CH:2 [Vim Shift]
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Yash, now a she, found it hard to adjust to this new reality. As she walked through her house, she thought, "This situation is confusing. The world I knew has changed. Although I'm excited about the vim cultivator stuff, suddenly being a girl is a lot to take in." Climbing the stairs to her room, Yash whispered to herself, "Maybe I'm overthinking this gender change. I should accept my new name, not dwell on it, and figure out what to do next."

 Ivy, trying not to think too much about her changed situation, shakes her head and decides to explore the house. In a boyish way, she says, "Man, I checked out the entire place – it's larger than my original house, there are even extra rooms in comparison!"

 As she continues exploring, Ivy finds a door where her name is written. When she opens her own room, she expects a girly setup but is relieved to find a more neutral space. She thinks, "Guess the girl version of me wasn't into overly girly stuff."

 Finding her computer, Ivy sees a funny detail – a banana instead of the usual Apple logo. She chuckles at the amusing change. Sitting in front of her "banana Mac," Ivy tries to log in but messes up the password. Realizing she didn't get back up memory like every transmigrated would, she sighs, "My inconvenient life." After a second attempt with a different password, she succeeds, jokingly sticking her tongue out, saying, "My bad forgot I changed the pass recently."

 Ivy, logging into her banana Mac, notices that the interface looks different and more upgraded. Checking the OS version, she finds it's higher than the original one, making her wonder if it the  version that Will get released in her original world.

As she opens the browser, Ivy discovers her profile, realizing her name is not Ivy but Ivrya. She chuckles, saying, "Took a bit longer to find my own name. Thought Ivy was original, but I guess it's a pet name, and Ivrya sounds just fine, though I still prefer my family calling me Ivy."

Clicking on the search box, Ivy types "vim cultivator" as it's the only thing she knows best. Instantly, many web-links appear, and she clicks on one leading to an index of a forum with various information.

The first subject in the index was the history of vim practitioners. Ivy excitedly mumbles to herself, "This seems like the perfect thing I need for now." Ivy clicks on the "History of Vim Practitioner" link, reaching a lengthy form. She mutters, "Guess I have to read the whole thing; it will probably take some time."

After absorbing many mind-boggling details, she sits back, crosses her hands behind her head, and exhales, "Huff, that was some crazy info." Ivy reflects, "This world is both interesting and dangerous. A new form of energy invaded the Earth, and the exact reason is still unknown. Research suggests a phenomenon that looked similar to a gamma-ray burst occurred on the first day when, as they say, it hit the Earth. But it was not GRB; it did not destroy Earth; instead, it gave Earth an energy force called 'vim.'"

She continues, "This energy brought significant changes, not only to animals but even to the rarer part of the human population. They evolved into a different species, gaining a different constitution to adapt to the extreme changes around Earth under the invasion of vim. However, the majority of humans who didn't adapt to the changes faced challenging survival without any special powers."

"Interestingly, 30 years ago, the first spatial rifts opened. These rifts possibly occurred due to the high concentration of vim energy at a single point, caused the space mesh to bend. These different rifts that were connected to only a single plane allowed humans to enter a whole new world. Unlike novels where mutated beasts invade Earth from space rifts, Earthling greatly benefited from these gates. Humans, who entered these spatial rifts, found new ways to use the vim force."

 "Also, Earthlings were the only ones familiar with the vim of Earth, making them the only ones able to cross these gates, and no entity was able to enter. This made Earth immune to any foreign entry due to vim's influence through portals." Ivy adds, "Um, and yeah, for the animals of Earth, they became the real terror for Earthlings."

 "Even the human part that evolved had a very hard time countering the beasts. As for normal humans, not talking about them is for the best. We were desperately hopeless at the start of the vim invasion. These evolved animals or simply beasts were very powerful. Some mid-rank mutants had the capability to blow up a whole average town."

 "Not only did they have higher physical strength, rendering ordinary weapons useless, but some even had Awakened human-like consciousness. They were specifically the best and very hard to kill. But as humans found ways to use vim to their benefit, we were able to preserve ourselves and make ourselves strong. No beast was able to pose a danger to us, which was quite commendable considering how they countered that situation at the brink of extinction."

 "The human practitioners had become so strong that they could split mountains and seas. They were revered highly by humans, and now vim practitioners were the ones with fame and riches. They were the only ones on whom the human species could depend, and they were the only ones who could protect them."

 Ivy continues, "Lastly, the age of vim cultivation and vim practitioners came, where vim cultivation became very important and needed. Things were judged by strength, and the strong were the ones who had the right to speak, as the world oriented towards survival of the fittest. However, being a vim practitioner was not an easy task; it was also a dangerous one and needed talent to cultivate."

 "Not everyone had that talent; being a vim practitioner was very rare. Commonly, only one in tens of thousands of people had the talent to interact with vim. Also, most of the species adopted vim cultivation. Although most of them had the same method to cultivate, some human variant species had a different way to cultivate, which they developed based on the basic scriptures brought by humans from the foreign space, called by the beings living there 'tano halan'."

 Ending Ivy adds, "Even animals with superior consciousness cultivated this vim force." Ivy, now sitting with her hands behind her head, mutters, "This is giving me a headache." Rubbing her temples, she contemplates, "Accepting these changes is one thing, but why am I even in this world? Was it some entity's doing, or just a random event?"

 Standing up and yawning, she acknowledges, "I'm currently weak. Answers might come with more strength, but for now, I just want to crash and sleep. Tired of all this." With a sigh, Ivy decides, "Let's set aside the 'whys' for later," and falls onto her bed, adopting a relaxed posture.

 Ivy, sprawled out in prostration, is struck by a peculiar sensation at her chest. A blush tints her cheeks as she swiftly adjusts her position.

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