Chapter 10: The Class Election Ceremony
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POV Cornelius


The next important milestone for us took place on our 10th birthday. It was just as important, if not more important, than the status ceremony. On this day we chose our class. Beforehand we received a detailed lecture about the possible classes we could choose. There were quite a few. According to our teacher, each class was based on either two of the basic characteristics. In addition, there is also the choice based on magical abilities. This opened up numerous possibilities that play an important role, especially later on. Later, experienced people could improve their class and thereby unlock advanced skills. What was important was less the name of the class, but rather the two characteristics that you chose. The four of us had lengthy discussions beforehand about who would choose which class. Javier gave us several lectures about the importance of making the right choice and that we should coordinate with each other. But each of us had already selected the advantages during the revival so that they would suit a certain class. Therefore, we all knew what we were going to choose for a long time.


The day of the class election ceremony was therefore not very exciting. Our environment, on the other hand, was very hectic and made the fact that we would choose our classes a matter of state. They already knew what we were going to choose because we haven't kept it a secret over the last few years. Our features and our advantages were very clear. Nevertheless, the day was celebrated with great declaration and our election was announced to the people in a public address. A herald stood on the balcony of the palace in front of the large inner square. Many Lightburgh residents have gathered below to cheer us on. It was midsummer and the weather was warm and wonderful.


“Dear people of Lightburgh. We are gathered here today to honor our four heroes. They celebrated their tenth birthday and completed their class election ceremony. I will now present to you the four heroes. Noble heroes, please step forward.”


We were dressed in magnificent robes, which at the same time gave an indication of what we had chosen. Ansgar wore leather clothing with fur applications, Javier wore richly embroidered wizard robes, Eli wore a white robe with the symbols of Lumos, and I wore clothing befitting a man of nobility.


“First we ask the noble hero Cornelius to come forward. He chose the path of the warrior.”


I stepped forward and waved to the audience.


“Next we ask the noble hero Ansgar to come forward. He also chose the path of the warrior.”


Ansgar came to my right side and also waved.


“Now we ask the noble hero Javier to come forward. He will serve our empire as a sorcerer.”


Javier stepped next to Ansgar and waved to the people.


“Lastly, we ask the noble heroine Eleonore to come forward. She becomes the spiritual support of the group and begins her journey as a Priestess of Lumos.”


Eli moved to my left side and wrapped her arms around mine.


“With that, all the heroes sent by Lumos have chosen their classes. I ask you to pray for them and to give them every support. May they lead humankind to new heights. Long live the heroes!”


The people among us began to cheer and give us high praise. It felt very good and I was highly motivated. Now our training really began, because from now on we were able to train more skills that fit our classes. Before we laid the foundations and now we moved on to the next phase. Watch out, enemies of humankind, from now on we will quickly become stronger and then we will show you what it means to be real heroes.