Chapter 2 – Becoming
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Chapter 2 - Becoming

I opened my eyes, blinking from the bright light of day. The world coming into focus for just a few seconds. My father stood in front of me, protecting me from the priest and a number of soldiers. The soldiers had even gone so far as to draw their swords on my dad. 

“She needs to go. This is a temple! Not a hotel! If she has made no connection to the System, then it's not meant to be!”

“Mum! Dad!” I could feel it coming. They turned to me suddenly. 

“Alosa?!” Mum cried out to me. 

“Get back!” Dad moved in a blur. His arm slipped around my mum's waist and they shot to the side. The priest looked triumphant storming towards me as the heat rose up. I took a deep breath and screamed. 

I watched my little girl from over the top of the wall. Fire rose up in a tornado around Alosa. Not regular fire, but angry deep red. I could feel the heat from behind the solid stone wall and hoped Alyssa my wife, Alosa’s Mother, was coping.  The grass withered and burned. The priest was being pulled backwards, screaming. His robes partially burnt away. And still my Daughter, my little girl, screamed. She was fine though. Realistically, I knew she was fine. Her class was causing some violent changes. She was going to be strong. But my heart wept for her. 

“The Maker I beg you. Amtyx, Tevthyr, Judrom and Hakos. Teli, Elassila, Xiulla and Alina.” I begged. “Let me take her pain.” I paused, processing the names of the gods. “Who is Alina?” 

The fires began to recede. Alosa ragged breaths could be heard through the sounds of the dying fire winds. I peeked out again. The heat in the air, rapidly dropping. 

“Stay here.” I told Alyssa. Even through the last of the flames i could tell she was unharmed, but also Naked. The flames had burnt away any clothing she wore. A pile of ash rested around her. I pulled out the travellers blankets from my item pocket as the last of the fires vanished. I draped it over her shoulders as she panted. Alosa pulled the blanket tight around herself. 

“Water?” She croaked. 

Devon sat at his desk and rubbed his eyes. Too many late nights. He grumbled getting to his feet. As a level 38 Adventurer, going a week without sleep wasn't really a problem. The real problem was that he knew that if he skipped sleep once a week and just worked for 36 hours straight he could have the weekend to himself. He really needed more people, especially a mid to high ranker preferably with team leading skills in the office that could balance the various groups of students. But they were so hard to find. It was breakfast time in the Mess Hall. Which was the perfect time to get a coffee. 

The statue of Amtyx and Xiulla would never normally rest side by side. But here they stood in the main hall outside the mess hall. I always stopped to offer a prayer if I had time. A young female Blood Elf Paladin was doing the same, she was a promising Second year student. She was kneeling in front of Xiulla Goddess of Light. I think she had a habit of also offering praise to Amtyx, God of Warfare. Things grew quiet, strangely quiet considering the mess hall was open for the students. The half dozen Candles at the base of Xiulla flared up. Going from their soft warm glow to a brilliant sharp white. I froze myself until the young Paladin stood in front of me. She turned. Her eyes glowing bright white and I felt the weight of her presence. She reached out a hand and lifted my chin, shutting my mouth. 

“Devon.” She said simply. I dropped to my knees. 

“Goddess Xiulla.”

“I have a favour to ask.” 


“Alosa dekrel. Her powers as of now are being unlocked. They are wild, she is untamed and you are the headmaster of one of the finest Delving Academies.”

“I understand.”

“She will need her own room. Her Sub-Class is odd and requires some privacy.” 


“Blue Lake town, the church. You might have to run to catch her.” 

“Understood.” I brought out my old delving gear. It was still in good shape and fit. Xiulla in the body of the Paladin knelt the way she was prior to standing.

“And Devon. Get some sleep.” Noise erupted around me, students coming and going. Laughing, talking. The Paladin rose to her feet and jumped when she saw me in my Delving gear. 

“Head master?”

“I need some sleep.” I turned leaving my coffee mug on a windowsill. I couldn't actually run and worry the students till I was mostly out of sight. Blue Lake town is half an hour away at a Delvers Jog, 10 minutes at a sprint. I took off buffing myself as I ran. 

“Alosa Dekrel. Let's find out what's going on with you.”

I saw the hell-fire tornado in the distance. Right where the Temple should be. I arrived at the back of the church intime to find a man draping a blanket over the naked girl in the centre of the flaming destruction. The flaming remains of a rosebush flickered from Hell-Fire to a bright white and then returned to hell-fire. 

“Alosa Dekrel, understood Goddess.” The Soldiers were gathering themselves. Their training had kicked in, they'd found a threat. I moved around the pair and stood between the soldiers and Alosa and I assumed her dad, in the centre. A woman scrambled up from behind a low wall heading towards the centre as well. The way she moved in behind the man at the centre, it was his wife, Alosa’s mother. 

“I am Devon. A Level 38 Adventure and Delver. Current Headmaster of Phizala Delving Academy. I have come to offer learning and support to Alosa Dekrel.” The soldiers faltered. 

“Alosa, what's going on?” My mum asked. 

“I don't know.”