Chapter 1: Lust (1)
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"An uneventful life."

This statement could be used to describe my current life and past life. For some reason, the "me" last life and the current "me" have many things in common.

Firstly, we all have the same mindset, which is very carefree. Although I remembered the memories of my past life a few moments ago, I have no concerns about it.

"Hah~ Aside from 27 years of extra memories, nothing has changed. I am still me."


"How could I remain as a loner even in this life?"

In my last life, I was a loner who worked as a freelancer and eventually died without anyone knowing.

"And now I have been a loner for 21 years and currently working as an officer of a small company."

However, there is something different...
I look at myself in front of the mirror and find a little girl with blond hair. I have long blond hair growing over my shoulder and long bangs that hide most of my face.

"This is me in this life..."

I try to reach out and lift up my bangs...


What is hidden in there is a small, fluffy and cute face.

"I look so cute.~"

18+ Illustration




I am not a narcissistic person, you see...
As I recover the memories of another "me", I feel like something has changed. The old "me" could never compliment my own appearance, but I would feel self-conscious about it instead. Because I'm a little too undeveloped compared with my peers.

"Maybe there is some change in my sexual orientation...Well, let's check it out then..."

I couldn't help but find my laptop and open the web browser. After I access the website, I keep scrolling to find the XXX video. After 15 minutes, I still not find any videos that fit my taste.

"This might be that habit was inherited from the past life..."

It's not until I find a rape video with Futanari.


I was never interested in Futanari in the first place. But somehow, I feel interested when I see the Futanari video here.

"Well, it's worth a try..."

I play the video with anticipation.

"Ahh~ No, please don't!"

The blond Futanari girl ignores the girl's shouting and holds her hair.

"A cum dump should act like a cum dump! Who gives you the permission to talk."


The blond Futanari slaps the girl and shouts out loud.

"Who let you talk!"

The blond Futanari aggressively insert her huge dick inside the girl's pussy without any foreplay.

"Gyaaa !!! ❤️ ~❤️"

The girl in the video shows a hurtful face at first. But her face gradually turned into a melting face after a few minutes of pistoning.


I look down and find my hands unconsciously reaching toward my pants.

"Calm down, Yuru..."

I breathe in, then breathe out to calm myself.


I glance at the video one last time and hurriedly turn it off.

"It feels really wrong..."

When I watched the video, I wished that I was the girl inside the video. Being dominated and controlled by someone else is really tempting.


I hit my face with my hands and shouted out loud.

"Are you isane, Yuru? Why do you have that kind of thought?"

I put away the laptop and tried to calm myself.

"Hah... Let's not care about it for now. Since I was reincarnated, would I have some kind of cheat?"

I raise my hand and shout out loud.

"Status window, come out!"

There is no way it would come out right...


Unexpectedly, a white screen really appears from nothingness. However, this status screen looks so weird.

"What the hell is this?"

There are 4 categories tabs in the status screen: "Status, skills, passive and secret diary." However, what is bizarre is the content of the status category.

Name: Yuru Ueno
Level 1
Charm: 62
Encounter rate with pervert: 10%
Encounter rate with Futanari: 10%
Encounter rate with stalker: 10%
"Open a random stats for 1 point."
Points: 2

"I'm currently level 1, and there are two points to allocate."

Aside from charm, I don't want to increase any other stats.

"They all look so dangerous..."

Let's have a look at the skills category.

Full recovery: Recover all of your limbs into your original state. The skill won't affect sexual modification. It could be used once a month.

It looks fine so far...But what about the sexual modification part? Let's ignore it for now and have a look at my passive.

Carefree Mind: Your mind can't be broken.
Eternal Youth: You are forever young.

As for the secret diary, I tried to access that category, but it said I had no authority for now.

"Hah...They are all weird things. This status screen feels more like a burden than a privilege."

After putting the status screen away, I shake my head and try to distract myself.

"Let's grab some boba tea in the meantime."

Before I leave my house, I feel like I have forgotten something.

"If I don't remember, this means it's not important. Let's go."

I live in a 20-story apartment building. I lived on floor 12, so I had to take the elevator to the first floor.

"Even though this apartment is on the city's outskirts, it's still weird to have few people living here."

Well, I don't really care about it... It took me over 10 minutes to reach the nearest boba shop with short legs. It's not my fault that I was born with only 132 centimetres this life...

"Child, why are you this time? You should be at school by now, right?"

I try to refute the clerk's sister and show her my identification card.

"I'm not a child, sister. Please give me a large Olong boba tea with extra sugar and 30% Ice."

The clerk's sister freezes for a few seconds, then quickly greets me with a professional smile.

"You look so young...Well, it would be 62 NUA."

I complete the payment and head out to a seat near the window. Maybe my mind is affected by the passive that I am no longer worried about that bizarre status screen now.

"Here's your boba tea."

"Thanks, sister~."

The clerk's sister nods and gets back to the reception.
I pick up my boba tea and take a picture of it. After that, I upload it to Foobook and start enjoying my boba.


While I'm taking my time, I suddenly feel my phone shaking.


It's not until I open the phone that there is some reaction to my recent post.

"Eh...? It's my...boss!!!!"

Today is Friday!!! Does that mean...!!! Without letting me think twice, my phone rang loudly inside the shop. I have no choice but to pick up the phone with a weak voice.


"Heh? You still know that I'm your boss?"

He is the manager of the company where I am currently working. He is a toxic boss who keeps shifting all his work to his subordinates. He is also famous for sexually harassing other female employees in the company. Luckily, I'm not his taste, so he never touches my body. But I still hate him so much...

"I'm done with you, employee A."

"My name is ..."

"Blah, Blah. I don't want to hear anything from a kiddo. Anyway, you are fired."

I almost swore out loud because of how absurd it is.

"Boss, It's too..."

"This is the third time you made a mistake, so I can end the contract one-sidedly."

I raise my voice and rebuke against him.

"I don't remember ever making any other mistake than this one."

"Are you a bird brain? Last month, you missed 2 deadlines, idiot?"

"But those were all extra work you gave me at the last moment. How can I finish handling those works in a fucking hour?"

The boss on the other side smirks and laughs at me.

"That's your job! If you don't finish it, it would be your fault."


"I thought I would tell the accountant to give you half your salary. But I have changed my mind, you won't get a single cent from me."

"Fuck you!"

"Tchh, ungrateful bastard!"

The boss hung up after he cursed at me.


This man is so unreasonable...

"Today is my payday, but I was fired without a cent. So how can I pay my rent tomorrow?"

I sigh and get him out of my head.

"Let's not think about it for now."

While I am drinking my boba tea, I suddenly hear a voice coming from next to me."

"May I sit here, sweetie?"

I turn to the void and find an incredible beauty standing next to me.


The girl has platinum long red hair. She wears a tight dress that can show off her curvy body.


I look at her body, then look at mine. She is so beautiful, unlike the pityful me. I say to her with a small voice.

"You could sit here..."

"Well, thanks."

The girl elegantly sits next to me.

"It seems like you are having financial problems, right?"

Did she overhear my conversation with my boss? Now, I calm down and pay attention to my surroundings. There were many empty seats, but she chose to sit next to me. I become cautious and stare at her.

"Don't worry, sweetie. I only want to give you an invitation."

The girl gives me a meaningful smile while changing her sitting position to cross-legged. As I glanced at her, I quickly noticed something strange bulging between her legs.


The girl puts her index finger on her lips and whispers to me in a small voice.


She also takes this chance to hand me a white envelope.

"This would handle your financial needs and..."

The girl whispered each word into my ear slowly.

"Your desire...?"

I gulp and try asking her back. However, the girl blocks my mouth with her index finger before I can do anything.

"Give it a try~"

When I look into her eyes, I almost feel like I would be devoured by her at any moment. The girl touches my face gently, and I feel like leaning against her hand.

"I hope that I will see you again, sweetie."

Then the girl stands up and leaves me dumbfound behind.

"What...? What's that?"

I shake my head and feel a little scared about myself. While I interacted with that girl, a thought to let her ravaged me appeared inside my mind. In the next moment, everything becomes calm again.


I hurriedly open the status screen and try to look through all three categories.

"Since when...?"

I don't know when I have a new passive.

Carefree Mind: Your mind can't be broken.
Eternal Youth: You are forever young.
Abyss Desire: You can't run away from your desire.


Well, what I care about most now is how to pay the rent. I pick up the envelope and go back home as soon as possible. I throw the envelope to the table and jump on the bed. I don't want to burden my mind further, so let's rest first.


"Hahhh ~ Hahhhh!"

I wake up in the morning while breathing rapidly. I touch my chest and try to comfort myself.

"It's just a dream..."

I lift the blanket and find it has become damp down there. I put it out on the balcony to dry it out. After handling everything, I go to the desk and open the envelope.

"Now, let's see..."

I find a small piece of paper inside it.

"Is this a website...?"

What is written in the is a website domain. I have no choice but to access it with my computer. And what I find is a XXX live stream website. I browsed the website and found the website divided from super kinky and weird to soft exposure. It has 5 levels in total that can be ranged and categorised.

Level 1: Soft exposure.
Level 2: Sexy exposure to nude.
Level 3: Engaging in sexual activity.
Level 4: Kinky like soft BDSM, Shibari,...
Level 5: Hardcore.

"Let's create the account first..."

When I create my account, I come across a part where I have to fill in an invitation code. I look through the piece of paper again and find one in there. When I successfully created an account, the doll bell rang at the same time.


I can hear a familiar alluring voice come from the door.

"I'm your landlord. I'm here to collect the rent."

Huh? Why is the landlord here? I remember I usually transfer the money directly. Even though I complain in my heart, I still reach out to the door and open it. What awaits me on the other side is the familiar girl from yesterday.


She smiles as if she has waited for my arrival for a long time. She holds some paper that looks like a contract in one hand while the other hands has 5 small glass vials.

"You are not..."

"You had created the account using my invitation code, hadn't you? My little Yuru~"

"How could you know my name?"

"Oh, my~How couldn't I don't know your name? I am your landlord, sweetie."

The girl gives me the contract and vials on her hands.

"This is all the reward from a level 5 invitation code, sweetie."

She doesn't leave me a chance to ask another question. She leaves right after giving me those things.

I couldn't help but shout at her disappeared back.


"I hope that you will pay the rent soon, sweetie. See you later."


I close the door and bring everything back to my room.

"Firstly, the contract..."

To sum up the contract, it's an experiment to test a new sexual drug. As I finished testing it, I could receive large sums of money. And my live streams would always be promoted on their website. However, the company would not be responsible if something happened to me.


I stare at the five vials while thinking this must be the drug they mentioned.


My reason tells me not to sign this unfair contract. However, my body still picks up the pen and signs it.

"It would be great if something happened to this boring life."

This might be my desire for my current and past life.

I hold one vial and drink the thing in it in one go. It didn't take long for me to feel the heat that appeared inside my body.


I'm surprised by my sudden moaning. The heat inside me doesn't subside even when I stay still for 10 minutes but grows even stronger.

" It's hot..."

Especially from the part below my abdomen, I can feel the heat focus in there.

I open the status screen to check the passive. I wasn't surprised to find a new passive there.

Bitch In Heat Lv1: You will always be horny. The lust accumulated very slowly inside you.

18+ Illustration




At that time, I never thought that once I entered this hell, I would not be able to escape from it.