Chapter 48: A Day With Lynn
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POV Eliza


After our celebration of defeating the first boss monster, the mood was very cheerful. I felt very comfortable in company of my friends. They reminded me of the social evenings in the community. I get wistful and miss the others, especially Mama.


“Eliza, what is it? Aren’t you having fun?” <Lynn>


“That’s not it, Lynn. I remembered home and just felt a little homesick.” <Eliza>


“Who is going to become so melancholy? Today is a day to celebrate.” <Lynn>


"Yes I know. Sorry for being a nuisance today.” <Eliza>


“Hmm, something has to be done about that. Ah, I got it. I have one wish with you, right?" <Lynn>


“Yes?” <Eliza>


“Then let’s stroll through the city tomorrow and go shopping. It gives you other ideas.” <Lynn>


"O-okay." <Eliza>


“A little more enthusiasm please. Or do you not feel like spending time with me?” <Lynn>


"What? No... er, I don't mean it like that. Of course I like to spend time with you.” Eliza


“Then that’s good. Be ready tomorrow morning. Let’s have a nice day.” Lynn


As broad as Lynn was smiling now, I somehow had a bad premonition. Though her smile was really captivating.



The next morning, after a short night, I went down for breakfast. Lynn was waiting for me. Alone.


“Where are the two boys?” <Eliza>


“I’ve already sent them away. Today will be a women’s day only and men are not welcome.” <Lynn>


"O-okay." <Eliza>


“Now have a quick breakfast and then get going. I’m looking forward to it,” <Lynn>


Lynn was full of eagerness and I wondered why. What was so great about going shopping with me? I didn't like shopping much in my old world. I was different from my friends. But if Lynn was so excited about it, then I was happy to oblige her. After breakfast, Lynn immediately took the lead. First she led me across the main street to a shop with large windows. Lots of clothes could be seen in the shop windows. I had to admit, they were beautiful to look at.


“Come on, let’s go in. I want to look around inside.” <Lynn>


Lynn took me by the hand and dragged me into the store. A saleswoman greeted us inside. She smiled kindly at us.


“Welcome to our store. How can I help you both?” <Saleswoman>


“We would like to take a look around. Is that okay?” <Lynn>


"Of course. Let me know if you need help or have any questions.” <Saleswoman>


Lynn nodded and pulled me along again. We looked at many different types of clothing, be it tops, skirts, pants, dresses, but also accessories such as scarves, gloves or belts. She tried on several pieces and asked for my opinion. I also had to try some things on and Lynn gave her opinion on them. We didn't buy anything fancy because we didn't have the money, which particularly made Lynn a little sad. In the end it was just enough for a new scarf.


We then went through other shops and craft businesses of all kinds. Tailors, blacksmiths, craftsmen, jewelry makers, and much more. For each one I had to give my opinion on different items. At lunchtime we looked for a suitable food stand and ordered something to eat. While we waited, we observed the surroundings. There was a lot going on on the street and we saw a large trading train coming into town.


“There are quite a few carts in the convoy. What they must have loaded.” <Eliza>


“We are approaching autumn. Many convoys set out to buy food in the surrounding villages and bring it to the larger cities.” <Lynn>


“I can understand that. Larger amounts of food need to be stored for the winter.” <Eliza>


Lynn suddenly became quiet and remained silent. I looked at her questioningly.


“Lynn, what is it? Did something happened?” <Eliza>


“I was hoping for a better option, but at some point I have to tell you. The others and I will be leaving Tyros in about two weeks.” <Lynn>


"Why? This is the first time I’ve heard of this.” <Eliza>


“You know we come from a small village. When we left, we had to promise that we would be back in autumn so that we could protect the village convoys when they sold our products. We get better trading results if we ourselves transport the goods to the next city and sell them there. In return for being allowed to become adventurers here, we will protect the convoys. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this before.“ <Lynn>


“You don’t have to apologize for anything. Each of us has our duty to fulfill.” <Eliza>


"Thanks for your understanding. I also promise you that we will come back to Tyros in next spring. Are you here too?” Lynn, her eyes looked pleading.


“To be honest, I don’t know yet. I haven't decided yet what I want to do. Now that you're leaving soon, I'll have to find something new to do." <Eliza>


“Aren’t you going back to your village?” <Lynn>


“Unfortunately, it’s not that simple and even more difficult to explain. I actually plan to spend the winter here.” <Eliza>


"Understand. But if you spend the winter here, you'll still be here in the spring. That would be great.” <Lynn>


Lynn's mood improved as soon as she heard that there was a chance to meet me here again. She really took a liking to me. Was I something like a little sister to her, even if I was only a few months younger? I don't mind because I liked her.


“So let’s enjoy the rest of the day to the fullest. So that we can create good memories and look forward to the next meeting.” <Lynn>


We also spent the rest of the day strolling around the city and looking at everything. Only this time Lynn clung to my left arm. I was irritated by it at first, but let it go. Her presence didn't feel unpleasant and so, despite the surprising news, the day ended on a happy note.