Most people would come to lament the day the System Apocalypse arrived; it saved Dominic’s life. It came at a price: now he’s a juvenile lion and has to progress like a Beast if he hopes to survive long enough to regain access to his human form. However, Beasts have their own advantages and Dominic has been given a gift as a result of his odd situation. Plus, having the claws and teeth of one of the top predators of the savannah might come in handy in defending against everything that’s trying to kill him. Which is to say: everything.
Recent addition following a poll on chapter 67, this story will be (sort of) harem - eventually. (Note, several people who are usually anti-harem have said that they would be OK with it in this context so if you're normally put off by them, consider giving it a go anyway).
I really like the way the story progresses and the little character developments, a very creative and engaging story!
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I like it so far due to the fact that it has an interesting concept. And as far as I can tell there has been no grammar and spelling mistakes that stick out and I look forward to how this book plays out
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