000 Prologue
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Some individuals are born into poverty, while others are lucky enough to be born with wealth. In the case of Ethan Emerson, he fell somewhere in between.

As the firstborn in his family, Ethan had a younger sister named Olivia who was two years his junior. Their parents were loving and belonged to the middle class. They provided Ethan with all the basic necessities while growing up, but soon enough, his world would expand.

His life changed when he met her.

Her name was Alice McMahon, a young girl who lived across the street in Ethan's neighborhood. The McMahon and Emerson families were close friends, allowing Alice and Ethan to play together at each other's homes.

They were like yin and yang - Alice was outgoing and fiery, while Ethan was more reserved and calm. They balanced each other out and always had each other's backs. When Alice faced bullying from other children, Ethan stood up for her and vice versa.

Although Ethan would come to meet many people throughout his life, none could compare to Alice, who served as his anchor. She knew how to lift his spirits when he was feeling down and was fiercely loyal to him. As they entered middle school, Ethan's feelings for Alice began to shift.

He experienced the classic case of butterflies in the stomach. As Ethan was entering adolescence, he knew this could only mean one thing:

He was in love.

To be exact, it was a crush, but having grown up with her, he felt like his feelings went beyond just infatuation. But while he used to speak confidently with Alice, now he found himself stumbling over his words in her presence. It made him feel foolish, especially since she had been a lifelong friend.

What if she finds me weird? Does she feel the same way about me?

These thoughts consumed Ethan's mind as he tortured himself with them. He couldn't bring himself to confess, but eventually the weight of his emotions became too much. At the end of 6th grade, Ethan finally mustered up the courage to tell her.

"Um...Alice, I'm sorry for not being upfront about this before, but...I like you," Ethan stuttered out, hoping for a positive response.

Alice's face lit up with a small blush, surprised by Ethan's admission. "Actually, I like you too, Ethan..." Her smile turned into a frown and she nervously played with her thumbs as if there was something she wanted to say.

Ethan furrowed his brow in confusion. "What's going on?" he asked.

"My parents are moving. Daddy got a huge business offer in Chicago, and he found it hard to pass up. I'm sorry..." Alice's voice trembled as tears streamed down her face.

"What?" Ethan was taken aback.

No, it couldn't be true. His childhood best friend was leaving. But why? Why couldn't she just stay here with him forever? Ethan refused to accept what she was saying, but her sad expression made it all too real. Slowly, the reality began to sink in.

"Why do you have to go?" 

"I wish I could stay, but my dad believes I need to experience new things outside of this small town. Plus, isn't it time for you to start looking at other girls...?" Alice's cute smile was meant to test his loyalty.

"No! I only have eyes for you, Alice!" Ethan blurted out before realizing how foolish he sounded. He retreated into himself, his cheeks burning bright red like a tomato.

Alice couldn't suppress her laughter as she watched Ethan's shyness. But her heart was filled with happiness at his response. She held onto Ethan's hands and looked into his eyes, reassuring him that everything would be alright.

"With some good luck, I'll be back before you know it. Just promise me you won't forget about me, okay?"

Ethan nodded, the redness in his face fading. He was still sad, but a glimmer of hope remained knowing that Alice wouldn't be gone forever.

And with that, they said their goodbyes. With Alice and her family moving away, Ethan was forced to make new friends. As he navigated through middle school, he went on dates with a few girls, but none of them could fill the void left by Alice's absence.

It's just not the same. Life isn't as fun without her here. While he tried to appreciate other people's efforts, Ethan couldn't deny the strong bond he had with Alice and how much her absence affected him.

Ethan knew he couldn't dwell in the past forever, so he focused all his energy on moving forward. He had a clear plan in mind: graduate high school, earn a degree, and move to Chicago to be near Alice. He threw himself into his studies and helped with household tasks at his family's firm and neighboring homes.

With his parents now working full-time jobs, Ethan and his younger sister Olivia often stayed with their battle-hardened grandfather, a strict Vietnam War veteran. As they needed discipline in their lives, he trained them in martial arts, which Ethan found thrilling despite the challenges. His training included elements of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, fencing, and kenpō, all designed to strengthen both body and mind. His dedication paid off when his father granted him permission to attend a prestigious prep school in the same town where Alice lived. This twist of fate ultimately led to their reunion in the most unexpected way - they ended up enrolling at the same high school together.

Seeing Alice's name on the class lists, even though they were in different classes, made Ethan's heart skip a beat. He couldn't help but freeze when he caught sight of her in her school uniform. Despite the time that had passed, he knew it was her - she had always held a special place in his heart. She was so close, yet so far away.

Her golden blonde hair cascaded down her back in silky-straight strands. Her features were delicately refined and her skin had a porcelain-white glow. Though she was of average height, her figure was perfectly balanced. There was an undeniable air of elegance about her that drew the attention of everyone around.

Alice had grown into a picture-perfect beauty.

Thump, thump. Ethan felt his heart race as memories and feelings for Alice flooded back to him.

I have to be alone with her and tell her how I feel. Does she even remember me? She should; after all, we've been friends since childhood.

Ethan had been wanting to ask Alice out for a while now, but he was always too nervous. He knew he was late to the game, but he couldn't let that stop him from trying.

Luckily, fate was on his side. A few days into the new school year, Ethan stumbled upon Alice sitting alone in the courtyard. Knowing he had to be discreet to make this encounter perfect, he hid behind a nearby bush.

As the wind picked up, Alice's long hair blew to the side, giving Ethan the perfect opportunity to approach unnoticed. She was lost in thought, watching the leaves dance in the wind until she finally noticed Ethan standing behind her. She froze in shock.

After a moment of silence, Alice finally spoke up. "Eth—when did you get so tall?" Ethan had experienced a growth spurt since they last saw each other, now towering over Alice and forcing her to look up when speaking with him.

"I did," Ethan confirmed, not wanting to beat around the bush.

He knew it had been a while since they last saw each other, but he couldn't hold back any longer. "Do you still have feelings for me?" He asked nervously, hoping that Alice was still available.

Alice paused before answering, her face turning red as she remembered their past together. But then she smiled and mustered up the courage to respond. "Yes, I do."

Tears of joy filled Alice's eyes as she happily accepted his invitation. She couldn't believe that after all this time, Ethan still wanted to be with her.

Ethan's face lit up like a newly formed star, their love shining brightly as a new couple was born. It seemed as though fate was on his side, making up for lost time in their relationship.

Despite living in different homes than they did as kids, they caught up with each other and their teenage passion blossomed into a deep love that surpassed all others.

As graduation approached, Ethan had plans to propose to her after the ceremony. He worked tirelessly at part-time jobs and double shifts to save enough money to buy a diamond ring.

However, something felt off when he arrived at the school and found Alice missing. She lived farther away and had to take the bus while Ethan walked, but she was still usually punctual. His unease grew as the graduation ceremony began without her.

Alice never missed a day of school, unless she was sick. I'm hoping she's alright.

Ethan couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something was wrong; Alice would never miss such an important event like graduation. It also ruined his plans to propose to her afterwards.

On his way home from graduation, Ethan decided to take a walk through downtown while checking his phone for any messages from Alice. He sent her multiple texts, but received no response, which only increased his worry. Seeking some comfort, he stopped at a nearby café and caught a glimpse of the TV screen.

"And now, the news. A school bus crashed into a speeding train. Eleven passengers on board have been confirmed dead, while the drivers of both vehicles are critically injured but miraculously alive. The cause of the accident was determined to be the driver of the bus falling asleep at the wheel..."

As the images of the deceased students, including his beloved Alice, flashed on the screen, Ethan's heart shattered. Tears streamed down his face as he mourned the loss of his childhood friend and girlfriend.

His sadness quickly turned to anger, directing it towards the bus driver who was responsible for Alice's death. Ethan was determined to sue him, despite knowing it wasn't the driver's fault. He even went as far as buying a phone book full of attorneys to call, but before he could dial a number, he had a change of heart.

He decided against pressing charges. Although he had enough money to hire a good attorney, Ethan knew it wouldn't make a difference. The judges would never rule in his favor. Plus, there was no evidence that the bus driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As much as he wanted to seek revenge, Ethan realized it wasn't worth it in the end.

Ethan stood before the open casket, avoiding looking at her lifeless face. He felt alone in a room of mourners, surrounded by fading memories. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. He never imagined a world without her, and now he had to accept the harsh reality. As he left her grave, Ethan carried a heavy weight on his heart that would never be lifted.

Thanks to Ethan's dedication to studying and exceptional academic performance, he was able to secure a spot at Yale University, where he hoped to start anew. As an undergraduate, he pursued a liberal arts education with a major in humanities. In addition to his studies, he also took the time to learn multiple languages such as Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, all necessary for analyzing ancient biblical texts.

Two years later, at the age of 20, Ethan was a sophomore at Yale. He attempted to move on by dating a few girls but failed to find a real connection with any of them. Despite his efforts to forget about Alice, he found himself thinking of her more and more.

Ethan soon realized that trying to erase someone you love from your mind is no easy feat, despite his optimism. Desperate to break free from the hold Alice had over him, he knew he needed a greater purpose in life. Perhaps contributing to something larger than himself would make Alice proud. Fueled by this newfound motivation, Ethan dropped out of Yale without completing his bachelor's degree and enlisted in the U.S. Marines.

With nothing left to lose and being in peak physical condition, Ethan underwent thirteen weeks of strenuous training before being deployed to Afghanistan.

Ethan was stationed in an Afghan city that was considered safe under allied control. Despite being assigned to a squadron with other soldiers, his past experiences had led him to distrust others in order to protect himself from getting hurt again. As a result, he felt isolated even among his comrades who were trying to get to know him.

After a few months at their post, Ethan's squadron was ordered to withdraw and return home, like all other U.S. military divisions in Afghanistan. This left them vulnerable to potential attacks.

Their false sense of security was shattered when bombs began raining down on them. Buildings crumbled and the streets were filled with debris and smoke. Ethan acted quickly, seeking cover under a collapsed building while grabbing his rifle to retaliate against the enemy.

"Die, you bastards!" With a fierce war cry, he unleashed a barrage of bullets towards the enemy planes, determined to take them down. To his surprise, some of his shots found their targets and took out the opposing forces. 

I will not die here! Or else, everything I've done would've been in vain!

Taking cover under the building's structure, Ethan quickly radioed for help and relayed his current location. Despite being caught in a hail of bullets, he miraculously remained unharmed long enough for a helicopter to arrive.

However, upon landing, enemy forces began shooting at any American soldiers they could find. In the midst of the chaos and danger, Ethan made a mad dash for the helicopter but stopped when he heard the agonizing screams of his fellow soldiers in the distance.

Helplessly, he watched as several members of his squadron were brutally killed before his eyes, sending a wave of fear and horror coursing through his entire body. But despite his terror, he refused to give up and managed to board the helicopter just in time before it was hit by enemy fire.

As the adrenaline began to subside, Ethan's body froze with shock and grief as vivid images of the harrowing events replayed in his mind like a never-ending nightmare. Although he had not formed close bonds with his comrades, he cried out for them as if they were family. The pain in his heart was unlike anything he had experienced since losing Alice, but somehow it felt even worse now.

Ethan was allowed to return to the U.S., but was placed into the reserve as part of his military contract. He did community service for his hometown and surrounding areas as part of his duty as a reservist. A year later, Ethan was discharged upon his request.

While he was now considered a veteran, his traumatic experiences led to him having trouble sleeping, and frequent nightmares. Reminded of Alice's death several years ago, Ethan decided to leave his hometown permanently.

Out of all the choices, Ethan especially took an interest in Japan, not only for its culture but also for its anime and manga, which he has immersed himself in since high school. He moved to Japan and purchased a home using the savings he had accumulated over the years, plus military pensions, part-time jobs, and community service.

At first, things seemed alright, but Ethan's traumatic memories plus his still-mourning for Alice led him down a path of alcoholism as a way to cope. He cursed himself for being so pathetic and worthless and for not being there when Alice died that day, even when it wasn't his fault. He also blamed himself for the deaths of his comrades and wished that he connected with them more. But it is all too late now. They're gone.

One night, Ethan was on one of his drinking sessions, self-reflecting on his life so far as usual. Walking down a sidewalk in a major city, he passed people as he went by. Turning to a different street, his senses picked up high-pitched screams, causing him to rush over and investigate what happened.

"Somebody, help us!" Ethan was able to roughly interpret what they were saying as he closed the distance; meanwhile, he watched as a group of girls ran panickedly to the entrance of an alleyway where they were tagged by a street thug. The girls noticed Ethan's presence, and their faces pleaded for him to do something.

Guided by his sense of justice, Ethan opted to save the girls, tackling the thug head-on. The thug wielded a gun, presumably an M9, and used it to threaten his opponent.

"Don't you dare come any closer, or I will shoot!" He aimed the gun at Ethan in an attempt to coerce him, but instead, he approached the thug and slapped it out of his hand, bringing the two into physical engagement.

With the thug disarmed, Ethan held him with his right hand at the choking point as a means of subduing him. With his free hand, Ethan threw his phone over to the girls to call the police. They promptly did so, but this brief period of distraction allowed the thug to overpower Ethan, and he reached for his gun again.

The thug double-tapped Ethan, hitting him twice in the arm, rendering it useless and forcing him to hold his hand over it. Despite his abilities being limited, Ethan swiped the thug off his feet using his legs and pegged him once again while he waited for the cops, who arrived soon after.

The street thug was arrested, while the police expressed concern for Ethan's injuries and wanted to admit him to a hospital right away. He refused, insisting that he was fine, though it may have been the alcohol, which is why he wasn't experiencing much pain.

He experienced a migraine thereafter due to alcohol consumption, impairing his judgment. Stumbling across the sidewalk, he strolled a little too far into the road, where he saw a speeding truck flying by in his direction too fast to stop. Failing to notice in time, Ethan met a painful end as his body was crushed under the weight of the truck.