Chapter one
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emergence day:

A normal guy walking his dog when storm lightning hits him wakes up as a woman with scaled fingers and other parts of his body freaks out and goes to the cops, cops already dealing with other emergence victims and put him into lock up government types take him now her and others to stronger lock up, shady government types with ties to underground/elite take a few of them prisoner strap bomb to the neck so can't escape, she gets experiment on, learns of ability, then  handler/leader of facility uses her power to gain more funding/power under his control, she gets trained in espionage and is forced to murder, steal, cheat, heroes get wind of it to treat her like the villain was told she is expendable asset and need to continuously prove worth, bomb will blow up if anyone finds out about her bomb or about the facility/handler

Eventually powers grow with more people being under her authority able to use the power Facetime link to the evil guy, once the lock comes off made him come to her she digs her fingers into him and kills him with an ability she kept hidden and destabilizes his matter/burnt him slowly till he was nothing but ash, takes control of agency, recruits other altered,

starts plans to create a safe haven (city) for outcasts and more dangerous type emergence people on the moon, starts to take over several countries/governments,

hower her past deeds when she was under control by the evil government make heroes from across the world join forces to stop her but she has gotten so strong with so many people following her, they can't beat her normally so they opt to send her far away or seal her somehow,

so they use magic and technologies they don't fully understand and it works going to a far distance sector of space she ends up on a backwater of a planet with multiple alien races have gladiatorial fights she once again losing connection to the people under her control loses a great deal of command authority adding to the fact nobody speaks English makes controlling these aliens difficult, becomes slave to female but sadistic mistress forced to fight ends up winning put to use as entertainer forced to learn mistress language,