Chapter 41 – Bonding with the Transfer students
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"Hgn...Finally, I'm done with the paperwork." Stretching my arms after a day's work, I was done writing the paperwork and lesson plans Mr. Hans left for me. Which is totally pointless when the students don't pay attention to class at all.

Yet, I was used to their chaotic nature. Thinking that despite this being an actual school, this is more a 'prison' to them or a playground where some beings drop their kids and go on a honeymoon trip to who knows where.

I'm usually lazy and didn't want to work, but after losing my sense of shelter and the comfort of entertainment, I had been working not only as a substitute but also doing part-time jobs all around the school.

Considering all the students are trapped inside in like some sort of pocket dimension, there would be problems such as supplies, maintenance work, and other stuff that would cause problems even with an all-powerful entity like Tony.

This is why I volunteered myself to work part-time jobs all around the school and even on 'Errand' trips such as kidnap-recruiting students or odd jobs Tony sent me because if I wanted to live in this school, I needed money to buy an apartment and get myself a gaming PC such that I can fully embrace my 'Lazy' Life.

Don't get me wrong, I do want to do my best to guide students the best I can. But I am lazy, and it's my nature to work hard so I can procrastinate harder in the future.

For now, leaving my goal aside, I was currently thinking about my failure in my attempt to bond with the students as I found out the problem with my last attempt.

I was so insightful that my plan would actually work on a 'Normal' student that I actually forgot that 'Normality' in this school is so twisted that I never consider how 'Normal' is in this crazy school.

We have Drug dealers, Thieves, Perverts, and even Outer Gods playing students, and I expected them to behave to my human 'Normal' standard.

I also didn't even consider myself thinking that my 'Normality' was okay until I realized that I had begun to adapt myself to this crazy school.

By the time I realized it, it was already too late, and the damage was done.

Thankfully, I managed to fix my mistakes, but I consider that my plan would still work, just that I should try my idea on the transfer students instead and do it inside the school this time.

"Tomorrow, let's interact with one of the Transfer Students." I pumped myself up with motivation as I wanted to do my best and make Mr. Hans proud of me.


Student #56: Chiyuki Hoshino

"Hmm...You want to make friends right?"


"But you have a problem speaking to your classmates because you can't communicate well, right?"

"*Slow Nods*"

"Well, I'm also like you so I can relate. It's hard to socialize with people, especially when you want to make friends."


"Me? Nah, unlike you, you won't have trouble making friends since you're cute, and even if you do not show much expression, people will someday like you for who you are."

"*Tilts head*"

The first to chat with the transfer students was Student Chiyuki Hoshino. She was a student who was cold and silent since she usually stared at her notes or other students, but once you interact with her, she's actually just a shy person who has trouble communicating but was helpful if you needed her.

When I was dropping off some books at the library, I saw her staring at me, asking for help(on the outside, she was glaring at me).

So, I decided to ask for her help since I wanted to talk to her, which then reached into this situation right now as we both walked in the hallways with books in our hands.

I didn't have any trouble carrying this much load, but Chiyuki seemed to struggle to lift the books as I didn't help her share the burden.

It isn't because I didn't want to help; I was more into trying to make herself feel useful since she seemed to want to help others, which I considered her feelings and let her do what she wanted.

I even secretly lessened her burdens by taking some books off her and putting them into my pile without her knowing as we finally reached the library without any problems.

We did encounter some troublesome students, such as Luoir or Azure, but I secretly cut the space such that we simply passed by one another while heading to the library as Chiyuki found out that I was lessening her burdens.


"Haha...I'm sorry, but it is kinda rude for a guy to let a girl carry such a burden. Plus, you don't need to go out of your way to help just so you can be friends with them. Sometimes, you just need that one special person to reach out to you."


"Consider that this school hosts....' Special' people; you might end up meeting that one 'Special' friend in the end."



"Well, I just hope you do well here..." In the end, I felt that I was too aggressive in my approach and ended up making her distant from me. Unable to reach a certain bond with her.

I couldn't let her see that I was trying too hard to be closer to her, and I ended up embarrassing myself. Walking away without her seeing how downhearted I was, seeing that I couldn't connect with another student.

"" While it was a low mutter, I could still hear it as I only waved my hand to her while walking away, afraid that she could hear me cry from being too embarrassed after feeling proud for a moment.

'Maybe she was just pitying me. I should feel complacent for a moment.' Thinking to myself as I look for another student to try and talk to.


Student #(Ventilation???): Theirl

"......Not interested."

"...*Sigh* I see..." I scratched my head without being disappointed as I knew that Student Theirl wasn't much of a talker and only stared inside of the vents without bothering others, just being an occasional creep(due to just stalking others in the vents).

Though, I couldn't comment on him since I was also like this as a kid while growing up.

Having a thin presence gave me so many 'Weird' activities as a kid. Having a small hobby of observing people's lives(public or private), it ended up that I collected quite a 'Topic' material, which people often scorn me for collecting blackmail when I wanted to use it to converse with others.

So, I couldn't judge Theirl for being a creep as I was also a creep myself, and I couldn't refute if he were to take a jab at me.

Instead, I decided to lean on the wall while being beside him in the vents, peeping on students and their activities.

We watched as Kureous and Rhaps were making another deal with their drug business, Seeing Georgelee by The Eldrich God or saw Matcha who was practicing some Villain lines while Theirl was holding his laughter as I was imitating some character Matcha was bullying(he couldn't see me because my presence was too thin).

I was even shocked when Thierl guided me to a room to see Corty, who ended up being some buffed man wearing a schoolgirl's outfit after letting me wear some special glasses that revealed her(or his) true identity. Changing my worldview entirely.

"Hey, Sub. I'm sorry that I was rude to you earlier, but you're a pretty fun guy to hang out with." After some time passed (which I don't know since time can go *Censored* itself), Theirl enjoyed hanging out with me despite not wanting to get close earlier. But maybe he just felt like he might get annoyed with me hanging out with him, which ended up having a blast with me doing crazy stuff with him around the school despite us just peeping at people. Sharing commentary with one another and making fun of other students from time to time.

"Then, what about your review of me about my teaching cap-"

"Sorry Sub. I gotta go. Someone's trying to cause an apocalyptic event again, I need to watch it." He ended up leaving me alone before I could ask about how good I was as a teacher.

In the end, maybe I was more of a fun person and not a teacher, which I might have misunderstood, and I could only feel depressed after hearing his comments about my teaching capabilities.

"Third time the charm then!" While my second attempt was a failure, I didn't feel bad since I was used to failures. I need to continue being motivated, as I will try again next time.


Student #54: Darkness



It was awkward.

Me and Darkness didn't speak but instead, we just roam in the hallways of the school. She was leaning on me because she was too tired to walk and ended up piggybacking on me while I carried her around.

While I felt uncomfortable having to carry her on my back, I held it in since she didn't seem to like moving around, and it was my fault since I wanted to converse with her. Even with her body leaning on my back, it was somehow.....No! I am a teacher, for Christ's sake!

"Well, have you been enjoying the school much?" I tried to mend the awkward atmosphere between us by starting a conversation with her.


"This school might be chaotic, but it should be fun once you get the hang of it."


"....So uh.....great weather right now....hahaha...."


'Oh god. This is much worse than being in a center of attention right about now.' I was currently suffering a mental attack just by being in this awkward situation, as it was different than Chiyuki's case. At least while she's silent, she can still communicate since I can understand her. Darkness feels like a living doll that doesn't communicate at all. Instead, she just leans on my back and does nothing while trying to talk to her.

I can't even make a decent conversation with her as she only takes a nap and somehow is comfortable sleeping behind me.

"I....forget it. Maybe I should just move on with another student." I simply gave up trying to communicate with Darkness, not noticing how happy she was sleeping on my back.


Student #54: MidnightFox

"Ow. Ow..." I hissed in pain while MidnightFox applied cotton with alcohol on my wound as she didn't seem to care about the pain I was going through and simply continue presses the cotton on my injuries.

"Quite Unfortunate that the Doctor had left to work on healing the students, leaving me, who isn't as capable as her, to help you instead." Midnight showed a disappointed look as she continued applying the medicine to where the injury hurt the most, yet I held on to the pain while smiling pathetically as I stared at the other bed where Darkness was sleeping.

"At least I made sure that she didn't get hurt after Student Sleds managed to start a fire inside the classroom." However, the explosion was what I didn't expect after the fire was near SimpleRussianBoi's Vodka pile, causing a chain reaction in which I didn't have time to cut the explosion off and instead only blocked Darkness from being caught in the blast.

Ran-Ron was currently treating the students while Mac was cleaning the mess. I was left with MidnightFox since, despite the injuries I had, I was still conscious enough to walk to the infirmary to get myself healed.

So, this timing was a perfect opportunity for me to talk to her, trying my best to show how a teacher would do.

"Quite selfless and stupid if you ask me. You don't need to do this kind of thing since we don't technically die in this school." She told me the facts. Saying that my sacrificial moment was pointless when dying is non-existent, and my noble sacrifice is just plain stupid.

"True...." I lowered myself in shame since I didn't have any comebacks to her logical answer. Telling that it was pointless to be acting cool in this weird school. Where dying is basically just skipping a day.

"To be honest. I just felt like doing the best I could in this crazy school. Even if it's just protecting students."

"Heeh~ Even that knife-wielding girl Azure? Or that Pervert Luoir?"

".....Even my cute student, Midnight Fox." I didn't hesitate to call her out as well. Not seeing her surprise look as I continue my words.

"I believe that every student in class should be worth guiding as that is the role of a teacher. As a substitute, I'm not as great as Mr. Hans in teaching you since I'm new to this role. Hell, I might not even be the best at it."

"Though...." I look at her with a smile, leaning my face towards her as I stare at her without taking my gaze off her.

"I want you guys to believe that I'm worth teaching." saying that, I distanced myself from her as I showed a wide, goofy smile.

"Believe it!"

.....I was then kicked out.

"Hah! No way you're gonna be able to teach us when you can't even stop stuttering while teaching. You can't even make a single student look at you, how can you make us worth listening to teach. Give up." I didn't even manage to say to her before closing the door on me. This made me stunned after bandaging me and leaving my clothes on my head as I could only sigh and dress up while walking, lowering my head in disappointment.

"A-am I really that bad?"


"Hey Midnight, why are you blushing?" Monotone Puppet was looking at her with an emotionless look as MidnightFox just shook her head in embarrassment.

"Tsk. Just some dumb Sub who will can't see his own failures." She didn't want to talk with him anymore, and she felt like looking at his face would only annoy her.



Student #53: Quagma

"Teacher.Fun.Joyful." 'They' spoke different voices syncing with each other, yet they could express clearly to me as I tried my best to understand them.

"" It was hard. Reaching this point was an Alien-like creature, which was like a cute version of an Outer god with the appearance of a cartoonish octopus, talking with so many voices as I tried to understand 'Them.'

I found them hovering around the hallways, looking for something they could entertain themselves in, finding me looking for them; we both began to chat as I noticed that we were being followed.

Chiyuki was leaning behind in a corner, Theirl was peeping in the vents, and Darkness was being carried by Midnight Fox, who had Monotone Puppet by her side.

Seeing them staring at me while trying to converse with Quagma, my anxiety began to flare up as my voice began to stutter. It seems that having people stare at you started to get on my nerves.

Despite slowly getting used to facing the crowd, it was still a nervous feeling I still couldn't get used to. Knowing that messing up would surely haunt me, I managed to chat well with Quagma, which was like my luck turning around for a once-in-a-moment thing.

"Substitute.Nice.Happy." They hover up and down while I scratch my head in embarrassment as they lean close to me.....

And I died.

Well, turns out that quantum creatures tend to express their feelings of happiness by leaning close to other beings, not that I realize that by trying to touch them...

I ended up with my atoms being separated into quantum levels.

In simple terms, I just vaporized into thin air due to touching Quagma.

I didn't even know if I even managed to impress them or not. Yet, I didn't get to ask them due to being late for another part-time work.

'Pretty much count that as a failure, then.' I sighed again. Leaving me not to grieve as I managed to arrive just in time for work and would ask them when I had the time.

After interacting with the transfer students, I felt that despite being somewhat awkward stance when they arrived at the school, I feel that they would soon get used to the chaos that Scribblehub High eventually, and as a Teacher(Substitute), I would be there to help them get used to it.

"Good news is that Mac just told me that my room in the Dorm was finally done, and I could now move in." While I was unsuccessful in being close to the students once more, I finally managed to now own a place for myself as I was finally happy with something good happening in my life...

......I was then misunderstood as I walked by the dorms, only to be mistakenly framed for kidnapping the Loli Corty out of nowhere, and the students used my room as a storage area to hide their drugs, causing me to sleep in prison.

This chapter was written by ArcadiaBlade!