7: A trip to Town
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Laying down in my bed I couldn't stop thinking about the day and how good it all felt. At first I was worried, after the lesson with Ms. Pern I had seriously doubted my ability to ever catch up or learn magic, but everything Mr. Sirus told and explained to us felt so easy. Maybe he was just a good teacher, or it was the fact that he didn't expect us to throw advanced magic projectiles like the students had, but regardless I felt a lot better about the whole magic learning thing. And then there was Arine.

I didn't even have to look for her. She just kind of appeared and now we were studying together. I couldn't believe my luck and yet it felt like there was a sword of Damocles hanging right above both our lives. The way she avoided most interactions with other people and how sad she always appeared, even in the brief moments where she tried to hide it, she was fooling no one. At least not this gir...guy. Something terrible had happened to her and I hoped it wouldn't catch up soon.

Trying to fall asleep was hard. My brain was occupied by thoughts of Arine and how could I possibly help her without even knowing what the problem was. Once I accepted the fact that there was literally nothing I could do for her right now besides being there for her, I still slept better than ever before.

The first thing I did the next morning was take a look at my schedule. Advanced History of Magic was the next, and only class for today. I was a bit disappointed seeing that I had no practice class today. I liked Mr. Sirus even if he came off as a strict and no-bullshit teacher. It was obvious he also cared for his students. I hoped he would stay as our substitute teacher a little longer.

When I left my small room ready to tackle the day, I was already awaited by my new friends.

“Hey, Eli. We wanted to visit the market this afternoon. About 4 pm, do you wanna join us?” Riley greeted me with a smile. Emily was standing next to her. She looked at me with big doe eyes.

“You want to join us right? I was so looking forward to it, please say yes, please say yes, please say, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee.” Her voice was so hopeful as though I could shatter her dreams with just one small word. I couldn’t refuse her.

“Sure I’ll join you, under one condition,” I thought back to Arine and how sad she always seemed to be. Making a few new friends so she doesn’t feel as alone anymore might be a good idea, and visiting the marketplace might even lift her spirit. Girls liked shopping after all didn't they? “I want to bring someone.”

“Of course!” Emily beamed, “The more, the merrier!”

Catching me by complete surprise, Kat pulled an arm around me, “The black-haired one, your new girlfriend?” She didn’t even try being subtle, the smirk in her voice was much too obvious, “I saw you last night at the outer place. You seemed to have a lot  of fun.”

“She’s not my girlfriend...I mean yes she is but not like that. It’s-”luckily, Lyn saved me from further embarrassment.

“Kat, stop teasing her. She’s not interested.”

“Oh, come on Lyn. I was just having a bit of fun.” Lyn wasn’t having any of it, immediately scolding Kat for her tactless behavior.

“Bad Kat, stop.” Emily joined in and tried to look furious, but it only made her look more adorable. Even Kat was hard-pressed not to laugh, it would clearly destroy Emily's self-image. Still, she played along and gave Emily her best pout.

“Fine, I’ll stop.” She let go of me and turned her back, crossing her arms in the process, “Spoilsports.”

With my evening already booked, I made my way to class. Much to my dismay, I had to find that Advanced History of Magic only had a cool sounding name and was just as boring as history class had been back on Earth. Sure there was a lot more magic involved, which made it slightly less boring, but since we focused mainly on the political aspect and effect of those historical events, there was really only one word to describe them, boring. There was, however, a silver lining.

Since it was more or less normal History I didn't need much foreknowledge and because we just started with another theme, the fight about Esradon, I was on the same level as every other student. One less class to worry about.

During class, we mainly discussed the events leading up to the conflict, how it could have been prevented and main changes after the battle. We learned about some of the key personalities involved and how they helped to further their own agenda. I learned that day that conflict and war aren’t only bound to Earth. It’s in human nature and wherever they’ll be, be it Earth, Amebria, maybe someday the moon or whatever, war will always follow them.

At least I also learned that Amerbia hadn’t had another war since twenty-six blue moons in conjunction with twenty green moons, for however long that is. Maybe I should ask a teacher about that later? 

Arine and I met up after class. We wanted to expand our magical knowledge and maybe find a nice spot to practice one. I wasn't sure if use of magic outside of classes was allowed, but I don't remember it being strictly forbidden either. I never saw a sign that read ‘No magic on this lawn’ either, so assumed we were good and if a teacher did say something, there was always the excuse of ‘we didn’t know any better’. It was a foolproof plan for sure.

While the repulsive feeling I got while close to Arine was still there, it became more and more of a background noise that I quickly blocked out, the more time I spent with her. We had just left the building when we ran into someone I wasn’t ready to face, at least not yet.

“Hello, Ms. Co-Director.” Arine did a double-take then an evil grin spread across her face, “OH. MY. GOD. I can’t believe this. Your mom, really?” I remembered the swallowing earth spell and scolded myself mentally for not bringing it up with Mr. Sirus the other day.

“Ah Eli, I was looking for you,” she turned to look at Arine and gave her a warm smile, “and you must be Eli’s new little friend.”

I knew mom meant well, but Arine didn’t take kindly to being called little. Trying to defuse the situation I introduced them again properly again, “Mom, this is Arine. She’s another new student and this, ” I gestured to my mom, “is my mom. I know it’s kind of subtle but maybe you have already spotted some of our similarities.”

“Subtle.” Arine said loud enough for only me to her while raising an eyebrow. She got a step closer and whispered in my ear, “You’re like a miniature version of herahhhhhh-” Mom had taken to grab Arine in one of her bone-crushing hugs.

“I’m so glad Eli is already making friends. My sister and I were a bit worried she would turn out to be more of a loner.”

Loner? Really, mom. At least I wasn’t the only one deeply embarrassed by this situation, judging by Arine’s burning cheeks.

“Mom? You were looking for me?” She let go of a visibly relieved Arine and I hoped she wouldn’t make this any more awkward than it already was.

“Ah yes. I thought that since you don’t have practice today, we could use the time to have a little chat. You know about the thing I’ve told you about.” Guilt was creeping in her voice and I knew exactly what she wanted to talk about. I wanted to put this off for as long as I could but on the other hand, I couldn't avoid her forever, and didn't want to either. I loved the first few carefree hours we spent together, but looking at her was still hard. It reminded me of the things my birth robbed her of. But I wanted it to be over, I wanted the guilt I felt to be finally gone and have a normal relationship with her, and I could see mom wanted the same.

I wanted to have this conversation badly, but I also had to think of Arine. We already made plans to study and practice together and I could tell that my presence made her a lot happier...well, happy might have been the wrong word but she was definitely less depressed. It didn’t feel right just leaving her like that.

“It’s fine if you want to talk to your mother, I understand.” It broke my heart how she said it. She couldn’t hide the fact that she missed her parents, especially her mom. I had a feeling something bad had happened, and I felt like shit for bringing Arine in this situation, probably reminding her of it even if I logically knew it wasn't my fault. I hoped her parents were alright, and at that moment I made a decision. If mom wanted to talk with me, Arine would come along. There was no way in hell I left her alone to spiral down a dangerous path of thoughts.

Like moms sometimes did, she seemed to have a sixth sense for the kind of things that plagued my mind. “Arine, why don’t you join us? There will be plenty more opportunities for me to have some mother-daughter time with Eli.”

Mother-daughter moments. That sounded so nice, I never had any father-son moments, well...not ones I wanted to remember anyway.

With everything settled, mom decided we would visit the Bell Vista, a small restaurant built inside one of the massive city walls surrounding the marketplace. On our way, mom tried multiple times to start a conversation, but Arine was too shy or just didn't want to answer, and I wasn't a much better conversation partner either. 

After a short walk along that dreaded coffeé shop I visited on my first day in Alos, we reached a small walled-in staircase leading to the Bella Vista. Entering the establishment, Arine and I were overcome by speechlessness. The restaurant enabled a unique view of the city. On the other side of the wall, we had a perfect view of Alos’ park. It was built like a triangle, with the widest part right underneath us and its top reaching right before the outer ring. Massive stone gates connected the different levels, decorated with drawings of ancient legends and battles fought a long time ago. Statues of dragons, griffins, basilisks and many more were placed all around the park, most of them following along the path of a river, beginning from an artificial waterfall embedded in an artificial mountain before the city wall and ending in a crystal clear lake.

Even at this time of the day, many of Alos’ residents had gathered at the Bella Vista, but not quite enough yet to warrant a reservation. We took a table on the balcony, where the view to the city was best, and a waiter was by our side shortly after. He gave each of us a menu with a wide array of dishes and appetizers. I had no idea what any of them were and Arine didn’t look any the wiser. Not wanting to repeat a past mistake on a school trip to France where I felt adventurous, I looked at my mother for advice. After some back and forth I decided on what most closely resembled a pizza, while Arine chose something with noodles.

Our meals arrived shortly after leaving our order. Some of the benefits of living in a world surrounded by magic are that you don’t have to wait hours for your dinner to arrive. We ate in silence more or less. Mom wanted to start a conversation but I didn’t want Arine to know what I had done to my mother, so I changed the topic multiple times without Arine noticing what was going on.

When it was time for dessert, we all decided on a sundae and Arine left us for a short while to take care of some business. I was relieved to have some time alone with mom. I liked being around Arine but I also didn’t want to lose her as a friend if she found out about my life. I knew someday I had to come clean and tell Arine the truth about myself, but that could wait till another day. Today I had to sort of my conflicted feelings for my mom.

“I noticed you seem kind of distant with me all of a sudden. Is it because of what I told you?”

I didn't answer and instead just nodded without looking up from my empty plate. I heard some shuffling and mom took the place Arine had sat just a moment ago. She took my hand, then drew me in closer until my head rested on her shoulder.

“It is true that I hate your father for what he did, for the way he manipulated me and made me think that I was in love with him.” She started to gently stroke the back of my head and I had to hold back some tears. “But he never, never, never affected my love for you. From the moment I was pregnant to the day of your birth, you were and always was the most precious thing in my life.”

“But, the things I took from you and… and..and, ” I had to get hold of myself so as to not start full-on bawling, “don’t I remind you of him? Every time you look at me, it must be-”

She tightened the hug around me, pressing my head even further against her body and making me unable to speak more. “Pssst. You don’t remind me of him. You’re nothing like him. You’re a sweet lovely young girl who...who….who I feel...nothing but...love for.”

“Mom, are you crying?”

“I’m...I’m sorry. It just breaks my heart seeing you like this. Maybe it was a mistake telling you all this so early on, but I wanted you to know and I don’t regret it. But please, stop blaming yourself for the things that aren’t your fault.”

We loosened our embrace and for the first time in days I was able to look my mom directly in the eyes. She smiled at me and I even managed to smile until we heard a cough coming from beside us.

“Bad timing?”

“Oh, no, we were just finished.” Mom stood up and took her original seat while Arine took her seat again. Our sundaes arrived, and the conversation was much more lively this time, as I told my mom about all the stuff Arine and I had learned so far. I know it wasn’t much, and my mom was a very powerful sorceress, but she still listened carefully to all the things I told her and encouraged me and Arine even further. It was nice having my mom back.

We were so absorbed in our conversation, that I completely lost track of time. “Uhm, what time is it?”

“Ten minutes to four.” Damnit.

“We need to go, ” I grabbed Arine’s arm and dragged her behind me while saying goodbye to mom. She didn't seem too surprised, rather amused and I was glad I hadn't just accidentally hurt her feelings by leaving so suddenly.

“Eliiiiiiiiiiiiii,” Arine squealed, ”where are you taking meeeeee.”

Oh, that was right. I never told Arine about the others and I had planned a shopping trip with her. I guess she was going now whether she wanted to or not. “We’re meeting the others at the gate.” Yep, that should be sufficient information for her.

“What others? I don’t know anyone besides you.” It was obvious Arine wanted more details but we were already there and she would find out soon enough. We made it with three minutes to spare and the others already waiting for us.

“Hey,” Kat said while clearly taking way too much interest in Arine, “I’m Kat, nice to meet you.”

“Hey, ” Arine said and I took a step before her, shielding her from Kat. I liked Kat but Arine was off-limits and I wouldn't let her tease her as she did me.

“Arine, this is Lyn, Riley, Emily, and Kat.” I made sure to pour as much venom as I could into the last three words. I wanted Kat to know not to fuck with Arine, literally and figuratively.

“So, where do you want to go first?” Riley asked, not once looking up from her book.

“First, ” Lyn said while snatching Riley's book away, “we make sure you won’t cause any more accidents like last time.”

“It’s not my fault they don’t watch their step.” Riley protested, trying to reach the book from Lyn again but only earning scowls from the rest of the group. “Okay, okay. but I want it back the moment we enter the dorm again. ”

“Deal.” Lyn said and we were off to the food section. The others needed to do a little grocery shopping so Arine and I decided to rummage around the sweets section a bit. All kinds of sweets, from ones I remember back from Earth to ones that looked completely strange, like a green chocolate creature whose name I haven’t yet learned. I wanted to try all of them but I knew I would only overeat again. I noticed a few chocolate balls filled with coconut crumbles mixture. These were my favorites back home. I was about to get two bags of them when a sad realization hit me. I had no money.

I turned my attention back to Arine and tried my most innocent look on her. “Ari?” I said as sweet as possible, “do you happen to have some money? I forget mine in my...ehm...room.”

She raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything more. “Sure, what do you want.”

I pointed at the chocolate balls and Arine grabbed two bags of it, then pulled out a small blue crystal while the salesman did likewise. They touched each other's crystal and it started to shine for the smallest of moments until it turned back into its original transparent color. They ended the transaction and we met again with Kat, Lyn, Riley, and Emily.

Next, we headed for the clothes section. We passed a few shopping booths that sold all sorts of weapons and armor. From knight attire to more or less freelance warrior stuff with all sorts of sword, knives, dagger, staffs, and wands. They even had gauntlets, interesting. 

Absorbed by the amazing displays around me, I almost missed when the others took a right turn. I caught up to them and gone were the displays of weapons and armor, replaced by all kinds of clothing, from hats to shoes. 

We spend most of the time trying on different outfits and complimenting each other, well, the others did anyway. Arine and I more or less just watched as they changed clothing in record time and only joined in with the occasional compliment ourselves. Arine mostly just stood there looking and touching the fabrics sometimes, unsure if they would bite her, but I could tell she found one or two outfits she seemed to really like even if she tried to deny it afterward. 

For my part, I mostly just admired the clothing from far away. I tried picturing how I would look in them from time to time and Emily even encouraged me to try some out, but my head wouldn’t let me. Even if I was curious as to how it would feel like, as soon as the thought of wearing a dress occurred, my father was there only waiting to scream at me and telling me what a freak I must be.

‘Don’t let him poison your thoughts. You’d look cute in it and he can’t take that away from you.’

I wish I could believe what the crazy voice in my head told me, but the influence my father had on me was much too great. I accepted that I could never be like other girls and just watched together with Arine. 

“About earlier with my mom.”

“Don’t worry about it. I know how it feels.” she was still standing beside me but her thoughts were far away. “There was something I always wanted to tell my mom too, but I never had the courage to do so. I only ever told my sister.”


“It’s too late now anyway.”

Our conversation was interrupted abruptly when Lyn, Emily, Kat and Riley returned, all had bought at least three different outfits while Lyn had only tried out a few but decided they didn't fit her style. On our way back home, we came across a plushie booth which seemed to magically attract Arine. Without saying a word she floated to the booth and pointed to one live sized shark thing...? 

“I’ll take this.” The vendor pulled the shark thingy down and Arine paid for it without a second thought. 

“What’s that?” I asked Riley.

“That’s a red shallofin, ” Riley said, “They live on the southern side of the great millennial tree.”

The plushie Arine returned with looked mostly like a shark, only it was red with two white wings pushing out of its body and only a head smaller than Arine herself. I would have never thought of Arine as the plush loving type, but seeing her clutch this far too large shallofin plush to her body could only be described as cute in a ridiculous kind of way.

Back at the dorm, we split up with the others. I wanted to spend some more time with Arine and I knew she didn't like being alone all that much either.

“Eli?”, looking up from her shallofin she pressed against her chest, “will you come to the show battle tomorrow?”

“Show battle?” I asked, distracted by Arines shallofin. It looked so fluffy.

“Yeah, ” she said, "the school will hold a show battle every year to encourage the students and as an entry point for the tournament season.”

“Sounds like fun. Sure, I’m in.” I said while petting her shallofin plush, it was indeed very, very fluffy.

“Thanks, that means a lot to me, ” she said, clutching the plush even tighter and forcing a small smile, “Good night, Eli.”

“Good night, Ari.”