Brief Break and FAQ
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Hello all!

Unfortunately, I have not had any time to write this weekend. Since the story has hit a small lull before things start to kick off again, I think I'm going to take a small break. Currently, I plan for the break to only last this week and for Zaren's journey to get back on track starting on Monday.

Rather than leave you guys in a lurch, since we've got plenty of characters and worldbuilding that's happened so far with plenty of room for me to have made accidental omissions or mistakes, I figured I'd open the floor to any questions or queries to flesh out the story and characters a little more. In the comments, feel free to ask anything that might be burning at you, whether it's about characters, the world, or world mechanics that I've either left unclear or that you're curious about. I will of course not answer any questions that might be direct spoilers, but I'll at least mention that the question will be answered at a later date. The "chapter" on Wednesday will probably be where I respond to any that need more than a sentence to answer or that I find interesting.

Apologies for the (hopefully) brief hiatus, but I want to make sure I have time to actually read over my chapters before posting them rather than writing them day of like I have been, so hopefully this break lets be get back on track. If you've read this far then I thank you for giving my story a chance, and I hope you're all enjoying reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
