Chapter 7-1
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Completely forgot to make a new chapter and even the existence of this story for a moment.

Also, I'm not a horse expert, I might get some terminology or wording wrong.

This chapter will be shorter than the other ones. Forgot to sleep as well 😵 

Chapter 7

{Aino Aleksandra}

{Two Days later}

I sit up straight and firm on the saddle with Diana behind me whilst wiping the bridle down in rapid movements. Throughout the journey to the capital, Diana has been getting handy with my body. Gripping on my waist with a free arm or coming down on my neck to take a few sniffs of my scent. Totally not creepy at all.


Kystal is the only person around the group that I spotted acting... Weird? She would space out at times while taking rests or walking. She would aways bump into some other soldier or miss her footing every now and then. I found it amusing to me at least, but towards Diana, she grew jealous of me after seeing me chuckling at one of her poor soldiers.

However, I would soon find out that the entire group of ladies were jealous of Kystal for some odd reason. But enough of that.

The forest we are in was vast, we did unfortunately run into some goblins and managed to deal with them, thankfully only one of us was hurt but with the help of some of my medical knowledge and spells, I fixed her up as good as new. During that time, she had a smug face while eyeing the other soldiers with a look of 'dominance'? I have no idea how the female brain works.

"Milady, we are close to the capital, only a few miles more and we've reached there." A soldier in a closed off helmet spoke out to our side, she had a pattern of four squares of yellow and black, which the colors did represent Diana's coat of arms.

"Excellent, I want you to go ahead and task them of setting up a carriage to her majesty, Empress Kasper Eha, oh and do also requests some escorts to protect our carriage on the way." Diana said with a bored expression. The soldier salutes and leaves with a rush on her horse.

"Please tell me your mother is kind." I said to Diana.

"Define kind, if she sees someone who is worthy to be in her point of view, then yes, she can be kind. But to the people whom she believes aren't even close to being worthy to grace their eyes upon her, she would insult them into submission or execute them herself if she truly hates them. Only a few nobles ever risk gracing them with their eyes, few did survive." She said with a sigh. "Stupid mother of mine, this can bring civil unrest if she continues her behavior. Hopefully she likes you." She said with another sigh.

"Oi! Don't make me tremble over her! Make me feel confident to meet your mother, not the other way around!" I said while almost yelling at her. 

"Yeah... Don't worry Aino! She will like you not a single doubt in my mind she would dislike you! She might ultimately tolerate you though!" She said with a smile while giving me a hug.

"I can't tell if that's supposed to help me feel better or feel worse." I said with a plain face while raising my eyebrow.

However, my train of thought is soon interrupted by a series of horse sounds coming towards us. I looked forward and see a large and majestic carriage being pulled by four very large and horned horses. One of the doors open and it reveals a favorability beautiful woman in a rich dress and crown.

"My daughter finally has shown up." She exits while her eyes are close. "Now let me se-" Her eyes open and before she spoke another word, her month gapes open wide.

Oh Goddess, please tell me she at least t-

"SO HANDSOME!" She yelled and ran straight towards me.

"What?" I said.

"What?" Diana said.