Level Test(1)
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It's been 1 hour since the test started during that time I was running all over the forest in search of Silfy, eliminating several monsters and students along the way, now he was resting esteem a tree branch.

"Sigh~this is very difficult."

In the level test they didn't use a delimited area but the whole forest, this increased exponentially the difficulty of finding Silfy that added to the monsters and students I have to deal with

"But even if I manage to find her, isn't she going to attack me to earn my points?"

That's something I didn't take into account until now, this is a test, I can't just go next to Silfy and tell her that demons are going to appear and try to kill her so she has to stay next to me.

First of all she probably won't believe me and even if she did and the demons appeared I have no way of explaining to her how I know, what do I tell her? 'hey it turns out your whole world is a novel that I read and happened to transmigrate into it' she'll probably think I'm crazy or that I'm kidding.

'let's think about that when I find it'.

I got up and started to move forward jumping from tree to tree, I wasn't paying much attention thinking about what to tell Silfy when I find her and without realizing it I reached an area with no trees to lean on, the height I was at was not small, so I had no choice but to roll on the ground


I was on the ground covered in dirt and a little sore from the fall, I slowly got up and noticed that I was in an area of tall grass that reached halfway up my arm


Suddenly I heard the grass move, the noise came from several directions and could be heard closer and closer, but suddenly it stopped and everything was silent.



A large snake jumped out of the grass showing its big fangs, but I quickly moved to dodge it, the snake that missed the attack went back into the grass to hide itself.



Using its elongated body it rattled the grass from all directions so that I couldn't know its location

"Pretty smart."

I closed my eyes and waited for the snake to attack, then the surroundings went silent and....



The snake attacked and I quickly unsheathed my sword and slashed its elongated body in two, the snake turned into blue particles and entered my insignia

[Grass snake eliminated 70 points.]

"This can be a good training."

I closed my eyes and started to walk using only my instincts to eliminate all the grass snakes that tried to attack me.

[Grass snake eliminated 70 points]

[Grass snake eliminated 70 points]

[Grass snake eliminated 70 points]

[Grass snake killed 70 points]

After about 30 minutes I managed to get out of the high grass area without any snake managing to touch me, despite having a very good result my mood was not the best.

"It took longer than I thought".

The tall grass area turned out to be much more extensive than I expected, even though I only advanced in a straight line it took me 30 minutes to get out.

"I have to find Silfy as soon as possible."

The test is not far from over, the demons will appear soon, with that in mind I started running through the forest in search of Silfy.

Another 20 minutes passed and I was starting to get frustrated, the forest was too big, finding Silfy was like looking for a needle in a haystack


I managed to see something out of the corner of my eye and stopped abruptly.

Enzima of a rock flowers around him slept peacefully a little fairy, she had long blonde hair, small wings on her back and pointed ears

"Maybe she can help."

Then he started walking towards her being careful not to make too much noise so as not to wake her up, fairies are medium level spirits even rarer to see than Mugis, but unlike Mugis fairies usually play or play pranks on humans from time to time, however if you make them angry they won't hesitate to attack you.

Despite being small, fairies are capable of powerful spells that could harm a B-rank if he is not careful, that's why I approach with such caution, if I wake her up and make her angry, she may not be able to escape without receiving a minor injury.


When I was close enough I squatted down and let out as softly as I could.

"Excuse me..."

The fairy's wings moved slightly and slowly she stood up, she rubbed her eyes and then looked at me, her eyes were completely black but they seemed to have little stars inside them

The fairy looked at me for a while, she started to fly around me looking curious, after a few turns for some reason she became very happy and made some cute little noises, she flew on top of my head and hugged me rubbing her cheeks.

This was very strange to me, it is said that fairies have a preference for things they consider cute or beautiful so maybe this fairy found it attractive, but still her reaction was very exaggerated.

'Maybe it's for the same reason why the spirits love me so much.'

"Hey, can you help me with something?"

The fairy responded with a high-pitched squeak so I took it for a yes.

"You wouldn't happen to have seen an elf with short green hair surrounded by many spirits?"

The little fairy thought for a moment before flying in front of me and nodding with a smile.

"Great, could you tell me where she went?"

The fairy nodded and began to fly off in a direction beckoning me to follow her, I ran after her with a feeling of relief in my heart to finally have a clear path to follow


In a room full of screens showing all the areas of the forest, the teachers were evaluating the performance of the students.

"That's amazing, fairies don't usually get that attached to a human even though they consider them attractive."

Commented an elf teacher with clear surprise in her voice.

"Mmm, that girl is the one who is always with Princess Silfy, the Mugis are also very affectionate with her."

Another elf teacher commented.

"I don't know much about spirits and such things but it should also be commented that she is very talented."

"Yes, did you see how she passed that area of tall grass with her eyes closed?"

"Yeah, at first I thought she was getting overconfident but no Grass snake managed to touch a hair on her."

Some of the teachers started commenting.

"Hmp, of course she's talented, she's my student after all!"

Cintia said with a cocky smile on her face.

"Hey she's my student too"

Nobu said beside her

"Sigh~ you guys are lucky to have such a cute female student like her, since that day of the entrance exam I didn't see her again, I know I shouldn't say this as the head of the medical team but I hope she gets hurt this time so I can treat her"

"You really don't know how to control yourself do you?"

"It's her fault for being so cute."

The two argued for a few more minutes and then turned their attention back to the test, the students were doing noticeably better than in the entrance test, not only were they stronger, but they made decisions faster, they adapted if something went wrong, they didn't lose their cool in a dangerous situation and they strategized when fighting with another student.

Everything went on as normal but....

"What's wrong?!"

"Is it a bug?"

"That's impossible, the equipment is maintained before every test so that precisely nothing fails."

All the screens went out at a hit.