Chapter 6: New Status & Wild Morning
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The rays of the morning sun cascaded through the window causing me to stir a wake. I felt a warm hand hugging my waist, and I thanked the Goddess that yesterday wasn’t a dream. I turned over to face Yuki, and she let out silent breaths still sleeping, I was mesmerized by her beauty, the sun’s rays seemed to shimmer off her, making her look breathtaking.

“Lily...” Yuki murmured her breathing becoming heavier and more frantic, as I could see tears starting to form in her eyes.

‘Our talk last night must have brought her memories into her dreams.’ I thought to myself, before I pulled her closer to me giving her a gentle kiss and whispering, “I’m right here, Yuki, I’m not going anywhere.”

I continued to hug her, as her breathing started calming down. That was when I heard a knock at the door and here it opening.

“Yuki, Lily, breakfast will be closing soon.” Sue said calling out to us as she walked in, before her face became bright red seeing us hugging each other and our clothes laying on the ground. She then quickly said, “Sorry to disturb you both. I will see you downstairs.” before she closed the door, and I could her running back downstairs.

“Iyaaaa!” I screamed, my bunny ears frantically flopping around.

Yuki immediately woke up, hugging me tightly with one arm, and grabbing her staff that sitting beside the bed with the other. “Lily what’s wrong what happened?”

Yuki's grip was both protective and questioning, her eyes scanning the room for danger, only to find the morning light spilling in, peaceful and undisturbed. Her gaze then softened as she realized the cause of our commotion was far less menacing.

"Ah, it's just Sue... and breakfast." I managed to say, my voice still trembling from the mix of surprise and the remnants of sleep. My bunny ears, still aflutter, seemed to catch her attention, drawing a gentle laugh from her.

"A breakfast emergency, then?" Yuki chuckled, her earlier tension melting away into amusement. "We should hurry, or we'll miss it. But first, let's make ourselves presentable."

I nodded, my cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and relief. Together, we gathered our scattered clothing, our movements harmonized by a silent agreement to overlook the awkwardness Sue must have felt upon seeing us in such a disheveled state.

"Can you believe Sue's reaction?" I mused as we dressed, trying to brush off the lingering embarrassment with a bit of humor. "I think we gave her quite the shock."

Yuki smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Perhaps we owe her an apology. Or at the very least, a promise to lock our door from now on."

As we made our way to the door, ready to face the world—or at least the inhabitants of our temporary home—I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude. Not just for the morning's light or the day ahead, but for Yuki, for her presence, her warmth, and the laughter we shared even in the most awkward of moments.

"Yuki," I said, pausing with my hand on the door handle, "thank you. For making every moment, even the embarrassing ones, something I can cherish."

She took my hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Lily, with you, every moment is worth cherishing."

Hand in hand, we stepped out of our room, our hearts light, ready to face whatever the day might bring.

We made our way downstairs hand in hand, I could see Sue waiting for us with a red face avoiding looking at us directly.

When we reached Sue, she and I both said in unison, “I’m sorry.”

Then we both looked at each other puzzled, my little bunny tail twitching. “I should have waited for a response, instead of walking in right away. Of course, you two would want some privacy, after being apart for so long.”

That was when I remembered that Yuki told them I was her partner, and I just got into town. “No, no you have no reason to apologize we should have locked the door. Instead thank you for waking us up for breakfast.”

“Are you sure?” Sue asked with her still showing a slight blush.

“Of course, no harm done.” Yuki answered and that was when my tummy start to rumble, causing us all to laugh at the tension fading away.

“I will get you two some breakfast, the first plate on me.” Sue said while giggling, before walking us to a table.

“Thank you, Sue.” I said as she went to get us breakfast.

After the laughter settled and Sue scurried away to fetch us breakfast, Yuki and I took our seats at a cozy corner table, the morning light filtering through the windows, casting a serene glow over everything. The inn was alive with the sounds of clinking cutlery, murmured conversations, and the aromatic promise of a hearty meal.

As we waited, Yuki turned to me, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Lily, about last night..." she began, her voice a gentle whisper, as if the words were delicate secrets meant only for me.

"I know," I replied, my hand finding hers across the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It was beautiful, Yuki. There's nothing we need to say unless you want to. I'm just happy being here with you."

Yuki's smile deepened, her eyes sparkling with unspoken love. "Me too, Lily. And there's something else—our new status. After everything we shared, I feel like we've grown even closer, if that's possible. Maybe it's time to check our status again?"

The idea piqued my curiosity. With all the emotional and physical closeness we had shared, it was likely that our bond had strengthened in ways that might reflect in our status. "Let's do it," I said with an eager nod.

We both closed our eyes, focusing inwardly as we mentally called up our status screens. The familiar pink hue of my status board appeared before my eyes, and I sensed Yuki doing the same next to me.

Lily's Updated Status:

Name: Lily

Race: Bunny Demi-Human

Age: 18

Level: 1


Harem Queen - Further deepened bond with Yuki.

Blessed by the Love Goddess - The bond of true love confirmed.

Chosen Hero - Ready for new challenges.

Naïve - Still a natural airhead, with Innocence that endears her to those around her.


Strength: 10 (+2 reflecting her growing resolve)

Vitality: Infinite (Steadfast)

Speed: 17 (+2 showing her quick adaptability to new situations)

Mind: 20 (+5, a leap in understanding and magical potential)

Charm: Infinite (An ever-present aura of love and acceptance)


Healing Kiss (Enhanced): Can now heal more serious injuries, reflecting the depth of her emotional connections.

Elemental Magic (Intermediate): Expanded control and variety in elemental spells.

Analyze (Enhanced): Deeper insight into others' emotions and intentions.

Empathic Link (Yuki): A new skill, symbolizing their unbreakable bond.

Love Goddess’s Note: "Lily, your journey with Yuki blossoms beautifully. Embrace the love you share, for it is your greatest strength. Your next encounter will challenge and enrich you both. Stay true to each other, and your path will be bright. Also keep an eye for a charming fox. 🌸"

Yuki's Updated Status:

Name: Yuki

Race: Vampire

Age: 150

Level: 100 (A testament to her wisdom and strength)


First Wife of the Harem Queen - Bond with Lily affirmed and deepened.

Sage of the Elements - Mastery over magic, a beacon of power and protection.

Vampire Princess - A title carrying the weight of a lost kingdom and the hope of a new beginning.


Strength: 80 (+5, a reflection of her determination to protect Lily)

Vitality: Infinite (A gift from Lily, symbolizing their shared life)

Speed: 65 (+5, agility in both body and heart)

Mind: 200 (A mind that surpasses limits, open to the magic of love)

Charm: 100 (+5, an allure that transcends beauty, rooted in love)


Elemental Magic (Mastered): A further refinement of her magical prowess.

Blood Creation (Advanced): Ability to create more complex constructs, a reflection of her deepening connection with Lily.

Analyze (Enhanced): Sharper insight into the world around her, guided by love.

Empathic Link (Lily): A mirror of Lily's skill, signifying their soul-deep connection.

Love Goddess’s Note: "Yuki, your love with Lily is a beacon in the darkness, guiding you both. Cherish the moments you share, for they are precious. Your journey together is a testament to the power of love. Stay united, and no obstacle shall stand in your way. 🌙"

As we opened our eyes, sharing a look of wonder and joy, Sue arrived with our breakfast, setting down plates filled with delicious smells that promised a hearty start to the day. Yet, even as we began to eat, our conversation drifted back to our updated statuses, laughing at the goddess' notes, and talking about her warning about a charming fox.

"Yuki," I said, my heart full, "no matter what comes, I know we'll face it together. With you by my side, I feel like I can do anything."

Yuki reached for my hand, her touch warm and reassuring. "And I with you, Lily. Together, we're unstoppable."

Our breakfast continued amidst laughter, shared glances, and an unspoken understanding that whatever the day held. We decided to go take a quest at the adventures guild so I could gain combat experience and practice my magic.

After thanking Sue, we made our way to the adventurers' guild. The morning air was crisp, the morning breeze feeling nice and cool to the touch.

As we entered the guild, the familiar buzz of activity greeted us—the hustle of adventurers checking the quest boards, the murmur of negotiations, and the clinking of armor and weapons. Despite the noise, there was a sense of camaraderie and purpose that filled the space.

Yuki led me to the reception desk, where May, the lead receptionist we had met the day before, greeted us with a bright smile. "Yuki, Lily! It's good to see you two back so soon. Are you here to take on a quest together?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and excitement.

"Yes," Yuki replied, her voice steady and confident. "We want to find a suitable quest for us. Something that will allow Lily to gain experience with magic and help her level up."

May nodded, understanding the importance of the request. She began sifting through the available quests, her fingers moving with practiced ease. "Let's see... Ah, here's something that might be perfect for you both. There's been a request to clear out a nest of goblins that have been harassing a nearby village. The creatures are not particularly strong, but there are enough of them to provide a challenge and a good opportunity for Lily to practice her magic."

Yuki and I exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between us. It sounded like exactly the kind of quest we were looking for—a chance to work together and test our abilities in a real combat situation.

"We'll take it," Yuki confirmed with a nod.

May beamed at us. "Excellent choice. I'll register you for the quest. Be careful, though. While goblins are not the strongest foes, they can be cunning and unpredictable. Make sure to watch each other's backs."

With the quest details in hand, Yuki and I prepared to leave. The excitement of facing our first quest together filled me with a mixture of anticipation and nerves. I could feel the power of my magic coursing through me, eager to be tested in battle.

Before we stepped out of the guild, Yuki turned to me, her gaze soft yet filled with determination. "Lily, remember, the most important thing is to stay safe. Don't overextend yourself trying to use your magic. We're in this together, and I'll be right by your side."

I nodded, my heart swelling with love and gratitude for her support. "I'll be careful, Yuki. I'm ready to take this on, with you."