Entering Orario
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Riding a galloping magical horse in a brand new world, alongside an actual goddess. Is truly awesome. You should try it sometime "smirk".

We raced across the well traveled dirt road, sunny blue skies with the occasional cloud above us, leaving the verdant forest behind, our surroundings changed into a wide grassland with a massive medieval city in the distance; the great tower of babel could be seen, lording over it all.

I used to ride horses growing up at my friend Rob's house. But this, no shame on Rob, was the most exhilarating horse ride of my life.

As we neared the city we stopped our nonstop galloping we've been doing for the past hour.

We quickly adjusted to a slow trot, as we were met with a long line of wagons, sprawling out in front of the city entrance. The line was filled with plump and skinny merchants of various races.

As we took our place in line, I couldn't help but take a sidelong glance at the goddess alongside me.

She had equipped her cool looking lion helmet. To passerby's she was just a distinguished, mysterious, stranger with a noble aura.

They were right of course; but she was so much more. My heart fluttered at these thoughts. The idea, that I would be spending most of my time with her was great.

Speaking of onlookers, nearby denizens in line were eyeing and speaking in low voices about our appearance.

"Well look at that duo Harold. Visiting nobles ya think?

"Most likely Alex. Their steeds definitely aren't normal. Look at that black horse, it's odd red eyes are giving me the shivers."

"Oi you too, stop lazing about and finish doing the final checks on the merchandise. I'm not paying you two, to stand around and gawk like crows."


Chuckling, I turned my horse; to engage in conversation with my king.

We ended up having an in depth philosophical discussion about food; what truly constitutes good food and junk food and what differentiates them.


After waiting a hour and a half, we finally reached the entrance. Guards stationed at the entrance approached us.

"Welcome travelers, do you two have a Fanla?"

We then explained our unique situation, of us being faraway travelers and not officially being an actual Familia yet. What happened was a surprisingly smooth security check and we were directed towards the customs office and were able to easily, apply for and receive citizenship; after another line.

I personally suspect, the reason everything went so quickly was because of our imposing appearance; and the revelation to the employees that my king was a goddess. But whatever the reasons, I welcomed it.

By the time we finished, it was dinnertime.

Summoning my most charming smile, I made eye contact with my king's majestic helmeted visage. And asked;

"How does the idea of eating at a place called the Hostess of Fertility sound my King?"