate us, and Angela and Celine also congratulated us. ...... What?

 I had been requested by Emperor Sigurd to accept Angela as my wife, but I refused, saying that I was devoted to Servia.

 I think Angela was lucky not to be used as a tool in such a political marriage.

 If that is the case, those tears must have been tears of joy in celebration of us finally tying the knot. I am so embarrassed.

"Angela, you've been helping me out for a long time too. I think it is thanks to Angela that we have reached this day. I hope we can continue to be friends in the future."

"......Ko, I'll always be your friend! Aggghhhh! I'll never stop being your friend. I'm going to continue to be a part of the Marquise Schwartz family for a long time to come!"

 Angela exclaimed in some desperation.

 ......, huh?

'Master Cain! I asked father to make a law that nobles above the rank of marquis are allowed to marry polygamously! Why can't you marry me!"

 Princess Lydia ran up to me and said a ton of things.

 To be honest, I am troubled by the passionate approach she makes to me every time we see each other.

 So I had decided to refuse the proposal flatly and without ostentation.

"Of course, that's because I love Servia most of all. I would never betray Servia.""

"Thank you, Brother Cain!"


 Princess Lydia stepped back with a tantrum.

I will never give up. In the name of the Albion royal family!"

"No, I'm getting married now, so give it up!"

 Later, I will approach the Prime Minister and ask him to erase the law that allows polygamy. It will only cause harm.

"Master Cain! Congratulations! What's that?"

 Sophie came running to congratulate us.

 She falls down in the middle of nowhere and head-slides, but jumps up and down in high spirits.
'Actually, Abel sent me a letter ! He was thanked me for saving a village from being attacked by a demon tribe the other day. It's not bad to be thanked by others."

"Heh. Abel is becoming a true hero, isn't he?"

"I can't believethat from the man he used to be. Broher Cain."



 A Abel, who became my slave, set out on a journey to fight the demon tribe as a brave man.

 Although there are still many people who hate Abel the brave, there are more and more people who appreciate his actions in helping people wherever he goes.


It also says, "If I successfully defeat all four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Tribe, I want you to fulfill my wish. What is Abel's wish?"

"That's ......."

 Abel had requested to marry Sophie.

 Although Abel was a villain, he seemed to have a change of heart when Sophie did not abandon him to the end.

" He said, "Sophie is the only truly good woman in the world."

 Abel, the irrepressible womanizer, was no longer bothering with other girls.

 Perhaps human beings can change if there is a big breakthrough.

If Abel fulfills his mission, I would like to fulfill his wish. As long as Sophie is okay with it.

'Huh. ......?'

 Sophie didn't seem to know what I was talking about.

"I'm really happy though! Abel was reformed because Master Cain heard my wish! Meeting Master Cain is the greatest blessing of my life! I even thought for a moment that I really wanted to be Master Cain's lover. ...... Oh, no, no, no, it's nothing! I'm looking forward to your continued guidance and support!"

 Sophie bowed her head.

 For a moment, I thought I heard something disturbing and unjustified,.......

"Brother Cain, it is time to go."

 Selvia took my hand and urged me on.

 We will now walk down the aisle and pledge our eternal love to each other.

"Today is the first time I'm going to be kissed by Brother Cain, right?"

"Yes,......, I guess so."

 That was the climax of the ceremony.

 Just thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat.

 I have been so embarrassed that I have been running away from kissing her for some reason or another.

 I have never kissed a girl since my previous life.

 And when the other party is Selvia, it's impossible not to be nervous.


"I will love only my brother Cain forever and ever.""

 Selvia's beaming smile was very cute.

 I've always wanted to see the smile of a happy Servia.

 I will protect this smile from now on.

"I swear I will make Selvia happy, too."


 No matter what happens in the future, I will never release our joined hands, and I will walk with Servia.

 That is what I vowed.

 Now, let's enjoy the world after the True Ending!

T. n It's finale charapter , guys ! Thanks for reading till the very end of that series . Check out soeme of my other series as weell . and if you have time rate this series on novel updatehttps://www.novelupdates.com/series/i-was-reincarnated-as-a-villainous-aristocrat-who-is-stepping-stones-for-a-hero-and-while-i-was-trying-to-make-my-favorite-heroine-happy-before-i-knew-it-i-was-stealing-the-heros-events-an/