“They hung him for a traitor, themselves a traitorous crew,
But his soul is marching on.”
The land of Gemeinplatz is a land filled with fantastical creatures, adventurers looking to slay them, and heroes looking to distinguish themselves from the adventurers. The most common of these heroes are those who come from Earth, who enjoy a most leisurely time with their cheat skills. It’s a perfect world, the utopia of those who wish to become overpowered and get their own power fantasy, where even the most everyman of the everyman can pull themselves by their bootstraps and become a hero.
Yet, underneath this “Gemeinplatzer Dream” is a disgusting truth.
To satisfy the needs of heroes who can’t find function like a normal human being (which most of them can’t), the lucrative Gemeinplatz slave trade crushes the dreams and ruins the lives of hundreds every day. These slaves endlessly labor, in the harems of so-called heroes, at the mansions of the landowning “heroes”, and as rare materials for various magical spells.
In a world that looks down at them as demi-human, where the ruling class has no incentive to end this profitable trade, in which their oppressors are overpowered as all hell, what hope is there for the slaves?
What hope is there, is named John Brown. This time, he’ll finish what he started.
Many people asked could John Brown and company gone further than Nat Turner and stand in the hall of great liberator like Touissant Louverture did? And freed Virginia from the slaveholder?
This Isekai unfortunately didn't answer that. It deconstruct the most cliched of power fantasy fiction the slave harem and taken it to the John Brownian conclusion. Peppered with historical note and biography of 18th century abolitionist John Brown it remind us what John Brown's Body done in ACW that it is keeping the spirit of egalitarian zealotry alive.
Keeping the Union? People riot! Liberating people from slavery? Sign me up!
Tactic, strategic, and historical illustration used as plot point focus distributed in the story present a unique way of story-telling. The strength of doing its unique approach is great enough to offset its weakness mainly the emotional. While it need improvement, I cannot give specific advice as myself tend to be vibe based.10/10 Recommended for people that like historical, strategic, and new take on Isekai.
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