Chapter 4 – Rhaps’s Face
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Today is the day, as some students of SHF had planned this out for a while.

The dragon of the class, Azmiran, laid out the plan, looking at his present Companions, En-chan, Corty, Sailus, and Puppet. Plus, Paul as he is the most sensible person of this bunch.

"I will go over the plan once again. Is that okay with everyone?" he asked.

"Let's go over it then, before she... err... he comes!", Puppet shouted.

"Alright." the dragon nodded, "As soon as Rhaps enters class, we will make it seem like an accident and push him down; at the same time, we will touch his mask and slip it off."

"This seems like a bad plan.", Paul quipped.

"This is the best we got. Unless we can bribe him to remove his mask..." Azmiran said.

"Remember the last time Rhaps got his hands on your gold?", En-chan spoke with a smirk,

"He blew a hole through your ceiling!"

"That was fun!! Oh, Stars, I can't wait for Rhaps to come!!" as usual, Puppet was dancing around in her own world.

"Just a question: who will be the one to push Rhaps down?" Sailus asked.
Which made everyone stare at him, a dangerous glint in their eyes. Paul, on the side, just let out a long sigh.

"You can't be serious, right?" he widens his eyes, "Who knows what that fairy would do to me!"

"Relax~~~ Rhaps wouldn't do anything to you! He is easygoing! I am sure he would forgive you~~" Puppet laughed, "Or maybe he will subject you to one of those class fairy punishments!!"

"That is what I am saying!! Rhaps may look harmless from the way he acts, but he has a temper! He isn't normal; who wears a set of armor to school?!" Sailus huffed, crossing his arms.

Then, from the window, enter the elusive fairy, wearing shiny silver armor over a hooded cloak. As usual, wearing a black featureless mask. No one knows what is behind that mask.

"Okay, Companions, let us begin the plan." he then turns over to En-chan,

"What do you mean you can buy my house?!"

Immediately, En-chan smirked and retorted, "As I said, you are not as rich as you think you are! Unlike a sleeping dragon, my clan had millennia behind the doors of society. I can pull strings and make you homeless."

"As if! I can just burn all the ones who dare invade my lair! I can just decide to go over to your house and burn it all down whenever I want to!"
Corty stepped in between them, doing his part. "Calm down, guys. We are all friends here; no need to threaten each other."

He then smirked, "We have to solve this with a classic fight to the death!!"

"Ahahahaha~ oh the Stars!!", Puppet danced around, hyping the event up with her laughter, "What fun we will have together!!"

Just so happened that as she was dancing, she bumped into Sailus, somehow sending him flying!

"I didn't sign up for this!" he screamed as he flew through the air, which would inevitably crash into Rhaps—

But he was caught by the fairy in shining armor, to which the fairy spoke as flowers somehow bloomed in the background, "Be careful there, my friend. You could've hurt yourself."

"Why are there flowers?", Sailus asked, his hand reaching Rhaps' mask, barely touching it in his weird position. The mask itself was cold to the touch, almost creepy.

"Waaah! Sorry, Sailus!" Puppet ran over, still smiling, "Are you alright, Rhaps?"

"Of course, I am okay, my friend. This is merely a simple task for a knight like me.", Rhaps answered, putting Sailus down, "If you are hurt anywhere, I have some medicine that could help you recover."

"Don't try to sell me drugs!!", Sailus yelled at the fairy.

A low, creepy chuckle escaped from him, "I do not know what you are talking about, my friend. And Puppet, please step down from Cupcake's seat."

"Okay~~!!" she did as he told her to, "By the way, are you some sort of eldritch monster? Like Un'thoth?"

Rhaps turned his head over to the cloud of rumbling spite and closed his eyes.

"Definitely not, my friend. I am a fairy knight through and through." he just stares blankly at Puppet, keeping the air awkward.

"Can you show me some cool sword tricks~?" Puppet asked, breaking the silence.

"Although this class may be weird, and the school may have loose rules, I am not shameless enough to bring a sword to this place.", he replied.

"Coward.", Sailus huffed.

"But I can show you something else." From his hand, a green crystal rock was manifested. And he crushed it into fine powder.

"Woah!! How did you do that?!" Puppet's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Tell me! Tell me!!"

"Just some fairy magic and a bit of strength." Then he turned toward Sailus and said, "Well?"

Sailus was clearly disturbed by the sheer strength of the fairy knight. He may think Rhaps is a chuuni, but it is undeniable that he fits right in with this class. All the while, the others observed from afar.

"This plan is a bust.", Azmiran sighed.

"Why did flowers come out of nowhere anyway?" Corty asked.

"Fairy magic, they can bend the natural world to their will." En-chan answered.

"So move onto plan B it is." the dragon sagely nodded.

"We have a plan B?" Corty turned to look at Azmiran.

"Yes, I just made it up now."

"We are going to die, aren't we." Corty sighed.

"Can't die if I am already an undead!!" En-chan laughed.

While Paul just sighed, "We should've just asked." For the rest of the day, Azmiran and his Companions tried everything they could to unmask Rhaps. They tried throwing water to get him wet, which failed, and he somehow caught the bucket, earning a brownie point from the weird janitor. T

They even snuck into the "???" Gender room to see him wash up; it turned out he only washed his mask with a wet towel, not even taking it off. Even watching him selling drugs behind the school led to no result. By this point, when it was lunch, they decided to ask the other fairy in the class, Reina.

"You guys want to know more about Rhaps?" she looks at the looming figures surrounding her desk.

"Yes, we want to unmask him." Azmiran got straight to the point.

"I think that is a bad idea.", she stated the obvious.

"Because he would curse us with some sort of fairy magic?" Corty asked.

To that, Reina shook her head, "Just ask him, and you will find out; he doesn't mind people seeing his face, but it is hard to forget once you've seen it.."

"That doesn't sound very good." Sailus had an ominous feeling about this...

But the group decided to head over to Rhaps and asked him directly.

"So you guys want to see my face.", Rhaps said, staring at them, "That is alright."

Suddenly, his head snapped back 90 degrees, and from what was supposed to be his chin opened up to reveal a row of sharp teeth, and then came a long glowing red tongue slithering like a snake. Rhaps opened his "mouth" wide, almost a full 180 degrees.

"ThIs Is wHat I lOok liKe." that voice came to them like a whisper in their ears, hollow, soft, and creepy. Then two red slits opened on the top of his "mouth," his eyes staring straight into their soul.

"I think I'll vomit..." Corty looked away, disgusted by the sight and the strange sounds coming from Rhaps.

But Puppet was excited, "You totally blew it out of the park!! You are creepy, somewhat scary, but amazing!!"

"ThAnkS.", Rhaps whispered.

"This isn't what I was expecting.", Paul said, looking away.

En-chan cringed, "I will need to erase my memory of this event; even after thousands of years, I've seen some shit, but this? What the hell are you even?!"

"A FaIrY.", he replied.

"I've never seen a fairy look like this! Prince— Prince...?" she looked to her side, seeing the massive dragon had fallen over; seem like he was having a nightmare.

"SoRry, mY mAgiC cAn iNduCe niGhtMare tO pOwerFul cReaTuRe.", Rhaps explained, closing his mouth, "It is passive."

"You mean this big oaf is stronger than me?!", En-chan was not having it at all.

"Yes.", Rhaps bluntly stated.

"Bollocks!", she shouted.

"I will just go back to my desk.", Sailus said and left; he was shaking and glancing around warily.

Eventually, everyone left, leaving Rhaps to stare at the ceiling, where Enigma was waging her tail while sleeping. It is a mystery how she can stick to the ceiling.

Then Reina approached him, "So you didn't show your face?"

"No, of course not." he touched his mask with his hand, taking it off slightly, only enough to reveal a few strands of blue hair, a sharp yet beautiful evergreen blue eye, and a raised cheek indicating a smirk, "If I am not up to some trickery, how can I call myself a fairy?"

"You look really beautiful tho.", Reina quipped, leaning closer in an attempt to get a closer look.

But Rhaps had already put his mask back on, "No looking."

"Shame." she shrugged and left.

Rhaps was alone again, but he smiled underneath his mask. Things are very interesting here, enough to satisfy his endless curiosity about the nature of every species. Aaqil jumped onto his desk, a rare sight since he usually tends to hang around the vampires of the class. As always, he brought a cookie. Taking the cookie, Rhaps pets Aaqil as a sign of appreciation. His chin split into a mouth, and he ate the cookie.

"Interesting, isn't it?"

Yes, Rhaps is the author of this chappy~