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The day came suddenly.

"'Lord Baumgarten! Is Lord Baumgarten here?"

 It was early in the morning, before breakfast had even been served. The servants were probably busy, but a loud voice rang out. It was a man's voice, clear and deep.

 It reminded me of Hübner's messenger, whether I liked it or not.
I have never had a good luck in such a case. So what sort of people had come this time?

" Oh, no, master..."

"Get out of the way!"

 The sound of footsteps approached, overcoming the servant's voice of restraint.

"Oh! Lord Baumgarten, there you are! Will you at least answer me"

 I wondered what kind of rude man had just arrived, but it was General Altmeyer who burst open the door to the dining room and entered. He's still a muscle-bound macho man. Just looking at him makes me feel uncomfortable.

"General Altmeyer, what are you doing here so early in the morning? Would you like to have breakfast with us?"

 Cornelia and Lily haven't even woken up yet. They slept together last night and stayed up late. They seem to be up late today.

"I appreciate your concern! But we're in a hurry today, all right? They say a soldier is fast, don't they?"

 I'm not your soldier. ......

"Shall we go?"


 Go? Go to where?

 And I was kidnapped and taken away by General Altmeyer, all alone.


"So where are we going? I need to at least change my clothes. ......"

 I was brought to the carriage by General Altmeyer. The first time I asked General Altmeyer about it, he smiled at me with a clear smile.

"Don't worry. I've already prepared your clothes!"

 What a clever move! Was this a planned crime?

"Anyway, do you remember Lord Baumgarten? I promised you a reward, remember?"

"Of course I remember."

 I'm a take-what-you-can kind of guy, you know.

"I'm not worried about that. It has taken me a long time to get His Majesty's permission, but I would like Lord Baumgarten to receive my family's most precious treasure!"


 I couldn't help but burst out laughing. After all, the Altmeyer marquise is a long-established and respected figure in this country. General Altmeyer, the former head of such a marquise family, even approached the royal family to offer a hidden treasure. Could this be a national treasure?

 I can feel my expectations rising. I don't think so, but could it be the holy sword that was missing in the game?

""We're arrived. Let's go!"

 Following General Altmeyer, I get off the carriage.

"The church ......?"

 The carriage stopped at the largest cathedral in the capital.

 Why a church? Could it be that a national treasure is kept in the church? Or maybe it is not a holy sword, but a demon sword. The demon sword is a great miasma. I think I can understand why they would want to enshrine it in a church.

"Let's go, Lord Baumgarten! Show us the man!"

"Yes, sir!"

 I knew it. There must be some kind of test if he wants me to show him the man. I felt like I was being told to get the magic sword and break the curse.



 I was taken to a room in the church and made to change my clothes. It was pure white, and the outfit was very decorative.

 I understand that it is white because it is a church, but it doesn't have to be so fancy. Or, since I was to receive a national treasure, did I have to dress accordingly?

"Oh! You're looking very handsome, Lord Baumgarten!"

 I turned around to see General Altmeyer, who was also dressed in formal attire.

"I heard that your parents are dead. Normally, it should be your parents, but your relationship with Hübner is not good. I will act as your father this time."

 Does this mean that General Altmeyer will play the role of guardian?

 Or should I say, more of a supervisor than a guardian?

"Yes, please."

" Then, let's go."

 General Altmeyer leads me into the cathedral.

 As soon as the big door was opened, a loud cheer rang in my ears.



"Congratulations, Lord Baumgarten!"


 There were many people in the church, even though it was early in the morning. I was quite surprised to see so many people congratulating me.

 What is it? Oh, ? What is it with these people?

 Is that it? Were they people who had gathered to catch a glimpse of a national treasure?

 At the end of the red-carpeted road, the Pope, whom I had seen one day, was smiling softly.

"The main guests have gathered,d. Let us now perform the wedding ceremony."

"What ......?"

 What ...... did he just say?

 Marriage? 'Who's getting married?

Bride and groom, enter!

What's g'oing on? Let's go, Lord Baumgarten?

"Huh? What?"

You're surprised, yes?"

 General Altmeyer looked like a child who had just pulled a prank.

 Of course I am surprised. I mean, I don't know what's going on. What is the meaning of this?

"I have not told you this, but I am very eager for you to take my granddaughter as your wife. I have played a little trick on you."


 Marry a granddaughter? Me? I mean, is this my wedding?


 My confused voice was drowned out by the thunderous applause.