“Make sure it is hidden.”
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This bed is somewhat comfortable now, even though I just woke an hour ago I still like laying down...

The painting was right in front of me. It is wonderful, there is no signature in it so it should be some random painting. As I felt sleepy I closed my eyes.

A flashlight came out of nowhere in front of me, I jolted back. My eyes kinda pain. Then I saw those words.



You completed the achievement of "Great Sacrifice!"

                  You have obtained a System!


System? Wait.

Then, again flash.


User: Fenri

Age: 39

HP: 20

AP: 3

INT: 10

SKL: None






Basic Training (10 push up.)


Ap+1;HP+5:10 EXP


The stats, the quest it's so...

These words just follow me where ever I look, I can see through the words at the same time not...weird. It doesn't appear when I close my eyes.

I woke up from the bed. I need to understand this, It has to be something with my past. I looked into it.

The Great Sacrifice, The sacrifice must be my memory but why?

This all feels like a game. This all has to be, then I am being controlled. I took a breath. I am doing it again, I should not overthink. First I will do the quest. I went down the floor, When I try to do a push up I felt like know exactly how to do a push-up. It doesn't feel right when I stretch my hands too far or too little. I did all ten but I felt I could do more.


Quest Completed!


Then I felt my arms stronger...

and I felt good...


I sat on the bed and looked at my hand I know my hands are improved but I am not happy. But I should have.

I lay down on the bed I don't know what is happening, I don't want to know.


?: "Sir May I come in."

Someone knocked.

"Come in." I make sure to hide my emotions.

The same person entered.

Concierge: "Sorry to interupt you sir but as you skipped the Lunch and Dinner, we want to give you some beverages."

"Skipped..." I looked at the clock behind me, it shows around 10 PM, I slept long but when?

Concierge: "Sir pick what you like sir."

He brought it near me, I picked one. I have to know more about this system but what if...

"Excuse me," I asked before he could exit.

Concierge: "Yes sir"

"Can I know what your system is?" I asked he gave an expected confused reaction.

"I meant what kind of System does this hotel use."

Concierge: "Oh...We have a doorstep service system here Sir, that is why we bring food here."

He doesn't know about it. Expected.

Concierge: "Also, Sir since tommorrow is your vacate can I try to call MrGoulen one more time."

I can't leave now.

"Yes go on but I would like to extend my stay here." I do not have any option.

The concierge had a happy face blooming,

Concierge: "Thank you for extending your stay here Sir"

He did a little bow.

Concierge: "I will come one minute, Sir"


I am just wasting my time here, I have to go and do something.

Why? Why can't I go? No, more like why should I? I know nothing about myself or the world. I clenched the bedsheets. I laid down. He will come. My eyes are getting a little watery. Then why am I here, with a system giving me orders?


?: "Sir?"

Someone called. It's probably him. But I did not get up. I already cried in front of him. I have no shame.

"Come in."

He saw me crying and said,

Concierge: "Sir is it a wrong time..."

"No, just say how much it will cost."

Concierge: "Sir per night it is about 165 Anc."

It is expensive.

"Okay, I will stay for three more nights." Yes, that should be enough. I handed over them. He was shocked but immediately change to a blank face

Concierge: "Sir I mentioned, 165 Anc not Ven what you are giving is much higher Sir."

"Oh sorry, But this is all I have."

Concierge: "It is fine sir, We also accept the continent's currency. You just have to give me 36 Ven Sir"

It has a high value.

Concierge: "Thank you for staying longer Sir "

He bowed.

Concierge: "Sir, I just want to inform you that anything in your room is purchasable since you have been noticing the painting for a while Sir."

Only when he mentioned it did I recognize that I always stare at it. I have to buy it.

"Yes, I would like to buy it."

Concierge: "Okay Sir."

"Also, Please make it hang it infront of me."

Concierge: "Sure, Sir."




He came back again.

Concierge: "It is 80 Ven Sir."

I gave him the money but then only I realize that in the paper the money is mentioned as the continent on the side. So it means I don't have this country's currency.

I should have known by now I am a foreigner. I have no hope of going out, I am sure of it. I just have to wait. Mr. Goulen will come.