This for me is the Absolute perfect closure for this masterpiece--
millions of years after The Storyline of Reverend insanity, Fang yuan finally Achieves "True Eternal Life"
Fang yuan had already achieved longevity + invincibility 3 million years after the storyline but It was Not True Eternity!
So here is the Complete End of Reverend insanity and Journey to Eternal Life
-better experienced with your favourite epic music-
recom: as we fall by league, ketsuraku automation, millenia by hi-finesse
Truly a masterpiece. After reading such a divine work, I have found true enlightenment. If God doesn't exist, then explain this masterpiece. Checkmate, atheists.
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Truly a masterpiece. After reading such a divine work, I have found true enlightenment. If God doesn't exist, then explain this masterpiece. Checkmate, atheists.
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Wow this is so detailed, Ive always thought it would be impossible to write immortality or endit correctly, very interesting tbh
It must have taken lots of effort to write this, thanks for taking the time to do so
I also liked the play between the words existence and non-existence, being and non-being, heaven and chaos and playing the play of opposite while aiming at transcending the world of duality
Very interesting and connected to eastern philosophy and religion
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> although Fang yuan Had Eternal life, although able to alter Space and time, he still lived in them and thus was still limited
That's not how eternal life is defined in RI. If you are eternal even space and time can't affect you.
The grammar is also subpar.
There is no coherence, it reads like a grocery list of grandiose events without logical connections.
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