Chapter 37: Rank E
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POV Eliza


Over the next few days I spent my time completing the 10 missions needed to advance to Rank E. Unfortunately, there weren't enough easy searches for escaped animals, so I had to take on other jobs. While one day I was sweeping the central square, another day I was helping an old lady with her weekly shopping. So I managed to complete 7 more tasks within 4 days. In the end I was only missing one. That evening we met again in the Red Deer. Ken seemed to be in a particularly good mood today.


“You won’t believe it, Eliza. We can move up to rank D soon.” <Ken>


“Congratulations to all of you. How did you manage that? “ou were just in the dungeon.” <Eliza>


“Haha, we’re just good.” <Ken>


“Calm down, Ken. Remember, Eliza is still new and doesn't know it yet. There are quests to kill monsters that appear in the dungeon. There are some we can kill with E rank. Remember, we went through these quests on your first day.” <Lynn>


"I remember. Can you complete the same quest multiple times?” <Eliza>


“For each monster there is a different condition. In our case, we just had to bring the monsters with us. This is difficult with the slimes because they turn into a puddle when they die and the remains are difficult to collect. On level 2 beetles are running around. They are about the size of a fist and are called bumper beetles. We brought a bag specifically to collect them all.” <Lynn>


“How many of the bugs have you defeated so far?” <Eliza>


“40 pieces, it was very easy. They're too small for my arrows, but I can handle a spear too. And I'm good enough to just skewer them." <Ken>


“You’re acting up again, Ken. You’re annoying Eliza.” <Lynn>


“No problem, Lynn. Let him be happy.” <Eliza>


“Hehe, you see, I’m allowed to do that.” <Ken>


“Hmph.” <Lynn>


“So you can do the same quest multiple times.” <Eliza>


"Yes you can. And for each time you get a mission credited towards your advancement.” <Lynn>


“And you know what’s the best part? You even get money for selling the monsters. The guild will buy it from you. Unfortunately, a beetle only gives a few coppers. Really sucks.” <Ken>


“Don’t complain. They're easy to defeat and what are you going to do with the bugs? Food?” <Lynn>


“Bah, no. That’s disgusting.” <Ken>


“You see. That’s why they’re not worth much. How about you, Eliza? Have you already completed your 10 orders?” <Lynn>


“I’m just missing one. “I’ll do it tomorrow and then we can celebrate our upgrades together.” <Eliza>


“That sounds like a plan. We wanted to collect the last beetles tomorrow. And then we celebrate.” <Lynn>


We end the evening and then go to our rooms.



The next morning I went to the guild in search of my final quest. I looked through the papers but didn't find anything that appealed to me at first glance. Most jobs took all day and I couldn't afford that because of my transformation. The income was also low. Out of interest, I looked through the tasks that could be completed in the dungeon. I was again amazed at the task of collecting the slime material. How is this suppossed to work? Sounds difficult, but it got paid surprisingly well.


I was still searching through the orders when Sana put up two new pieces of paper. I took a look at it. The first was a simple transport order. I took it straight away. The other was as a kitchen helper for an evening party. Requirements were experience in the kitchen and an acceptable appearance. I had both and they paid well. The job would earn me enough to last me a few days, so I took that too. I had to figure out the problem of transformation first, but I was optimistic.


I went to Sana at the counter. She informed me about the assignment as a kitchen helper. The client was the best inn in the city, the Golden Pavilion. Important people had recently arrived and a party was being held for them this evening. This meant that a lot of money was available and the job was paid for accordingly. I got paid for every hour I helped. If I did well, I would get a bonus at the end and be put on the chef's internal list. Then I will be given priority when the next order of this kind comes in. The job started at lunchtime with an open end. This meant that I had to renew my transformation at least once. I had better prepare very well.


I quickly completed the transport order and handed it straight back to Sana. As a result, I completed the 10 quests and rose to rank E. Sana took my card and went to the back. A short time later she comes back and handed me a gray card. My first upgrade, very chic.


“Congratulations, Eliza. You are now a Rank E Adventurer. Keep it up and you'll go far. But please always remember to value your own life and take care of your health.” Sana


“I will, Sana. Promise.” Eliza


I went back to the Red Deer and prepared for my first long quest. Afterwards I went to the Golden Pavilion.



I changed the title of this story to a more fitting one. I was dissatisfied with the old one for being too boring and genetic. Nevertheless have fun reading my story.