Chapter 3
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Lore dump in this one as well as some details. This might be a long one.

Chapter 3

[Diana Eha]

[Three Days Later]

It had been three days ever since I rescued my husband from that witched bitch, all I can say is I'm glad that he is alright, I'm a little sad however, that he spent ten overall years with that woman. Although mana helps us last longer than the common peasants in today's world so I'm not all to worry about Aino's health. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind growing old with him. Aino is everything right now, I've conquered everything in the Eastern sections of the continent to ensure his safety and our future children's safety.

Right now, as I look down at my belly that looks bumpy looking, it indeed indicates that I am indeed pregnant with his child, that once again makes me happy. Once again mana helps us reproduce in alarming rates, overall, people in royalty never had to worry about the long gestation period for the baby to be born, most children in royalty do actually age faster but age slower when reached peak adulthood. We still do not know why this is the case.

Bla! Enough with my ramblings, in front of me that is also sitting on my saddle on my sumpter horse is my beloved husband, Aino Aleksandra. I can smell his scent as I inched closer to him, it is addicting.

But my mood turns gloomy as I noticed how upset Aino is. Oh, what has happened to you?

"What's the matter my belove?" I asked while smiling.

"N-nothing." He said while showing a smile of his own, but he showed it with hesitation.

"Please tell me what's the matter? It pains me to see you upset." I said while smoothing his silky-smooth hair.

"N-nothings the matter, just upset of the... Meal we had..." He said while looking down while facing forward.

Huh? The meal? Oh! Yes, that must be it!

"Anni! You better not make the next meals terrible or otherwise it is your pay that is going bye-bye!" I yelled at Anni whom is our cook... eh, the only one that knows how to cook that is. Anni is actually terrible and basic when it comes to cooking, cooks rice with either little to no water, makes terrible fire cake, and of course somehow makes basic grain food bland to eat. Honestly shouldn't even let her cook...

"H-h-how about this, I cook for everyone here!" Aino struggles to speak but manages to speak up.

Everyone around us turns towards Aino and all of them gave a look greed as they would finally taste food made by an actual cook, what makes it better is that the cook is a man.

[Fourish hours later]

Everyone sat on a stool or a log close to an open campfire, the soldiers crack jokes, some managed to grope my beloved in the butt, however they never left unpunished as I punched them straight in the face. Lucky for them, Aino managed to help them heal their injuries while still trying to flirt with Aino, Aino himself barely stopped me from just killing them.

During the three-day trip, the women are seen to be pregnant as well, all of them including Joji as she never usually gets pregnant every time they pillage and rape through cities or whatnot, matter in fact, I've never seen anyone under my command get pregnant before... Which both surprises me and respect towards the soldiers under me. Normally, soldiers in armies when standing in victory would take and plunder the enemies resources, that includes men. Men found in battlefields were used till they couldn't even think for themselves, half the time women would get pregnant because of this ordeal, which did grant them leave so they can birth the child, thankfully mages helped us shorten gestation periods and helped us a lot. Did you know more than a quarter of women during war, are born on the battlefields? Quite literally actually.

Unfortunately, the men in cities don't fare better as they would be used as nothing more than toys for the army that plundered their city. Royalty especially. Slavery as well became a big hit when it came to men and demi-humans. For example, the Western Empire in the West Pole Continent doesn't have Citizen'd men, all men were treated as objects over there as marriage tools or slaves. Women were given absolute power over there. The Empress over there is rumored to be quite sadistic when it came to men, made them have sex to animals before feeding them to the said animals while making other men watch as they waited for their deaths.

Fortunately, the men in the Northern Pole Continent fare much better, men tend to be showed as holy beings, reason behind why that's the case is because only a hundred men live over there with almost a billion women, rumor has it the Northerners raid ships to steal men from them, but it isn't known if it's true.

Then there is the South Pole Continent... Men never existed over there but despite that, women over there ranged in the millions, it does make sense that the women happened to be Orcs since they are female only as a race. Investigations on the continent conducted by the Kingdom of Helous suggests that Orcs either raid nearby continents or ships to steel men while pillaging the said villages or ships for resources. Birth rates of course are MUCH higher than Humans, depending on the breed of Orc, under a single day. The Investigators also found out how the men are literally fucked to death as their lower bones were turned to mush, and their genitalia broken in many different ways. Orcs tend to have almost a hundred siblings without even knowing about their father.

Now the Eastern Pole Continent, it is homed most demi-humans, elves, dwarfs, vampires, even the rare dragonesses. The Eastern Pole Continent is also famous for its highly dense and pure mana, probably the sole reason for different races living here. The Eastern Pole Continent is happened to be the largest continent in the world (A/N: Basically, bigger than North America in our world, keep in mind this world is FAR larger than Earth.) We are basically considered the most normal out of all the continents.

Before I could think more, I ended up smelling something heavenly, something I've missed so much. I looked towards the located where the smell originates from and noticed Aino's sexy back facing me.

Alluring is the word I want to say, however before anymore lustful thoughts would continue to rage in my mind, Aino's angelic voice comes out.

"Dinners are ready!" He said while holding plates in his arms. He walks up towards the soldiers giving them a plate what could be describe as a homely meal. Meat while served on the side with veggies and desserts, it makes for a nice meal to be had while sitting at a table, but campfire had to do for now. Almost instantly everyone started to eat there's as I waited for my meal to arrive, then finally, my meal arrives. It was the bird meat we had stored in a magic cooler and the veggies we rarely used during our journey to pick Aino up.

However, I noticed destain in the eyes of Aino before he left to eat his meal. He looks sad even more. I just shrug and continue to eat my meal. The soldiers for proceed to thank Aino while one of them tried to kiss him but I managed to kick him out of the way.

[An hour later - Day falls]

I stand near the tent where me and my belove would sleep for tonight, although we slept together for two days straight, however... I'm angry that we aren't do much 'fun activities' in bed. Matter in fact, Aino has been cold towards me ever since that day happened... I guess he still remembers that sicken bitch, time to make him learn who his true lover is...

I enter the tent and what I saw was a bed and Aino standing at the end of the bed while trying to button his sleepwear. I walk behind him and jump onto him.

"Arg!" He exclaimed while landing on the bed while facing me, I pin him down while I look deeply in his eyes with lust. My breath quickens as I continue to look at him. "W-what's the matter?" He asked me but I ignore him and simply put my lips together with his in a blur, tongue out into his as I fight for dominance in his month. Aino himself struggles to break free as he begins to resist. "N-no! Phease shop!" His speech paired as I forced my month and tongue onto his.

Then before I knew it, I ripped both my and his clothes apart. I look at him hungrily with my hot breath coming in and out. "I want to do it, NOW!" I yelled at him before coming down to his neck to nibble on it.

"N-no, this isn't a go-" I grab his two cheeks and put my face close to his with an angry look. 

"Listen here you lowly man, you better do as I say or you'll going to regret resisting against me, I. Am your. Empress. Listening to me when I give you a fucking order, bitch." I slap him and pull down his pants as I said more voguer words to him. "Tonight, you are going to be my whore to use, my toy. I. Am your master." I said while smiling and huffing. "Mine. Mine. AND MINE TO BE USED FOREVER!" My eyes were bloodshot as I said that. Aino's terrified face with tears coming down his cheeks looked so hot to me.

Perhaps I am a sadist?


Had to redo this chapter as I forgot to save it in my draft on Sunday, Sorry for the late upload.