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Third-person POV.

In a forest far from the ash forest there were three shadows that no one could see, from there two wolves emerged and a woman in full body armor, the woman began to take off her armor piece by piece.

When she had finished taking it off there was only a beautiful woman with red hair in small black shades left, and with exhaustion she threw herself to the ground dressed as a male Hunter.

Lydia: "I thought I would die"

The woman, Lydia, reached out and petted one of the wolves.

Lydia: "Thank you, if it wasn't for the Skill you mentioned right now I'd be dead"

The skill she mentioned was [Void], not all users could use it with as much versatility as Yami, many of them only use it as an emergency escape and that's what Lydia did.

Lydia: "But I spent all my mana, now we have to go on foot"

Wolves: "Woff"

The wolves barked as if to say 'Let's go' and Lydia got up from the ground and started to head north.

Lydia: (Well the shadows also know which way to go, it will be a matter of time before we meet again)

Wishing his servants well, he ran north to his new home.


Yami had already arrived at the castle of the beast men, the maids, the butlers as well as Yami's nobles and acquaintances were surprised by her change.

Yami quickly arranged a meeting for the visit of the Elves, in the room were Darctalos, Elenor and Lapis.

Elenor and Lapis wanted to talk about the sudden change in her appearance, but since they saw Yami acting naturally they did not give it much thought.

Yami: "Elenor let's skip the explanations and you can get me twenty wizards, ten of fire and ten of wind"

Elenor: "Sure, that's easy enough."

Yami: "No matter its mana power, even a knight who has a good command of magic serves me"

Elenor: "Sure, but can I ask you something?"

Elenor had a bad feeling about what Yami is going to do.

Yami: "Sure, go ahead"

Elenor: "Your visit to the Elves will be a peaceful one"

Yami: "You know the answer will be a 'Peaceful' visit, these elves have many agreements with humanity, all that remains is to crush them"

Elenor didn't stay quiet since she really knows what Yami is capable of.

Yami now turned to Lapis.

Yami: "You've got 'it' ready"

Lapis: "Sure, we've had prisoners and criminals working day and night for three days to complete it, right now we have about three hundred tons"

Yami: "Perfect, tomorrow we'll leave for the Elven forest, I'm going to sleep I used a lot of energy today, by the way Darctalos a vampire named Lydia will arrive today or tomorrow, take care of her"

Darctalos: "As ordered"

Yami went directly to her room and without wasting a single second she threw herself on the bed and immediately began to sleep, she had spent a lot of manna, especially in those black flames, they came out of her body alone but, they did not come out of nowhere, they used a lot of manna because of the lack of affinity with the fire attributes.


The night passed and a new day began, Yami was in the back with twenty gentlemen as she had requested, they were races varied by beast men and demons and behind them were a few tons of packages wrapped in black cloth.

Ten servants came out of the castle carrying ten boxes each and gave them to all the knights of the wind attribute.

The knights did not know why they had been called, so they were quite nervous about the vicious rumors about Yami.

Yami: "Come closer, I'll explain why I called you"

The knights approached hesitantly, Yami did not care and spread a map of the continent on a table brought by one of the servants.

Yami: "Our goal is this, the land of the Elves"

The gentlemen were stunned and when they were about to declare their opinions and discontent by reflection, Yami stopped them with her words.

Yami: "You're worried about the forest barrier and our few numbers, aren't you?"

They all felt hesitantly and then Yami points behind them and exclaims.

Yami: "To beat the numbers, you can use two things, overwhelming force and strategies, what we will do is a strategy"

While smiling happily he continued to explain the plan.

Yami likes to destroy her enemy by brute force, but she also likes it psychologically and especially because she has always liked strategy games.

The next morning twenty-one horses galloped out of Artom and on top of one of them is a half asleep Yami, even though it was her plan she forgot the detail that she hates to get up early.

-------;{ ------

They arrived at dusk, at this time Yami is too active, while the knights are exhausted by the long journey, fortunately there were still a few hours for the plan to start, meanwhile only two knights were with llama the other eighteen had separated into other groups of two and had divided around the village of the Elves.

Although it is called country the Elves are few in number because of their long life they do not need to have enough children in a long time, so their community is only in a forest ten kilometers in diameter.


As Yami exclaimed, the soldiers took their positions and waited for the moment.


Meanwhile the village chief was worried about the sudden events, the emissary of the demon king was sent to demand an alliance, but the Elves violently rejected him.

They no longer wanted to be part of the war, especially the Chief, she was a High Elf, her golden hair extended to her ankles and unlike the other women in the village, her body was quite voluptuous.

Chief: (We have to kill that girl, no matter what the cost, she has to disappear)

She only worries about one thing, while an elf informs her about the death of the girl's parents, she starts preparing to go to sleep, the Elves don't trust fire, their forest has different light properties that they can use.

As he begins to close his eyes he doesn't notice the black ash falling from the sky.

That was the beginning of a hell on earth.