Chapter 61 – A Simple Fantasy
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This chapter can be considered standalone in a certain sense, but ideally, it is also part of the W SAGA and chronologically takes place after chapter 58.

It's me, your favorite villain!


Who, you ask?

Come on, don't joke around!

You know very well who I am.

I know you can't do without me and my chocolate, and you know it too.

Do you see this mischievous wink I'm giving you?


It's me, Lord Matcha!
The beautiful, charming, stupendous, ingenious, diabolical, irresistible, unparalleled chocolatier... The one and only Matcha!

It's been a while since you last had the pleasure of being entertained by my presence.

I must be honest, I don't remember much...
Lately, I've been experiencing memory lapses.
Sometimes I find myself in a place and can't remember how I got there...

Could it be because of this school? Sounds like a bad thing, right?

But actually, I can say that things are going well for me.
I am part of a powerful family, and I have been blessed by the fortunate stars that watch over me. The omnipotent and beautiful entities: Quagma.

Everything would be fine… if it weren't for that nightmare.
It shook me…

I was hurting Danny…
How could I hurt my wonderful sister?
I love her dearly.
What would I do without her?

"Lord Matcha, I hate to tell you what to do... but you should dig with more energy." Ssemouy's voice brings me back to reality.

I, the beautiful and charming Lord Matcha, forced to dirty my hands working in the fields. But it is for a good reason.
I must atone for this sense of guilt towards my splendid sister, Danny.

Danny is a goddess, and Ssemouy, my minion, is her only devotee.
I would say that now there are two of us in this belief.

This creates a bit of a paradox since Ssemouy is at the top of the hierarchy and I am the latest to join this cult, yet she is my subordinate. Do you see the conflict?

She seriously risked a nervous breakdown considering the conflict in this situation, but we have come to a compromise that as long as we perform our religious duties, we are on the same level.

What do you say? Me, compromising?
The stunning and charming Lord Matcha? Yes, indeed.
I too can hardly believe it and yet...

Yet Ssemouy, whom I initially did not consider at all, has begun to grow on me.

I could never openly confess this, but her faceless silhouette has started to take on more and more color in my eyes.

Spending a significant amount of time together, I have come to appreciate her comforting presence.

I know she is willing to indulge my follies, and this both fascinates and frightens me.

I don’t know how I manage to perceive her devilish smile and her expressive eyes even without seeing them. Her beau…ahem…face takes shape, filtered through my imagination.

At the mere thought, my three hearts beat.
A burning desire. An obsession…

I am Lord Matcha! I cannot stoop to desiring a subordinate!
I must aim higher! I must aim for unparalleled beauties like Nahrenne, Corty, or Pixy Toki... wait no, not Pixy, she is my "niece" and BOI, my Mama would not be pleased with that...

The confined environment of the school limits my potential conquests... and the risk of incest is always just around the corner.

By the way, aiming for a boundless harem, I have begun to make progress in that regard.
I can confidently say that I have conquered Quagma, and they alone would count as many presences in my harem.

[It's you who are part of Our Polycule, Cocoa companion. We are not part of your Harem. We belong to no one.] The presences that always watch over me remind me.

I wouldn't even dream of contradicting them considering the turn they have given to my life at school, however, returning to the point I was making… how to say…

I feel a certain annoyance when I see my Ssemouy with other villains, drawn to their wickedness. Especially, I cannot stand it when Lord Albus, the class duck, perches on her head and uses her as a taxi to move around.

Jealous? How dare you!
I, Lord Matcha, could never be jealous.

I simply detest others using what I consider mine.
You say that's jealousy? Absolutely not, it is merely asserting one's rights.

"Lord Matcha! The daikons won't harvest themselves! We need to prepare for the festival…"

I guess I have to dig…


Finally, it's lunchtime!
And after a day of hard work, we need to recharge with some tasty food.
We're in the kitchen of the luxurious mansion of the Eldritch Family where I now live.
Yes, now I live in a mansion. I told you things were going well for me…

You should know that in my long-term plan for world domination, discovering every flavor and delight is crucial, ultimately aiming to craft the perfect chocolate.

But to do this, I cannot focus solely on sweets and chocolate.
I am a master chocolatier, but what is a chocolatier if not a skilled chef?

Indeed, without any modesty and with a hint of pride, I can say that my cooking is delicious. Probably only Nahrenne is better than me in this field at the school.

Today, although I would like to endlessly indulge her in my magical chocolate, it is necessary that Ssemouy also has a balanced diet.

"But I already had my lunch ready! Snickers with mayonnaise," protests Ssemouy, opening her lunch box. From it, she pulls out a very common industrial chocolate snack.

Visually, a Snickers is nothing extraordinary.
It appears as a compact cylinder, wrapped in a film that flaunts the ‘iconic’ logo.
Its slightly irregular brown surface hides a mix of ingredients that might enchant the average palate of a mundane mind: bland hazelnuts, sticky caramel, and overly soft nougat, all covered in vulgar industrial milk chocolate that's too sweet.

It's offensive that my most loyal subordinate, instead of delighting in my chocolate creations, indulges herself in these soulless packaged products.

This bar does not reflect the richness and complexity of the high-quality chocolate I strive to create. It is a symbol of immediate, commercial pleasure, far from the culinary excellence that my chocolate art pursues.

But I might almost be willing to tolerate this insult if my minion had not also pulled out a jar of mayonnaise from the box.

I feel like my eyes are about to bleed.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear what you said. Moreover, I will forget what I saw for my mental health. Now, I will prepare you a nutritious lunch with the daikon we've harvested and the vegetables blessed by Ane-san," I reply, shaking my head to ward off the thought of such a culinary abomination.

"But it's really good, Lord Matcha! My mind processes the flavors of chocolate and mayonnaise separat—”

"Enough with the nonsense! And pass me that bag of potatoes!" I interrupt her, asserting my authority.

"Will there be potatoes? I love potatoes, Lord Matcha! They are the pride of my country of origin!" she suddenly becomes enthusiastic, her faceless face lighting up at the mere mention of potatoes.

"Of course, potatoes and daikon go perfectly together. We will also add some onions and then..."

"Onions..." the woman almost drools as she utters the word.

"I'm glad you appreciate the vegetables as well; we need to improve your lifestyle if we want to efficiently carry out our evil plans," I remind her, as I fetch zucchini, a red onion, and some red peppers from the fridge.

"I would also like some octopus, Lord Matcha!"

Ssemouy and tentacles.

Perverse thoughts invade my mind for a moment.

No, I must banish these thoughts.
This novel is not rated for minors…

Sweating coldly, I try to recompose myself, remembering my benefactors.

"Absolutely not! Quagma, my Lucky Stars, the entities that protect me and have blessed me with Their enhancements, They take the very form of quantum octopuses. So, no tentacles."

"But Lord Matcha, I too worship an edible deity, yet I have no problem eating daikons that remind me of her," the silhouette points out to me.

"It's different, my splendid sister longs to be devoured. That's the fundamental point of her creed—that daikons are delicious and everyone wants to eat them."

In a low voice, she confesses to me: "Don't tell the goddess, I worship her, I adore her and she is delicious, but I really struggle to finish the daikons…"

"Foolish Seymour! This is because you do not know how to enhance the flavor! If you follow my instructions carefully, we will prepare a delight that you won't be able to resist!" I blurt out, raising the ladle to the sky in an epic pose.

"And to do this, we will harness the power of pork belly and its lascivious fats!"

"Pork!" she exclaims, her eyes seeming to sparkle from the darkness of her shapeless face.

To recap, if you are still following, the main ingredients for four people are:

300 grams of potatoes, 300 grams of zucchini, 400 grams of daikon, 1 red onion, 300 grams of red bell pepper, and 200 grams of pork belly.

Precision is not crucial in this dish.

It's a nutritious and tasty meal, aimed at filling the belly and satisfying the palate with healthy dishes.

"Seymour, chop the vegetables while I prepare the broth," I order, handing her a sharp knife and a cutting board. Actually, my secret is my "special" broth.

"Right away, Lord Matcha!" responds the silhouette enthusiastically.

I really appreciate it when my subordinates carry out my orders diligently. It puts me in a good mood.

As Ssemouy handles the vegetables, I pour some olive oil into a large wok and start frying the pork belly.

"Although it wouldn't be necessary, we want this meat to be nice and fatty, so we'll also add a little piece of butter..."

I watch with pleasure as the meat sizzles, while a delicious aroma begins to spread through the air.

Sadistic chuckles reach my ear.

I turn towards Ssemouy to check on her work...

What on earth is she doing?!

The scene before me is quite horrific.

The minion is holding the knife with the blade pointing downwards and instead of cutting, she is stabbing the poor vegetables.

"Seymour, why are you killing the vegetables?"

"But Lord Matcha, they are so weak and defenseless! When will I get another chance to vent? Shouldn't we villains prey on the weakest?" she replies, with twisted logic that makes me fear for her mental health.

"Feeding only on my chocolate and lacking sleep is clearly harming your brain, but I see that you have spared the daikon," I note, trying to find a positive aspect.

"I could never disfigure the sacred fruit that resembles my goddess..." admits Ssemouy, with a tone bordering on veneration.

"Also because only her Symbiote, Lady Azure, is allowed to stab her and the daikons," she adds, nodding with an uwu expression.

I decide it's best to take control of the situation.
"Let me do the cutting of the vegetables," I say, taking the knife from her hand.

Our hands brush against each other.


A long moment of embarrassment.

I try to hide it by looking away and pretending nothing happened.

"Watch the pork while I cut the vegetables," I order her, hoping she can at least manage that. Normally she is very efficient, but today she seems a bit off.

I chop the vegetables into little cubes, not too precisely, trying to salvage the vegetables battered by my subordinate's ferocity.

It might sound strange coming from me, but the aesthetics of the dish I'm preparing isn't important. What matters is that it's tasty and nutritious, to nourish us after a long day of work.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see her.

"SEYMOUR!!! I saw that!"

The woman has grabbed a piece of cooked bacon and stuffed it into her mouth.

"I swear, Lord Matcha, I didn't snatch a piece of meat!" she protests, with her mouth full.

"First, you're practically confirming it by saying that. Second, there's no point in denying it, considering I clearly saw you," I reply, trying to maintain a serious tone.

"Deny until death!" she exclaims, raising her fist.

Sometimes I think her ideal of being a Villain is to be mischievous, rather than actually scheming.


I ignore her and continue preparing the dish.

"Now let's remove the meat along with its juices, fats, and oils and set them aside in a bowl," I tell her.

"Let's use the same pan to start cooking the vegetables. I add a bit of salt, this will help the vegetables release their water into which they will then cook." I sprinkle salt like Salt Bae himself.

The chef's pose is essential for the success of the dish.

Gradually, I add the broth we prepared, allowing the vegetables to absorb it.
"When the vegetables are nearly ready, we add the meat along with the fats and finish cooking, so the juices will be absorbed by the vegetables and the flavors will blend perfectly."

I keep an eye on the pan, making sure the sauce that is forming doesn't evaporate completely and that the flavors meld together just as they should.

I sprinkle a bit of soy sauce, the secret binder that allows the luxurious fusion of water and oil, the chemical miracle that adds the umami component to our dish.

The aroma filling the kitchen is inviting, and I find myself smiling in satisfaction.


Ssemouy, for her part, watches the pan closely.
"Lord Matcha, can I do something?" she asks restlessly, clearly not used to being 'served' by me.

Indeed, I am granting her a great honor.

"Yes, you can stir the vegetables while they cook. And remember, stir gently, we're not trying to further massacre our lunch," I tell her suspiciously.
I hand her a wooden spoon, hoping this tool will be less dangerous in her hands than a knife.

As Ssemouy handles the vegetables, I take a moment to reflect on how important this lunch break is for us.

For a moment I can relax, a respite from the anxiety and unease that has lately gripped me. As if I were losing or forgetting something.

This moment of serenity almost feels like a dream.

"Lord Matcha, is it really important to eat well?" Ssemouy asks, breaking into my thoughts. She stirs the vegetables with a care I did not expect, her face focused and serious.


"A balanced diet gives us the energy we need to carry out our plans. Think about it: how could we conquer the school if we are too tired or sick to move? Moreover, this splendid body of mine doesn't maintain itself."

"So, is it all part of your grand master plan to dominate the world?" she asks, with a hint of admiration in her voice.

"Exactly, Seymour. Everything I do has an ultimate purpose," I nod, flashing my sparkling, wicked smile.

"Lord Matcha! You're brilliant! So sharp! So diabolical! You had planned everything! I did well to decide to follow you! You're the greatest and most ingenious villain..." she exclaims, praising me as is only right.

Keep it up, Seymour.
Keep praising me with these sweet words.

But then she adds: "... present in this room!"

She could have spared the last part.

But I have no time to be upset because the vegetables are nearly cooked to perfection, and it's time to add the bacon and its lascivious juices that we had set aside. "Now, stir everything together for a few minutes, so the flavors blend well."

Peace may also be a lie, but this moment of respite from our evil schemes is an opportunity to teach Ssemouy the importance of healthy eating, a concept often overlooked in our world of villains and conspiracies.
My beauty and charm are not just happenstance after all.

Mens sana in corpore sano.


Finally, I turn off the heat and serve the lunch.

The dish is simple, but the food is colorful and aromatic, with each component complementing one another. Ssemouy observes the plate with an almost reverential expression.

The pork belly, sinuous and inviting, lies on a bed of sautéed vegetables that shine like gems under the kitchen light. The zucchini, red peppers, and onions have been sautéed to perfection, maintaining an ideal balance between tenderness and crispness.

"It looks fantastic, Lord Matcha. And... it smells incredible," she says, and for a moment, her usual frenzy bordering on delirium is replaced by genuine appreciation.

I imagine her unseen eyes sparkling at the sight of my... I mean our creation, after all, there's some of her effort in it too.

"I'll call it 'Matcha's Noble Special Triumph of Vegetables, Daikon, and Pork'. Truly a fitting name for such a delicacy," I announce proudly.

We sit down to eat, and the first bite confirms our hard work: it's delicious.

"Oishii— I mean, not that I would use filthy weeb terms! I meant to say it's very tasty!" the woman comments upon tasting, and she almost seems to levitate from her chair.

The potatoes and daikon, included in the dish, become the true stars, adding a dimension of both gustatory and visual pleasure that irresistibly seduces. The potatoes, with their golden, crispy skin, are cooked to perfection, becoming tenderly soft inside, with an exterior that crackles under the touch of a fork, releasing a warm and inviting steam that beckons one to bite.

The daikon provides a crispy and refreshing contrast, with a slight spiciness. Beneath its golden surface, its white, juicy flesh melds with the smoky flavor of the pork belly, creating a flavor and texture experience that defies the ordinary. The inclusion of these two vegetables is not random; both absorb the surrounding aromas, enriching each bite with their ability to highlight the salty and smoky flavors of the bacon, the spice of my special broth, and the umami of the other vegetables.

"See? Eating well doesn't mean sacrificing taste," I say with a smile, watching Ssemouy savor each bite with evident pleasure.

My perfect plan to have her taste real cuisine, as intended, has succeeded.

"You're right, Lord Matcha. This is almost as good as Snickers with mayonnaise," she replies, continuing to eat.

I run my hands through my hair.
This woman is going to drive me insane.
Still with that damned Snickers?!


Into the kitchen of the family mansion bursts my splendid sister, her long dark green hair flowing smoothly as she approaches our table.

"Good morning, Ane-san! You always light up the room when you enter!" I comment, admiring her divine figure.

"Matcha-kun, my sweet little brother, you are always too kind to me... But what is this fabulous smell that is spreading throughout the house? I was drawn here by it..." confesses Danny, sniffing the air ecstatically.

"Ane-san, I hope you're hungry," I say, handing her a plate full of sautéed vegetables and crispy bacon. "Even though it contains daikon... Can you eat your own kind?"

"Of course, Matcha-kun! Cannibalism is fundamental among us vegetables," she nods, almost snatching the plate from me. I'm not sure if that's true, but who am I to doubt my splendid older sister?

"My Goddess! Lord Matcha has managed to make your fruit even more delicious. Thanks to this preparation, I will be able to continue devouring them and thus continuously honor you," Ssemouy tells her as she continues to bite into my dish.

"Do you think so, my rootling?" She responds with a warm smile, "I can't wait to taste your famous lunch, Matcha-kun. I'm sure it will be delicious! Just don't tell Azure. My symbiote gets jealous when other people eat daikons..."

As soon as Danny joins us for lunch, the atmosphere in the kitchen becomes more vibrant. The presence of my Ane-san, with her radiant face and warm emerald eyes, adds a familiar element to our lunch.

She is the quintessential lively soul who always knows how to light up a room, a magnetic spirit that infuses energy and positivity into everyone around her.

My sister is truly a goddess in every sense.

"Matcha-kun! This dish is delicious!"

As she tastes it, its flavors burst in her mouth, and it's as if I can see fireworks in her beautiful green eyes.

"You are really a skilled chef! A man full of talents!"

I love it when my sister praises me. I feel as if I'm soaring.

Being admired by her, whom I admire so much, is a fantastic feeling.

"Yes, praise me more, Ane-san!" I implore her with a pleading tone, urging her to continue.

She chuckles, amused by my request, and is ready to do so but—


"Little son!" Simple Russian Boi, my Mama, comes running into the kitchen.

In his human form, he appears as a handsome tall man with brown hair and red eyes.

But appearances can be deceiving.

He is an eldritch horror, one of the most powerful entities in the school, at the top of the food chain, and capable of rivaling Azure.

He is the matriarch of the Eldritch Family and I am so happy to be his son and part of this family.

"What's going on, Mama?" I ask SRB, who has a look of alarm.

"I think I found a photo of your Papa!" exclaims the man, approaching with a picture in hand.


Will I finally discover what my biological mother looks like? I'm sure she's a demon, probably a succubus from what Mama has told me.

"Here it is, little one," he says, passing me the photo.

I look at the image of a very beautiful woman with long blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

Something doesn't add up.
Mama, he has brown hair and red eyes, and I have green hair and emerald eyes.
This woman also doesn't look like a demon...

"Mama, I think you are mistaken. I believe this is another of your numerous flings," I tell him, trying to hide my disappointment.

“Невозможный!” exclaims SRB in surprise, taking the photo from my hands.

Danny smiles and, trying to lighten the mood, says, "So that's where this desire to have a large harem comes from... it's a family thing! I wonder how big Mama's is! I'm convinced you're a heartbreaker."

Mama tries to ignore his daughter's comment but clearly blushes.

"My daughter... someone might misunderstand..."

"Don't worry, Mama! I won't tell your Great Friend," Danny continues to tease him.

Mama pretends not to hear.

Then he pulls out the reading glasses from the pocket of his black Adidas tracksuit and puts them on. He looks closely at the image and then exclaims:

"Blyat... it's true... This is Valya Volga!"

Out of nowhere, a hand rests on my head.

The hand, one of many belonging to BOI, gently strokes my hair.

The feeling is pleasant and reassuring. I care deeply for my Mama.

"I'm sorry, little one. I got confused..." he says sadly.

"It's not your fault, Mama. It's Papa who went out to buy cigarettes and hasn't come back for nearly two decades..." I try to comfort him.

"You're so nice, my son." the man smiles at me.

"Now we want to know everything about this Valya!" Danny presses Mama, very curious about Boi's romantic past.

"Ahem... it was only one night... but I remember it well... Valya Volga, codename Volzhskiy Ubiytsa... She should be married now... Ah yes, she's the wife of Wladimir Kozlov."

As Mama tells us about his romantic adventures, I fill a plate for him with my triumph of vegetables.

We all eat together as a family should.

We laugh and joke, sharing stories and misadventures.
Mama's stories about his past in the KGB are always interesting to listen to, and time flies without us noticing.

I feel like I belong to something beautiful, I am happy, and for the first time, I feel fulfilled.

I wish these moments could last forever.

In this dimension where we have been isekai'd, have I finally found a place I can call home?

I wish to always have Ssemouy by my side, the warmth of Ane-san, and the paternal love of Mama. Maybe I should be content with this, with what is precious that I already have, and give up my excessive ambitions...


"Lord Matcha, it was good but I want something sweet... I can't do without a dessert after a meal... I know! I'll eat my Snickers with mayonnaise!" Ssemouy catches my attention while I'm clearing the table.

She pulls out that monstrosity from her lunch basket again.

I barely restrain the urge to strangle her.

I need to lay it on thick with her: it's time for shock therapy.

"Still with that garbage? I can't believe you're still thinking about that monstrosity. If you want chocolate and eggs, I have just the thing for you. I, the magnificent Lord Matcha, will prepare something spectacular for you."

"Chocolate and eggs?" she asks, surprised.

"Do you know what Zabaglione is?" I ask her with an enigmatic look.

"Never heard of it," she admits.

"You see, Seymour, Zabaglione is a sweet cream made from egg yolks, sugar, and a touch of sweet wine. We could vulgarly call it sweet mayonnaise… if we were ignorant yokels, of course," I start to explain to her.

The whole family is surprised by what I'm describing, and I can sense the wonder in their eyes. Especially Ssemouy. She looks like she's melting at the mere thought of the indecent cream I'm conjuring up.


"But I'll do something even more unique, leveraging my powers. I'll create a breaded and fried version of this dessert!"

Everyone gasps from their seats.

"But it doesn't end there! Yes, I wouldn't be Lord Matcha if there wasn't my diabolical touch: I'll coat this fried delight with chocolate, a bit like a Snickers, but much much much more refined. And much much much more delicious!"


I snap my fingers, beginning to shape the image in my mind.

With my powers, I conjure up this fabulous dessert, putting all my magical pastry artistry into it.

My emerald eyes gleam as my thought takes shape.

The room fills with green demonic energy as the creation comes to life, and everyone watches my elegant gestures shaping the dessert.

"And here you have it, Seymour, a Zabaglione transformed into a crispy, chocolaty delight, inspired by Snickers but with my own elegance." I offer her the result, my gaze full of confidence.

This is the pinnacle of my power.

She should be honored to receive such a gift.


"I'll call it Matcha's MayoSSSnickers!" I exclaim triumphantly.
"Watch out, because once you taste it, there'll be nothing else but me in your life," I say with my most wicked smile.

She's even more speechless now, her face lighting up at the sight of my masterpiece.

She gazes bewilderedly at the 'bar' in her hand.

With a little trepidation, she brings it to her mouth.

She takes a bite.


She tastes the dessert, the creamy Zabaglione melting inside pleasantly contrasting with the crunchy exterior and rich chocolate.

The warm cream explodes in her mouth, completely filling it and enslaving her taste buds to the sweet flavor I crafted.

The various textures of the dessert overload her brain, and I can clearly see that she's now a slave to this lascivious pleasure and can't do without it anymore.

The sweet cream of the egg, the crispiness of the fried, the solidity of the chocolate. In her mind, there's only room for the pleasure I can give her.

She can't stop, her mouth moves on its own.
She must devour it, savor it.
Taste it, live it, absorb it.
Brand it into her soul. Until the last bite.

This dessert is her only reason for living.
And only I can give it to her!

I have won, Snickers!
No one can compete with my sweets and my chocolate.

I am Lord Matcha, the demonic chocolatier, and no one can withstand my wicked pastry power. MUHAHAHAHA!

"So what do you think, Seymour? Do you still think Snickers is better? Muhahaha!" I ask sarcastically, aware of my overwhelming victory.

This is my trump card to make her completely mine!

Wait... Why am I doing all this for Ssemouy?
What the hell am I doing... am I falling in love with my subordinate?
No, I shouldn't even think such a thing!

I am the magnificent Lord Matcha!

The woman in front of me is convulsing.
"L-Lord M-Matcha..." she stutters.


"L-Lord M-Matcha... I... I Lov..."

What is she saying?
Wait, Ssemouy! Stop... If you continue, I don't know if...

With a dull thud, the sound disappears.

Black and white.


The world has lost all color.

My family is motionless, frozen.

What's happening?

Everything is black and white.

It's as if time has stopped!

I can't move...

"Umpf. Actually, I didn't stop time! If you had read my character sheet, you would know that I can hack reality as well as modify it with other rather useful abilities. I suppose to your eyes, the collapse of reality might appear as time stopping..."

In front of me is Midnight Fox.

But she isn't anymore.

Now she's behind me.

She whispers to me.
"So this is your dream, Matcha? Or Watcha, should I say?"

"Is this a dream? Or is it one of your usual tricks?" I would like to move, but it's as if I'm paralyzed.

"Well, it could be. Just as much as it could be reality. Another timeline. Something that happened, something that must happen, or something that never did."

"It doesn't make sense!"

"Will it all be fake? Or will it all be true? The choice is yours alone. In the end, it's like looking in the mirror. An M is a W if you flip it just like a 6 and a 9. Don't you think?" She speaks in riddles, adding further annoyance to her usual jester-like tone.

"I don't understand you, fox! You're always so annoying when you talk!" I protest, futilely trying to move.

"Perhaps it's a lie. Something you tell yourself to feel better. Or perhaps it's the truth. The boundary is always more blurred. After all, isn't truth what we choose to believe in? If we believe enough, even a lie can become truth, and if we don't believe, even the truth can become a lie."

"Where are you going with this, psychopathic fox?"

“There's no need for insults, disappointing half-demon. That's why I prefer the other version of you. In fact, I've chosen the [WATCHA ROUTE]!” she says, thumbs up towards herself.

“I don't understand! What are you up to?” I have no clue what she's talking about.

“Me? Nothing, it's all you. Or the other you. Think of me as an alarm clock. See, dream or not a dream, it's time to wake up now. There's a war to fight, and I don't want to miss the show.” I can sense her excitement.

Everything around me begins to dissolve.

Just like the emotions and warmth I've felt up to that point.

If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up.

A dream.

A simple fantasy.

That I wish was reality.

That you come knocking at my door.

And we relive this dream once more.

This chapter was written by Matcha!