CH:1 [Parallel Paths]
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"Dad, please, just hold on a bit longer," gasps the worried girl, rushing through a shaky, dimly-lit place resembling a company office. Her clothes visibly stained red, narrating the danger she navigates as she hurriedly descends the stairs.

As the girl descends the stairs, her eyes widen in sheer horror at the ghastly sight of lifeless bodies and blood-soaked corridors.

A desperate plea echoes in her mind, "Please, no, don't let it be what I'm thinking." With a terror-stricken expression, she navigates the hallway, stumbling upon a corpse gruesomely missing its lower half.

Overwhelmed, she collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face, her utterances laced with disbelief. "Why did this happen? It had nothing to do...."

Her sentence is violently severed by the thunderous rumbling of the entire structure. Amidst the reverberating chaos, a shrill voice, reminiscent of a colossal bird, pierces the air. In an instant, the building crumbles before her eyes, revealing a monstrous creature glaring at her. As its gaping maw unfolds, everything plunges into an engulfing darkness.

"Wake up, wake up"...

A comforting voice, tinged with familiarity, coaxes Yash, saying, "Sweetie, you shouldn't drool on the place where you eat.

Yash, still half-asleep with his head in his arms, mumbles, "Okay, Mom, waking up." As he's caught between sleep and wakefulness, he thinks about the weird situation. When he fully wakes up, he can't shake off the strange dream where a girl called his dad hers. The unsettling feeling grows as he imagines his dad in that state. It's not just the talk that bothers him, but the disturbing image that sticks with him, making the dream hard to forget as his father's condition in the dream truly unsettled him.

Yash's mom, hearing this, questions, "did u once again did gaming sessions all night?" Yash, feigning laziness, replies, "No, Mom. What are you talking about? What gaming session?" His mom insists, "No need to lie to me. You are my child, and I know what you are like. How many times will I say you should at least keep yourself healthy and get proper sleep?" She adds, "Take care of your skin properly." Yash, feeling weird with his voice but possibly ignoring it, lazily says, "Yes, Mom, yes."

Not in the mood for jokes, Yash's mom, with a not-so-good smile, warns, "Sweetie, if you won't wake up, then get ready to feel my hand."

Yash, just waking up, lifts his head and exclaims, "Uh... why resort to such measures? I am waking up." As he lifts up his head, he notices his unusually long hair and questions in his mind, "What the fuck happened to my hair? Am I being pranked?"

Suspecting a prank, glances at his mother for hints. As he moves his now long hair to look up, he's surprised – his mother looks strangely younger. Still convinced it's a prank, he pulls out his hair, and a feminine "ouch" escapes. Doubt creeps in, and Yash, in a mix of confusion and disbelief, questions, "What's going on? This can't be real. Am I in some kind of dream?"

Yash, struggling to believe, turns to his mother and says, "Mom, help a bit. I think my eyes are still blurry; I'm not awake properly." His mother, with a teasing smile, retorts, "You're grown up now; do these things yourself. Or you'll be on the lookout for a loving husband who will bear your demands."

Confused, Yash questions in his mind, "Wait... husband? What the hell?" As he contemplates the strange things his mom is saying, he can't shake off the peculiarity.

Despite his mother looking younger than usual, Yash can't ignore it any longer. Unable to hold back, he asks, "You were joking about the husband thing, right?" and adds, "Don't you think my voice has become shrill?" as he places his hand on his throat.

His mother responds worriedly, placing a hand on Yash's head, she jokes, "Ivy, are you okay? Do you want us to take you to the doctor? Why are you acting so strange since you woke up? Did you have a bad dream?"

She then warns him, "If you're joking with me, it won't be good for you." Instructing him to act like a proper grown-up teenager, she sarcastically adds, "Your voice is as beautiful and feminine as it was before. Stop using male slang and switch back to female slang in your speech." Urging him to get ready for school as time is limited, Yash's mother also addresses the husband joke, mentioning it was for now but emphasizes that in the future, he will eventually have to look out for one. She adds, "But for now, it's time to focus on your career." Reminding him of his aspiration to be a Vim Cultivator, she encourages him to stay dedicated.

Yash, in his perplexity, mutters to himself, "What the...? who is this Ivy? What is this Vim Cultivator, and what happened to my body?" He gazes downward, attempting to comprehend the changes. Instead, he finds two round hills where his manly chest used to be – something commonly known as a woman's pride. In a puzzled tone, he remarks, "Wait, are those...?" With a sense of disbelief, he adds, "Perfect... neither too large nor too small. This is seriously messed up."

As he observes further, he notices emptiness in the crotch area and, now in a distressed state, says to himself, "No way, did I turn into a girl in a parallel world?".

Yash, now fully realizing the situation, connects the dots. He understands why his mother mentioned a foreign name, which, apparently, was meant for him but in a female form. As he contemplates the odd things his mother said and her suggestion to use female slangs while communicating, he realizes,.

"One thing I don't know is about Vim Cultivator."

He looks up to where his mother was sitting and talking on the smartphone.Yash, seeing his mother excitedly converse, asks, "Mom, who are you talking to?" His mother smiles, "I'm talking to your elder brother. 

Yash's mother excitedly shares more details on the phone, "He's on an excursion with school. Guess what? He hit a good jackpot and was able to get a desolate bone as he single-handedly killed a beast." She enthusiastically adds, "And you know what? He'll also get a reward from the school for his deed. My son is a genius; he killed the beast single-handedly."

Yash's mom adds, "Hey Ivy, your brother mentioned he'll send you this force-imbued skin cream that's all the rage among girls these days."

Hearing this, Yash, who was busy wrapping his head around the bizarre fantasy world, suddenly perks up. The whole Vim Cultivator, desolate beasts, and academy excursion thing gives him a hint that this ain't your usual world. Excitement hits him, and his now girly cheeks go all red as his face looks cute.

Seeing Yash's adorable reaction, his mom chuckles and secretly snaps a photo. Yash catches on and says, now embarrassed, "Mom, stop it." 

His mother, smiling, ignores what she said and suggests, "Ivy, if you're that happy, maybe a little 'thank you' for your brother?" Yash, with a a bit of a puzzled face, thinks to himself, 'Even though I'm a girl now, I won't get happy like girls due to cosmetics.' In a low murmur, and with his mother putting the phone on speaker and in front of him, he says, "Oh... okay, congrats and thanks, brother." As he hears a reply from the smartphone, "No worry, cute little Ivy, I am your brother; I can do this much for you." After this, his mom smirks, "Well, that's new. I thought you weren't into beauty stuff." Yash, still regretting why he made that face, goes, "Uh... Mom, life's short, right? Gotta try everything."

Yash, unable to contain his excitement, asks his mother, "Mom, can I go back to my room?" His mom replies, "You have school; do what you want to do and come back fast."

Hearing this, Yash, who was thinking about the uniform that looked like the one from his previous higher school but for girls, instantly frowns and says, "Mom, can I take just one day off?" His mom outright denies, but Yash, using his one tried-and-true technique he used when he was kid, says, "Mom, my stomach is paining; I won't be able to attend school." His mom, looking at Yash who has his hand on his stomach, gives him a strange look of understanding and says, "If that's the problem, you can take one day off; it won't make much difference."

As Yash sees the look in his mom's eyes, he instantly understands why she allowed him to stay. he thought , 'Now mom thinks I am on my days. Why are the people here so much double-thinkers?' As she walks out of the room, Yash shakes his head in disbelief.