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"Good morning, brother!"

'Oh, good morning, Cornelia. It's another lovely day again."

 The dining room is more than a little old-fashioned, and if I am not mistaken, a little slanted. There I greet Cornelia in the morning.

 That's all it takes to move me. It brings tears to my eyes.

 You see, you see, Cornelia is ....... I'm so lucky to be able to eat with Cornelia, who always ate her meals in bed in her room!

"Bon appétit!"

"Oh, take your time."

 Cornelia had lost a lot of weight, but since the curse of the evil god had been lifted, she was completely healthy. She was eating more and her steadily thinning body was beginning to regain its moisture.

'It's delicious, brother!"

"I guess so. Maybe I should give the head chef a gold coin?"

 Knowing Cornelia, who had almost no food left, her appetite had recovered to a remarkable degree.

 And that's not all. Cornelia can also exercise. According to Delia, she sometimes plays with the children gathered at the mansion.

 Normally, I would have complained, but everyone was so impressed by the sight of Cornelia running around that I couldn't care less.

 However, Cornelia needs to study and exercise. And in our mansion, all of the people who can educate are used to educate the children who are gathered here. There is no one in charge of Cornelia's education.

 Maybe it's a good idea to let her study Cornelia with the children.


"What is it, brother?"

Cornelia doesn't want to study with the commoners?

"No! They're all nice".

"I see."

 Well, let's put Cornelia among the children until a problem arises. Maybe she will even make friends.

 Wait, will she?

 What if Cornelia gets someone she loves soooooooooooooooo much or something!

 No, no, no! Cornelia is not ready for love!

 But I don't want to do anything to trample on Cornelia's feelings. ......

 Damn it! What am I going to do?

Hey, Delia? What's wrong with my brother, holding his head and wiggling it?"

"I don't know. ......"


"It's Cornelia, who will be studying with you starting today. She is my twin sister. Be polite."

"I am Cornelia Baumgarten. Nice to meet you!"

 Two weeks later. Cornelia had just turned ten years old, so I decided to put her in the children's classes.

 She had never been able to do any proper classwork due to the curse of the evil god, but whether she was smart or not, or whether studying with other children her age was stimulating, she absorbed everything like a sponge absorbing water.

" Among these, Cornelia especially liked physical education classes. It's called physical education, but it's more like a fighting class, is a world where monsters exist. Being strong is a must."

 And Cornelia is strong.

 At first I thought she was enjoying PE class because she had never been able to move her body to her satisfaction. But that was not the case.

 Once again, let me be more precise this time. Cornelia was the strongest.

 Not only the older man, but also Achim, the son of the grandpa who was the strongest man in the territory and the instructor of the physical education class, was no match for Cornelia. In fact, Cornelia was even giving him some instruction.

Cornelia was the strongest of all the people in the territory, and even Achim, the son of the old man who taught the physical education class, was no match for Cornelia.

Yes, that's right! I don't know the name of it yet, but this is the power of my gift!

 Cornelia was very strong with weapons, especially her sword. Perhaps it is a gift of the combat type. Achim and some of the children have the same gift of combat, but they are no match for Cornelia. It is embarrassing that I do not know the name of her gift, but Cornelia's gift is probably near the top of the list of combat-related gifts.

 Not knowing the name of the gift may cause Cornelia to be underestimated, but with this strength, it is not a problem.

 I remember the protagonist of the game was also insulted because he didn't know the name of his gift, but I think that cry has been silenced since his victory over the son of the Hübner frontier count. ......


 The protagonist of the game didn't know the name of his gift either?

 I remember that in the game's introduction, the protagonist also received a gift from the goddess who appeared in his dream, but he couldn't hear the name of the gift because it sounded like noise. ......?

 It sounds like the dream that Cornelia claims to have had!

 What do all these commonalities indicate?

 Is she in danger?

 Even if I did my best to avoid danger, even using my knowledge of the game, if the dangerous destiny brought about by the game did not let go of me or Cornelia, then .......

 I felt a chill and a shiver.

 I wanted Cornelia to have a happy life, even if it might be called ordinary. But if there was a possibility that Cornelia was in danger, I would .......

 Let's make Cornelia strong. If I die from a game fixing force or something, she'll be strong enough to survive on her own.

 I've changed my mind. I'll do my best to protect Cornelia, but I've decided to make her stronger so that she can repel the fire that will fall on her alone.