Chapter 10: Highland Council
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The girl stepped into the restricted side of the woodland, the crimson portal behind her closing with a whisper. Surrounded by the mysterious beauty of the magical realm, it was like stepping into another world.

"Wow..." Iris gasped, unable to contain her amazement at the sight of the council's stunning courtyard. A sense of wonder and mystery settled over her as she glanced around, the beauty of it all drawing her in.

The air was tinged with the sweet aroma of fresh grass, and the sun danced off the treetops in glinting beams of light. 

The floor was crafted out of a large circular perimeter of smooth mineral, covered in a vibrant assortment of exotic and glowing flora. A majestic gathering of willow trees clothed in a profusion of vibrant flowers surrounded the podium, where she now stood. 

Everything is glowing. 

The atmosphere surrounding Iris felt even more refreshing and carefree compared to her earlier environment, providing a pleasant and chilled sensation as the breezes swirled about her. The foliage was adorned with a variety of beautiful and wild flowers.

It's so beautiful.

In the distant vicinity, a stream of crystalline water could be faintly seen, trickling and pouring from a small cliff and winding its way through the woods.

The scenery was truly magnific, with its abundance of flora and fauna offering a stark contrast to the exterior of the forest and providing a fascinating glimpse into the otherworldliness of the inner part of the magical kingdom.

What made the experience feel even more surreal and pleasant was when Iris looked down and observed that her feet touching the crystallize path didn't cause any damage or darkness to spread. It was a new and strange sight for her, one that felt utterly refreshing and wonderful.

Is this what it feels like? The girl asked herself, experiencing an unfamiliar yet pleasant sensation that she could not recall feeling previously.

The deafening silence of the serene forest, only interrupted by the stream of rushing water and a few animals, was truly mesmerising for Iris.

She almost believed she had ventured into a peaceful paradise. However, the tranquility was short-lived as she finally became aware of the three magical beings gazing down upon her from their seats within the circle.

Are we—Did we just teleported right to the centre of the meeting?

"Ah..." Iris gasped upon finally noticing the presence of the three unfamiliar beings. She hastily looked down, feeling embarrassed at having not acknowledged their existence for quite some time during her admiration of their serene surroundings.

Why couldn't he just teleport us here in the beginning? A slight sensation of annoyance and irritation could also be seen in her expression and demeanour as she realised that the fairy king had taken his seat next to a female spirit.

"To have arrived late to such an important meeting seem out of character for you," one of the creature remarked, displaying a hint of disapproval and dissatisfaction towards the fairy's tardiness. The creature went on to add, "You are normally quite punctual and observant of time."

A soft snicker escaped the other creature's lips when hearing the latter's comment, and its body language carried a subtle hint of amusement, but Argastal paid it little mind, seemingly unphased by the humour.

Iris's purple eyes darted towards the snickering magical being, whose head appeared reptilian, with wide, slitted pupils that bore into the girl's own gaze with a predatory intensity. Although the creature bore a resemblance to a human in its anatomy, the scales which seem to be made of obsidian refracted the sun's beams like the rays of light through a prism as it gleamed off the surface of the serpent's exterior.

The snake's icy blue eyes remained cold and emotionless, their gaze unfeeling and detached, lacking any sense of compassion or interest in Iris. The serpent was shrouded in a veil of mystery as it perched atop its throne, the deep ebony-like color of its scales and the indifferent feeling it projected created a sense of detachment and aloofness.

The mysterious aura surrounding the creature was further amplified by its apparel, which draped over it's shoulders and around its tunic. The intricate and detailed lines of its design were coloured by the stars and the night sky. Even though the robes were rather simple and minimal, the creature's eyes and imposing stance alone served to greatly enhance its frightening intimidation factor.

"What have you brought to our meeting, Argus?" The girl's attention was then captured by a deep and boisterous voice, which carried a gravel-like tone and a booming resonance that was reminiscent of an angry storm. The energy emanating from this mysterious creature was completely different from that of the snake-like creature next to it.

It looks like it can easily crush me with it's hands.

It's physical stature was larger than the girl's, and its skin resembled a mixture of rough rocks and muddy soil, its features being covered in twigs and leaves that looked as if they had grown naturally from the mud-like residue that coated its skin. This mysterious being carried quite a potent and intense aura, its visage emitting a sullen expression and presenting a rather intimidating presence to Iris. It's eyes, meanwhile, appeared hollow and vacant with a round nose, though its frame was much shorter compared to the serpent.

The earth-like creature had adopted a naturalistic appearance by covering its left side with an immense cloak of various leaves that were interwoven and wrapped around its body, forming a sort of improvised garb that partially obscured the creature's physical figure. An ensemble made of tree bark served as the creature's undergarment, the rich texture of the dark wood complementing the creature's natural vibe and adding a rustic and elegant touch to it.

"It's foul odour is unbearable!" The creature added, waving its muscular arms about in an exaggerated display of disgust.

Iris absentmindedly took a sniff of herself, raising her arm to her nose and inhaling deeply. I don't think I smell that bad.

With its mighty boulder-like hand, it continued to point towards the magnificent trees. The speaker exclaimed, "The willows are also crying and wailing just from its presence!"

They are...? Her gaze darted towards the rather calm trees, their leaves rustling quietly in the gentle breeze.

"She is a being who awoke within the dark forest." Argastal spoke in a calm and respectful manner, making a sweeping motion with his hand. His seat, occupying the inner right side of the half-circular table made of crystalline glass, cast a dim and eerie glow. The council members appeared stunned at the revelation.

"El selva oscura?!" The earthen creature gasped in astonishment, its eyes widening and its face expressing absolute disbelief. The snake-like creature's eyes suddenly perked up, emitting a distinct sense of curiosity at the information. The spirit next to the fairy king, a stunning and elegant-appearing woman, merely smiled ever so slightly, as if amused by the situation.

Argastal leaned back in his seat, nodding briefly towards the two as he spoke. "The pixies observed her for days after she emerged near the outer boundary of the forest," he revealed. Iris glanced around, slightly uncomfortable by the intense gazes that the three beings maintained, and she suddenly made accidental eye contact with the woman seated next to the fairy king.

The woman sported a rather unique look, with her skin resembling a bluish-gray hue and her dark hair being pinned up in long curls. The shade of her hair transformed gradually from dark to light, giving her whole head of hair a lovely ombre-like effect that contrasted with her bright, emerald, glowing orbs—that appeared to be missing entirely. Her lips were painted in a beautiful dark blue, nearly black hue, and her face was characterized by slanted eyes that were filled with elegance and wisdom.

She's been rather quiet this whole time.

Her appearance and physical features bordered on mystical, as her physical appearance seemed to resemble water. The light that shone upon her refracted and twisted in a fascinating manner, as if she were under the surface of a body of water. Her hair, too, was as if it were floating in a vast lake, with the water's gentle movement allowing the sun's rays to gently play and dance across its surface.

Suddenly breaking the silence, the woman spoke up, her voice carrying a soft yet authoritative tone. "It is quite unbecoming for us to continue our discussion among ourselves while this... girl remains unaware of the situation," she proclaimed, sending the other spirits a friendly but firm glare.

Upon the woman's reminder of the importance of etiquette in their council, Argastal smiled warmly and offered an empathetic apology. "My apologies, Neris," he said softly, his tone tinged with remorse and kindness as the woman offered a nod in response.

"We barely know of it's origin and purpose," the earth creature stated bluntly, displaying a hint of disapproval and concern. "The forest below has been wailing in agony and pain after that destructive tremor, which only seemed to grow in intensity after this thing arrived..." the creature added.

An earthquake? Was that the reason I awoke.. or was I the cause of it to happen in the first place?

At the thought of that, her fists were clenched tight, the feeling of uncertainty only intensifying as she took note of her predicament. Her mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts and questions, trying to make sense of her situation.

Argastal instantly stepped in to curb the earth creature's contemptuous and spiteful remarks, addressing it with a sharp yet firm demeanor. "Petros, I advise you to refrain from expressing your spiteful opinions during this discussion." The fairy king spoke in a rather imposing manner, his tone exuding a sense of authority and strength. 

The girl shot a quick glance towards the fairy king, grateful for his words, which defended her. Although she still felt fearful, her anxiety was eased knowing that some authority figure had come to her aid.

If that is Petros, then the spirit named Inanis that Argastal was referring to must be...

Her violet eyes slowly dart towards the serpent creature sitting in a state of silence. Its stance is resolute and unmoving.

The earth creature now known as Petros appeared to be quite infuriated by Argastal's rebuke, crossing his muscular arms against his chest in an expression of stubbornness. "I am merely addressing the facts we are aware of," he responded, his tone conveying a sense of offence at the situation. 

"Her abilities are... peculiar," Argastal snapped at the earth creature, his expression taking on a hard tone. "It would not be of benefit to anyone within this circle if you continued to intimidate her," the fairy king continued, his tone sharp and insistent. 

"Why must I worry?" Petros chuckled, the sound of gravel and stones grinding together alongside his glee, giving his words a grating edge that seemed to echo throughout the circle. "Look at it trembling!" the earth spirit continued, his laughter mocking as he pointed at the girl.

Am I trembling? I didn't even notice.

"The girl can comprehend our language," the fairy king elaborated as he sought to quell the conflict that was growing between them.

Even in the absence of eyes, the girl seemed to sense the shift in Petros's appearance, perceiving the widening of his glare and the look of bewilderment and wonder that overcame his expression. "Can this thing truly speak the ancient language?" he asked in disbelief, his voice filled with genuine shock.

He keeps referring to me as 'thing' or 'it'—was Iris's thought as Petros addressed her with the same offensive and derogatory word; that feeling of bitterness and hurt was growing with each reiteration of the term. 

The sudden sound of an attempted cough snapped her out of her thoughts, the unexpected noise catching her off guard. As she looked up, Iris was now the centre of attention as the council members all directed their gaze towards her once more, each with varying expressions of curiosity and amazement.

Why are they looking at me like that? Like I'm some kind of—

Iris flinched as the earth creature snapped loudly and aggressively, its expression full of tension. "You, girl! Do you understand me?" Its voice reverberating within the area with an intense and piercing tone as it glared sharply at her.

The girl only responded with an anxious nod, her expression conveying a sense of fear and uncertainty as she gazed at the earth creature with trepidation.

Petros's genuine confusion and frustration was evident in his voice as he inquired, "Why isn't it speaking?" His look prompted the fairy king to express a rather tired sigh and the lady beside him to let out a quiet giggle, which further contributed to the growing atmosphere of uncertainty.

At the same time, the serpentine's sharp gaze sent a chilling feeling down the girl's spine, as she could not help but become uneasy under the scrutiny of its intense stare. I feel like I'm a prey getting stalked by a predator.

"Well, it would certainly be difficult to speak while in the presence of anger and hostility." The fairy king's wife, Neris, spoke softly, her tone slightly playful as she added a dash of humor to the atmosphere.

"Hostility?" The earth creature retorted back, his voice tense, as was his solid, muscular body. "I've been nothing but polite," he added, his tone oozing with arrogance as if he were somehow entitled to interact with others as he please.

"Couldn't you be less harsh?" came the snide response from the water spirit. Iris swore she sensed a hint of mockery in Neris's words, as if the creature was trying to bait him into reacting. "Or has that stone in your head numbed all your senses?" The mocking comment seemed to be a direct jab at his hollow and empty eyes, and it clearly struck a nerve.

A faint sound of snickering was followed by a quick hush, and the girl searched for the source but was unable to pinpoint where it came from. Petros was provoked by the words, his glare was sharp and intense, his features hardening as he glowered at the woman.

I have a bad feeling about this situation.

"Oh, how ironic," The earth creature then jibe, a hint of spite and amusement behind his words, his voice dripping with scorn and condescension. "Your watery head is too filled with ignorance and apathy to comprehend my benevolence," he added, his tone full of disdain and ridicule. 

“Petros!” Argastal suddenly rebuked, his tone sharp and his anger evident as he slammed his palm against the arm of his throne. His anger was palpable, the vibration from it radiating off of him as he glared down at the earth creature. “I will not sit here and let you insult my wife!” he added, his voice carrying an unmistakable note of disdain and warning.

"Thank you, so na." Neris commented with a quiet smile, placing her hand gently on her husband's. Argastal let out a breath of relief as he composed himself, his anger receding and the tension in the room slowly subsiding.

“Your wit almost matches mine, Petros,” she adds with a playful smile, her tone light and airy as the tension begins to dissipate. The earth creature's gaze turns back towards Iris, a faint smile playing on his face for a single, fleeting moment before his expression returns to its usual sullen look.

With the soft chortle of the water lady, Iris's eyes flitted around the room, suddenly feeling the weight of each of the four members stares upon her. A fearful sense of dread overwhelmed her once more, as the atmosphere seemed to be growing more and more intense with each passing moment.

She suddenly began to feel like an insect being analysed under a microscope, observed and scrutinised by these powerful and mighty beings.

What am I even supposed to say in this situation?