Chapter Three: Beyond The Origins
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As Ardus dipped into nonexistence, my unitablet popped a message up. I assume it popped up for the others as well. 

MESSAGE: Congratulations. As a reward for reaching the next unisystem, you guys can now visit each other's uniplanes! This will be done through the Uniplane Home app, where you can enable or disable anyone you're connected to through the unichat.  

Now is probably a stupid time to mention this, but you know what? Our Unichat group name is Beyond The Origins. Ainsley was the one to come up with it. 
Mason: Okay just to recap, Ardus told me that people in the kingdom can still access the uninet. 

Me: So we can just invite Emily here then, right?  

Mason: Well yes, actually. But how would that help us redesign existence?  

Me: Perhaps she knows something we don't.

Lucy: You boys don't know what's wrong with your plan, don't you?  

Me: What's wrong with it?  

Lucy: Emily isn't called Emily on the uninet. We all have our names sorted as a string of random digits.  

Logan: How do you know that they're random?  

Lucy: Actually… I just assumed that. Perhaps we can gather information from inviting random people into a separate chat. Just… take the things they say with a grain of salt.  Logan took the initiative and started to invite a bunch of numbers.  

Penelope: Oh and by the way, I want to visit someone else's uniplane for a change. It feels like I haven't seen someone in person in a long time  

Me: Well you can visit mine.  

Mason: Mine, too. 

I went into Uniplane Home app and enabled everyone to visit but nobody to be able to alter anything. I noticed that Mason enabled everyone to visit and to alter. I don't know why anyone would let others change their safe place. 

Penelope: Oh, you both enabled it at once! I guess I'll visit Mason's first because he seems nicer, I'll check out yours later though, Magnus.  

Fuck. She really picked someone she's barely known over me. I get that I'm kind of distant and focused on the mission, but it does kind of hurt to see that I'm barely a priority for her. I guess I just have to resign myself to all relationships failing me in some way.  

Lucy: Bad news everyone. A boy in the group chat I made gave us a lead. We're in the 58th unisystem so there's 57 total people with the Reality Charm we can try to contact. Also, the term for all the different unisystems is a megasystem. There are 6 megasystems, and each has a void aspect that only exists outside of it.  

Mason: How is that bad news?  

Logan: Dude, did you ever see that show Pastarama? It was about a guy who got sent 1,000 years into the past to work as a spaghetti chef.  

Mason: What does that have to do with anything?  

Lucy: Professor Pastaworth often said 'bad news' to refer to good things. It's just funny to me.  

Penelope: The scene where Zoidstein says that good things with a bad implication could be called a pasta-lining made me laugh so hard.  

Me: Penelope! Are you back yet? I'd love to see you in my uniplane. 
Ainsley: We need to verify that what the boy told Sixth was true. We could travel to another mastersystem where life is better.  

Logan: Wait, what's our void aspect, anyway?  

Lucy: The boy didn't know but he said his mastersystem's void aspect was love. Love didn't exist inside of his mastersystem.  

Penelope: I think he seems nice. I feel kind of bad for him, if only there was a way to show him the power of love.  

Second: Penelope... someone who can't feel love probably wants to enslave or torture us all! How else would they be happy?  

Penelope: I would be happy if I got a new hope to feel something amazing.  

Me: Look how rude Second is, jeez. How was the visit to Mason's, Penelope?  

Penelope: It was a simple house in a garden, he told me that it was all he remembered of it before he reached The Nexus. It means a lot to him.  

Me: Ah, I see. Want to see mine? There are things like giant beanstalks, sky castles, dungeons, and more!  

Penelope: That would be delightful, Magnus. I'm coming right now.  

Penelope came over, materalizing in front of me. I went over and noticed she had long brunette hair and freckles on a round face. She was also wearing a short orange dress. 

"You didn't change your appearance?" I asked. 

"No, did you?" she asked back, her voice sounding dorky but in a likeable sense.  

"Well no, I've never seen the need to," I said.  

"Well, that's interesting. I used to be insecure about my looks and it took a long time to be okay with it, I think Tessa still struggles," she said.  

"Who's Tessa?" I asked. 

As soon as I did, her face changed to one as if she made a mistake.  

"Oh uh, nobody you need to know. I don't think she wants others to know just yet," she said.

"Well why not? She could offer us a lead," I said.  

"Uh uhm uh-- I think I need to go now. I'm sorry, Tessa. And I'm sorry, Magnus."  

With that, Penelope left without exploring any of the world I had designed. It was a bit disappointing, especially because she seems to not trust me. I don't know why.  

Second: Welcome back, Magnus and Penelope. The boy said we might be able to do a transfer quest with him and his universe.  

Lucy: I kind of want to go, I want to see him experience the blossoms of love and the wonders of the world.  

Me: The boy's name is Orkus?  

Lucy: Yes, I guess it's because he's from a different mastersystem.  

Logan: Hold on, Lucy. How does the transfer work? Will you be the only one with a sense of love there?  

Lucy: Well, he told me that it would exist as a theoretical concept for the people there. It's kind of hard to explain without explaining what our void aspect is. He told us that our void aspect was safety, meaning that we were always at least a little bit afraid of something harming us.  

Logan: That's... interesting. I'm not sure if it makes sense. How does a world *with* safety function?  

Lucy: Apparently, people just *knew* nothing awful would happen to them or the things they wanted to be preserved. And they were right. 

Logan: I definitely wouldn't like that world, no thanks. No risk, no reward.  

Lucy: Me neither, I can't imagine a world where I wouldn't feel the warmth and reassurance of my family and friends.  

Me: What's the point of the quest if we already know his universe is going to be shit?  

Lucy: I don't know, Magnus, maybe something will happen. That's why I'm hesitant.  

Me: Could we summon the new Universe Master and ask them what we could do next?  

Lucy: That would be very sweet of them. Although, I don't know how we'd summon them without their name.  

Me: Uhh I don't know. 
Logan: Magnus, we could try having everyone in the group come to one of the uniplanes and saying some kind of prayer. I can volunteer but I don't know if my uniplane is very suitable for a deity.  

Penelope: What about my uniplane? It's like a fountain garden with springs and valleys.  

Mason: Only Penelope has been to mine. It's full of rocks... and a house. I will allow it. 

Me: What about yours, Ainsley, and Lucy? I know Second said he didn't want anyone to come.  

Ainsley: I didn't decorate mine at all in order to achieve maximum concentration.  

Lucy: Oh no, I think mine would be too girly if they're going to be a guy deity.  

Mason: Soooo.... 
Logan: I'll decide on Penelope's. See you guys there.  

I entered Penelope's uniplane and it was as she had described. Logan towered over me at about 6'5 with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw, I guess it makes sense since he wants to be the unofficial leader of the group. 
We nodded at each other but said nothing. Ainsley was next, who was also tall with very long and very straight jet black hair and an intense gaze. She wore tight black clothing that extenuated her figure.  

Mason looked like a normal guy which made me think he didn't change his appearance either. Someone who did something cool with herself was Lucy, who has fluffy pink and blonde hair with a cute blue dress.  

"Alright, where's Second?" I asked.  

At that moment, came a woman nobody recognized recognized with a distant look to her eyes.

"M-my name is Tessa" she said, "I was formerly known as Second."  

"You're a woman now?" asked Mason.  

"I'm not so sure..." said Tessa. I guess I should call her she and her now. 

"You're a woman to me, Tessa" said Penelope.  

"Focus on the mission," said Ainsley, "We need to shout something in unison to summon the Universe Master."  

Penelope said, "How about, 'Oh great Universe Master, we love you, we love you dearly and would be glad if you blessed our souls with the next information to achieve our greatest desires."

"Okay, do you guys think that works?" asked Logan.  

The group said variants of "Yes" and "Yeah" without anyone disagreeing outright, with a shrug from Ainsley being the closest to one. 

"On the count of 3... 2... 1..." he said. The group started to repeat the words in unison, and finished without any significant issue.  

We waited for a bit while exchanging glances. Penelope seems to like Tessa more as a girl friend than me. I'm not sure who here to befriend though. I've never known many people and that's always been a background suffering that has my plagued my existence. I guess I have belief that things will change one day though, maybe when we reach the source.  

"It's not working!" shouted Mason.  

"...Or is it?" said a vivacious male voice that surrounded the uniplane.  

A man with a black-and-yellow striped shirt and black leggings materalized in front of the group. Black and yellow... like a bee! That's our man, Billy Beeswax Jr.!  

"Golly, it seems like you guys already recognize me. I'm Billy, your newest overlord! I heard you guys were looking for a Reality Charm?"  

"Yes, we were. How can we get one?" asked Logan.  

"Wow-hoo, all I know is that Ardus gave his to his wife who cheated on him. What a loser, because you see - he literally lost his wife."  

"Was that meant to be funny?" asked Tessa.  

"Golly, no, I just never understood why people called others losers without a clear loss. Perhaps it's because of losing honor or social rank. Any-hoo, I want to give you guys a challenge!"  

"What challenge?" asked Logan. 
"Wow-hoo, I can't think of one that would be impartial, but that's because everything in life is inherently biased because to be alive is to be biased. The one exception is getting your life force unravelled," he said and paused.  

"W-what?" asked Tessa, "Unravelled?"  

"Oops-hoo, I might have gotten ahead of myself again. Golly, I should be careful! I don't want to scare my future army. Since I want to know you guys more, why don't you try creating some kind of project about yourself? I'll pick my favorite!"  

Ainsley started to say "Uhhh that sounds..." 

"Wonderful," said Penelope. She looked back at Tessa with a patient expression. 

"I guess we'll start, I'll make a section in my uniplane for the project when it's done. Do we have a time limit?" asked Logan.  

"Golly no, I'll just pressure you if I see you're being unreasonable to my standards," said Billy.  

"So to recap, once we get the Reality Charm, we're going to enter the Nexus Kingdom, ask the residents for information about The Source, and return back?" asked Mason.  

"Correct," I said, "That's why I'm happy that this is how things turned out. Even if I don't win, I still win y-know?"  

"I agree, Magnus" said Tessa. 

"Toodaloo!!" said Billy and vanished, at least for now. I was the next to go, back to brainstorming.