Burning Pile
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Comforting them didn't come easy in the days that followed. They stayed with her father. Both boys were torn to shreds emotionally but Allie knew it would just—- take time.

She sat with her father at the table playing poker. "Dad —- John said some things to me and... I don't know if I'm good enough to fulfill them." If there was anyone she could be open with, it was her father.

Bobby raised an eyebrow at his daughter's confession, setting down his cards on the table as he turned to face her. "Allie," he began, reaching out a comforting hand and pulling her cards down. "You don't have to be perfect or know everything; you just gotta be there for them." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. Those boys were like his own sons. Their pain was difficult to witness.

She leaned back in the old wooden chair that held her body. The cedar housed more than her physical weight. Sam was out in the auto-yard to try and help Dean work on the destroyed Impala. It was okay with her. She had missed her father during her time away from him.

"I've always been fuckin' terrible at this game." Allie changed the subject. Her head was a mess from the constant rollercoaster of emotions. She picked up her cards once again. The old house was strange even though she had been gone for a long time. It was still home. Bobby was damn good at poker. She...was not. "If this was scrabble I'd be kickin' your ass." She joked to alleviate the tension that had filled the room. "All that college money gave me at least something good in return." Scrabble skills. Not really a good brag. Kind of boring.

The wrinkles around the grizzled hunter’s eyes deepened while a short laugh filled the air between them as he studied her face. "You're good at a lot of things, Allie," he said gently, reaching over to ruffle her hair before returning his focus back to the game. "Maybe not poker, but you got heart and determination that most people twice your age don't." He paused for a moment, considering how much she had been through in such a short time. "And besides, Sammy boy ain't exactly Mr. Poker star either." The wood puncturing of a Northern Flicker came wafting into the small kitchen.

Allie snorted while her dad spoke. "Then Sam should be in the hot seat instead." She teased and threw a toned leg up to rock herself on the back legs of the chair. "I enjoy the simple things in life—- like Go Fish, or Uno." sarcasm was a default setting. Old habits died hard and hers certainly hadn’t changed all that much. She scratched her head and thought about her next move. Lying never came easy to her while in the presence of her ol’ man. "I'll call." Probably not a good idea. Her hand was total ass. Allie didn't wear her heart on her sleeve but God damn was she bad at hiding her reaction to her cards!

Bobby grinned, his eyes flickering towards the slight uptick of Allie’s eyebrow as he took her call before carefully placing down a card that would secure the pot. "You're too easy to read, kiddo," he teased back, reaching over to pat her on the shoulder in a fatherly manner. "So how about you and me go grab some dinner later? Maybe catch up on all the stuff I missed while you were off gallivanting around?" He asked casually, changing the subject smoothly from their game of poker to something more lighthearted.

Allie raised a brow and chuckled. "Gallivanting?" She questioned. "You make it sound like I was taking a leisurely walk in the park." She sighed and stood up, stretching her arms above her head. "You know... I actually think I wanna cook tonight." The idea of feeding her found family was nice. It was soothing.

But when she went to open the fridge it didn't exactly have what was needed. "Jesus Dad! I'm gone for a few months and you turn this place back into a bachelor pad?" The fridge was loaded with beer, eggs, cheese, and frozen meals. Bobby never really was one for more than the bare minimum. He was a simple man.

"Looks like I'm goin’ on a grocery run." Maybe it wasn't so bad. She'd ask Dean to go with her, get him some time away from fixing the Impala, and give Sam time alone with Bobby. The two men needed different forms of comfort and Allie was still figuring out what that meant for her as a friend and confidant. Grief varied by person, she’d just have to try a few methods and hope one would stick.

"Well, you know how it is," Bobby defended, standing up from the table as well and following her deeper into the kitchen. His daughter was constantly raggin’ on him about his limited…. supplies. "I figured you and the boys were always on the go, and didn't need me cooking every night." He paused for a moment, his eyes flickering with guilt at the thought of neglecting his relationship with his daughter during her time away. He missed having her around. "Plus, I kinda got used to having some peace and quiet around here without all that constant noise and chaos." He downplayed his emotions in an effort to conceal them from her. Part of Bobby wondered what it would have been like to have been more involved in his daughter's life.

She had to admit he was right on that one. She and Dean often caused ruckus and chaos at his humble abode. "You know you miss the free entertainment." Her eyes glinted mischievously. She had missed her father more than words could say. She could only assume that he, however, did not miss her and Dean's constant bickering.

"I'll see you in a few hours." Allie grabbed her keys off the coat hook and headed out to Dean. Man, it would be good to drive her jeep again.

Bobby watched her go with a mix of pride and worry, knowing all too well the dangers that awaited them on their next hunt. On every hunt. He couldn't help but wonder how much more loss they could endure as a family before it finally broke one of them for good. As he returned to his poker game alone, thoughts of Allie danced through his mind; her infectious energy, quick wit, and fierce determination were traits she clearly got from him. The damn girl was a tornado.

Allie walked out to the auto yard. She watched for a moment as Dean leaned under Baby's hood. Finally, her voice broke the silence. "Sup, Cowboy? How's the repair goin'?" She tried to appear nonchalant and joined his side, dress swaying around her legs as she walked. Her blonde hair was curled in Hollywood waves —- golden against the yellow dress she was wearing. Her wedged heels rocked in the gravel beneath their feet.

"You wanna take a break with me?" She realized what he probably thought that meant before he even said anything.

Dean's muscles tensed at the sound of Allie's voice, his body tightening up involuntarily before he forced himself to relax and turn around. He couldn't help but appreciate the sight of her curvy figure in that tight yellow dress, hair styled in those sexy waves that always made him want to run his fingers through it; it looked so soft. "Sure," he managed to croak out, brushing his hands on his grease-stained jeans as he stood up straightening his shirt a bit. "What's up?"

He didn't flirt with her.

That was weird. In fact... he hadn't flirted with her in days—- He was off. She could almost smell the grief on him. Dean was angry and it only made sense; the death of John wasn't fair.

She dangled her keys from her fingertips and smiled. "I got a good whip. We can even take the doors off. Get wild!" The blonde let out a small giggle. "We need groceries and I thought... I haven't been emotionally taunted in a while—- so why not ask Dean Winchester to come?" All Allie wanted in the world was to see him smile again.

Dean couldn't help but crack a small smile at Allie's attempt to lighten the mood, even if it was half-hearted. "Sounds like a plan" he agreed, reaching out a grimy hand to grab a nearby rag and wipe some rustproofing off of his fingers. The sight of it earlier on in the day brought back a memory of John snarking at him over getting rust on the car.

She was sitting in the Jeep when he finally joined her and climbed into the passenger seat. Strangely she felt a need to prepare. John's words rang in her head. Dean had been a ghost briefly at the hospital. Did he hear her words? Her pleads for him not to die? Their friendship was... different now. There was more on their shoulders. "You get to listen to my Playlist and I don't want to hear any complaining." She was firm but only teasing, after all— she had to listen to classic rock for months because of him.

They drove while basking in sunlight from the open top of the jeep. "Burning Pile" by Mother Mother played and Allie broke out in song, screaming the lyrics in an effort to get Dean to join in with releasing some of their stress.


"All my style, all my grace

All I tried to save my face

All my guts, try to spill

All my holes, try to fill /

All my money been a long time spent

On my drugs, on my rent

On my saving philosophy

It goes, one in the bank and the rest for me!"


"It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile

All lit up and I start to smile

If I catch fire then I change my aim

Throw my troubles at the pearly gates!"


It wasn't classic rock but it was fucking good.

Dean sat in silence for a moment, his eyes flickering with amusement as he leaned back in the seat and let himself be swept away by her heightened energy. He reached over to squeeze her hand lightly before joining in on the refrain of the catchy song, his voice rumbling against hers in harmony.


"It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile

All lit up and I start to smile

If I catch fire then I change my aim

Throw my troubles at the Pearly Gates!"


The familiarity of their voices blending together like old friends brought a small smile to his lips as they continued down the empty road toward town. "So," he finally broke the comfortable silence that had fallen between them once again, clearing his throat awkwardly before changing the subject. "You wanna pull over and mess around?"

Allie let out a loud bubbly laugh; his words were so out of place. They were perfect. She never thought she'd be thanking God for his flirtatious, terrible pick-up lines but here they were and it was music to her ears. "Oh, I would but I worked really hard on my hair today." She teased. "Plus, you couldn't handle it." She shifted in her seat and playfully upturned her chin into the air before winking. "I have... high expectations." She purred — God it felt good to joke with him again.

Dean grinned, his eyes roaming appreciatively over the curve of her hourglass figure before settling on those pink lips that had been so close to him in the hospital. "Oh yeah?" he challenged, leaning closer towards her as they drove down the empty road.

"Well then," he spoke slowly, reaching out a slightly dirty hand and placing it over her bare thigh, exposed by the mid-length of her dress. "I guess I better prove myself worthy." Her skin was soft and pale beneath his calloused palm.

Allie swatted his hand away although she did enjoy it. Amusing, you never know how much you miss something until it's gone. "Alright, down boy! We can't have you humping my leg when we get there." She tried to focus on the road but her lips curved into an amused smile that reached her eyes.

"Plus those hands would definitely leave oil marks on me and then I think my dad just might shoot you —- So." She shook her head.

Dean chuckled, leaning back in his seat with a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Ain't that just the problem?" he teased back playfully, watching her profile as she focused on driving. So rarely did he get to see her do it. "You know," he began casually after a moment of comfortable silence had passed between them, his voice lowered so only she could hear him over the music blaring from the speakers. "I thought you were pretty hot when we first met."

Allie snorted. That certainly wasn't news to her. "Oh? I'm sorry, was that a secret?" She busted out in intense laughter. It was tough to pay attention to the road. Tears nearly pricked her eyes. "Most men find me hot; even some women too. You'll have to try harder than that, Maverick." She teased though it wasn't an actual challenge before she finally stopped the Jeep outside of the supermarket. "Alright. Are you excited to be domestic with me?" The blonde grabbed a cart and rolled it over to him. "What do you want for dinner? Don't say burgers."

Dean couldn't help but grin at her teasing, his eyes lingering on the sway of her ass as she walked away to grab a shopping cart. "Well," he mused thoughtfully, climbing out of the car and joining her by the cart. "I could go for some good old-fashioned comfort food." "You know what sounds awesome?" He asked suddenly, leaning in close enough that their bodies brushed against each other lightly as they perused the produce section together. "Lasagna"

"What?" It definitely wasn't what she expected. Her facial features took on a questioning, confused expression. "Seriously?" She paused. It seemed like he was serious. "Alright. Looks like we're having Allie's lasagna for dinner." She ran with the cart and jumped on the back railing to catch some speed before suddenly stopping in front of the meat aisle. Fingertips ran through her waves subconsciously as she scanned the beef packs. "Man, I haven't seen this much meat since college." The man next to them laughed at her joke and Allie bit back her own laughter.

Dean tore out in laughter. Allie constantly made dumb jokes like that; it was one of her best qualities. Well, it was to him. His eyes trailed appreciatively down the curve of her body before snapping back to focus on the meat selection. "Well," he said, leaning in close enough that their bodies brushed against each other again as they both reached for a package of ground beef.

"I guess I could use some quality time with you and your... talents." He winked playfully, earning himself another light swat on the arm from an amused Allie.

She rolled her eyes and moved past him. Great— now he was in a mood. Probably because they hadn't joked around in a while; a week or so. It was the longest they had ever gone by far, even after fighting! They moved through the grocery store to grab the necessary ingredients before getting into the excessively long checkout line. "So..." Allie swayed on her heels awkwardly. "Do you like... remember anything? From being a ghost? Well, from being out of your body?" He wasn't technically dead at the time. She didn’t know how to approach what she really wanted to say. He definitely remembered some of it. Allie wanted to know if he was privy to the sensitive words that were pronounced during his weakened state.

Dean frowned slightly, his brow furrowing in thought as he mentally replayed the memories of being inbetween life and death. "I remember... feeling like... normal but no one could see me." he finally admitted, reaching out to take her hand in his own warm grasp.

"It's hard to explain." He paused for a moment, trying to find words that could adequately describe the experience. "I know what you're getting at and yes, I heard what you said."

I care about you so much. You can't go. I can't take it. I can't do this again. Please. I need you. We both need you. So you can't go. It's not right. He remembered them vividly. Her voice was so frail and vulnerable.

Allie nodded. Her lips parted at the thought and their eyes met. It was probably the most vulnerable she had ever been with anyone, the weakest she had ever felt. Was it wrong to be happy he was alive, knowing John traded his life and died for him? The sound of beeping items betrayed the seriousness of their private conversation.

"Yeah, okay." She spoke quietly before turning back to look at the cash register as they started to approach. "So... what’s next then?"

Dean squeezed her hand reassuringly, his eyes flickering with a mix of concern and understanding. "We'll take it one day at a time," he promised softly, leaning in closer so only she could hear him over the cashier ringing up their items. "I know you're not ready to jump back into hunting right away." He paused for a moment, considering how much they had been through together already. "But when you are... I got your back, okay?"

Allie leaned in as he whispered against her ear. How did he know? She hadn't said anything about her apprehension. It didn't even have anything to do with being scared of the monsters... she was just too worried about living up to John's expectations. Did he really know her that well? It made sense; They had been pretty much inseparable for two years, even more so the past year when Sam had joined them to find John but now that mission was over. The care made her feel... something on the inside. "Thanks." Allie offered a small smile and soon after they put the groceries into the jeep and headed home.