Chapter 26
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I looked around to see where the scream had came from. The scream had came from the direction of the barrier team.

One of those giant monsters with horns and purple energy had closed on to the formation and pierced the barriers with its tentacles laced with that purple energy.

It had a girl entangled in its tentacles which caused her to scream. I recognised that girl, she was sole one who had arrived from Korea!

The purple energy once again covered the monster’s tentacles, moving on towards the girl’s body. The monster was trying to suck her soul! Fortunately, the soul protection bracelet let out a green aura stopping the purple energy.

“Everyone, stop that monster!” Master Wong ordered.

Many sorcerers targeted the monster with their spells, the archers shot their arrows at it and the martial artists rushed towards it. Master Mordo also ran towards the master as fast as he can. I myself also started flying towards the monster.

However, as soon as the monster was hit by a few spells, it sensed the danger and flew away from the formation, taking the girl who was still trapped in its tentacles, away with it.

“Peter, you must save that girl.” Master Wong immediately called me with a communication spell as I was still a little far away from the formation.

“We will manage it here for quite some time. You go and save the girl as fast as you can. She is the granddaughter of a close friend of mine. I have taken the responsibility of her safety in this battle.” Master Wong hurried me further.

“Although the soul protection bracelet is protecting her for the time being, it will not be able to hold out for too much time. Hurry!” Master Wong said once more and cut the call.

I could feel the urgency of the situation from Master Wong’s words. Looking at the distance between the monster and me, it will take me easily a few minutes even if I flew towards it all the while boosting my wings as I had flown too far from the formation.

Calculating rapidly using my enhanced intelligence, I tried to think of a way to reach them as fast as possible. I could only think of a single way, I must use that mystic art.

I immediately descended on a nearby floating building after this realisation and contacted Master Wong using a communication spell.

“Make a pathway for me using the floating buildings.” I asked Master Wong as soon as the spell connected.

He did not reply but I could see all the floating buildings moving around me to create a clear pathway between the monster and me. I could see them clearly, the girl was still struggling in the monster’s tentacles, trying to form a spell but couldn't because of the purple energy constantly trying to suck her soul.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, readying myself to use the mystic arts as fast as I could. Then I opened my eyes, fully focused on the pathway. Red lightning started emitting from me, a large amount of it from my lower region.

Then, I executed Thunderclap and Flash to move at an astounding speed, jumping from one building to another, closing the distance between the monster and me.

I would not have been able to use Thunderclap and Flash at such a level if I had not gained complete control over my instincts during the battle and Ancient One had not given me an impromptu lesson yesterday regarding the Mirror Dimension.

As I ran using the Thunderclap and Flash, the pathway soon came to an end. Although the sorcerers had created a rather long pathway, there was still quite a distance remaining. But that distance was now doable.

I jumped over the last building and unfurled my wings and further boosted them. With the momentum from the Thunderclap and Flash still remaining and the speed of the boosted wings, I reached the monster in no time.

As I approached the monster, I focused to create an energy blade. Then, with swift and precise maneuver, I severed the tentacles ensnaring the girl and caught her in my arms. 

The monster cried out in pain only now realising that I had stolen its prey and turned its attention to me.

Realising that it was no situation to hold back my strength, I created a fully charged spear of red lightning and launched it without any hesitation towards the monster’s head.

The monster caught off guard by my sudden attack and already in excruciating pain was unable to react and the spear pierced through its skull, ending its life.

“Thank you! Thank you!” The girl said sobbing to me as she realised that I had saved her.

“It's okay. You are safe now.” I said in a bid to console her.

As I received her gratitude, I felt an indescribable kind of joy. A sense of triumph, a feeling of joy, a relief that you had saved a life. 

Was this what Gwen felt whenever she saved someone as Spider Woman? Perhaps it was this feeling which helped her continue a lonely existence as Spider Woman.

Maybe this was what I was pursuing when I took the lizard serum in a bid to gain superpowers to become a hero?

Looking back, I felt that my previous self was pretty stupid to do such an idiotic act. But if it was not for that idiotic act, perhaps I would never have gained these powers and not be here.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a deafening roar in the victiny. I could see another giant monster with a group of smaller monsters advancing towards us. It seems that we were rather far away from the formation.

“More monsters!!” The girl whispered in my arms scared which was obvious after what she had faced.

“Calm down, I am here. Nothing will happen.” I consoled her as I readied myself to face the approaching monsters.

Alright everyone, this battle will be finished in the next two chapters as well as the entire Kamar Taj arc. 

Actually, when I had written this chapter, I was going to use an European girl but at that time, I was reading some Korean novels, so in the end I decided for a Korean one.

As I have already said earlier, for the rest of this month, there will be a total of 8 advance chapters as well as 5 advance chapters on Wyvern tier on my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye