"I Was Once A Demon General But Then I Got Captured By A Beautiful Heroine And Got Turned Into A-"
"Stop it with your weird shenanigans!" I growl at the woman spouting an overtly long title.
"I swear to the Goddess, I'll whip the next person who says shenanigans." The woman returns shortly.
I stare at her in blunt confusion, before uttering the word "shenanigans" defiantly... Shortly before gulping as the woman pulls out a whip.
You might be wondering how I got into this mess... God, her heroine-isms are rubbing off onto me now.
I've infiltrated the human's deepest stronghold to kidnap the strongest person they have! It's the heroine, obviously, she's a monster. You might be wondering if I've gotten into trouble, maybe I'm a prisoner, or she's subduing me by force...
Let it be known that I definitely am not being held prisoner or being subdued by force! I'm staying here merely to let my plans come to fruition! There is absolutely nothing going on between me and-
I'm interrupted by my own squeal as a whip cracks against flesh.
Author's Note:
This is a story about our MC, Ilvia the Demon General of Lust and the enigmatic FL, an isekai heroine making inter-dimensional beings (the reader, among other things maybe) watch her squirm as she shows them her darkest history up to the present as a punishment! Who knows what the punishment is for?
❤: Denotes a smut chapter, tags for those with sensitivity to certain things are placed at the start of a smut chapter in a spoiler.
it's okay... I like the concept, but I have two major problems.
first the good. It has pretty decent world building and I think the side characters are interesting. the main overarching plot is pretty good with basically "rehabilitation" of a demon.
now the bad.... first the main characters both are insufferable and also extremely cruel, like the hero using literal torcher to "rehabilitate" the Ilvia and it's just so hard to read. and Ilvia isn't much better.... but at least she has the excuse in world of being born the darkest parts of humanity. and sure, for a while Ilvia ditzy personality was fun but it's getting to the point of just being sad. My next complaint is the constant 4th wall breaks yeah, here and there can be fun but I feel this author overuses it so much to the point it's kind of hard to read. it feels like you're watching a movie and two people are talking about that same movie they already seen. at least that's how it feels to me about 1/4 - 1/3 of each chapter is 4th wall breaks. My final complaint is tone of the story it feels like it wants to be a comedy with the extreme personalities of each character. but also, an edgy story that touches on some really heavy topics, set in a bloody grity world filled with constant battle and conflict. and it tries to be both which just doesn't work.
as for the smut aspects in a vacuum would probably make a fun read, but all together with the tone and character building just feels cruel. it feels like I'm watching a narcissist try to break someone so that she can fu*k them and they join her harem. yes, the hero deep down is just a super horny girl. but in all the chapters I have read there has been basically no kindness only manipulation or streigt up cruelty.
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