Five (Finale)
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This is the last chapter! Sorry if it goes by a bit too fast.


Over the next few days, I got to know Liyana better. I think she's started to like me. And I think I like her back.




After a month, I finally worked up the courage to ask Liyana out. She agreed. It's been a week and it's already awesome. About two weeks later, Grace told us that she was aromantic.




Our freshman year came and went fast. Thankfully, we had a lot of classes the same in our sophomore year.



Right after graduation. . .


"Oh my god that was so boring," I said leaning on Liyana's shoulder.


"It wasn't that boring," Grace said, fanning herself with a piece of paper. "But man, it's hot out."


"You wouldn't think so, but having a tail helps with cooling off," Liyana said. She waved her long tail around. "The extra surface area."


"Neat," Grace said. "Come on, let's go celebrate with ice cream."


"Yes!" I said. "I love that plan!"


Liyana laughed and we all went to the closest ice cream shop.



Three years later. . .


"Do you, Liyana Coven, take Ria Nitir as your wife?" The priest asked.


"I do," Liyana said.


"And do you, Ria Nitir, take Liyana Coven as your wife?" The priest asked.


"I do," I said.


"I now pronounce you wife and wife!" The priest said. Both Liyana and I smiled and kissed each other. Everyone applauded.


The party after was awesome. We ate cake and all other kinds of sugary foods. We danced and laughed with our friends and family.


I was so happy.



Two years later. . .


I slowly woke up. My tail was still wrapped around Liyana's from the night before. Just thinking of it was heating my cheeks.


Having magic made sex much more interesting. About a year and a half ago, Liyana's mother Amber taught the both of us how to use it in certain ways that certainly helped us.


"Morning," I whispered as Liyana blinked awake.


"Mm," She said, rising up slightly and kissing me.


"Come on, we have our performance today," I said, pulling Liyana out of bed into a twirl. She smiled and jumped into the air, magically altering her gravity to hover in the air.


"I know," She said. She dropped onto the floor.


We were world-famous magicians (literally), known simply as the Foxes. We traveled all over, going to places like New York, Berlin, Tokyo, Madrid, Paris, London, Beijing, and more.


It was so fun to do it with the woman I loved.


It had been so long since that day in high school. But that day changed my life forever, for the better.


"You two!" Grace said, knocking on the door. "Get out here!" I smiled and exited the room with Liyana right behind me.


"What?" I asked.


"We have to get on the plane in three hours," Grace answered. "Get ready, fast." Liyana used magic to untangle our hair while I got out some bread.


This was awesome.


In three hours, we boarded the plane to Canberra, the capital of Australia. It was our first time visiting the country.


Two hours later, we walked onto the stage to enormous cheers.


"Hello all!" I said. "And thank you for coming to our show!"


The End


I hope you liked it.