37 Views 0 Favorites 12 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 2 Readers 0 Reviews 25.5k Words May 7, 2024 Pheonix_Blackwater In the realm of Aeilierion, Queen Orelia's dominance and control over the land was absolute. Born into nobility, her lineage imbued her with an innate sense of power and authority. From a young age, Orelia displayed a keen intellect and ruthless ambition that set her apart, swiftly ascending through the ranks of the court through calculated manipulation and a web of strategic alliances. When the time came, Orelia seized the throne with an iron grip, her coronation marking the dawn of an era defined by her absolute rule. She governed with unwavering command, her very word carrying the weight of law. But it was her mastery of the spoken word that truly made her formidable
... more>> - her voice, smooth yet razor-sharp, held a hypnotic sway over all who heard it, bending others to her indomitable will. In her court, Orelia was a force to be reckoned with, her presence demanding obedience and respect. Those foolish enough to defy her swiftly faced harsh consequences, for the Queen tolerated no dissent. Beneath her regal facade, however, lurked a darkness born of insatiable ambition and unfulfilled desires. Though she projected confidence, doubt threatened to consume her at times. But Orelia refused to show weakness, instead channeling her inner turmoil into an ever-intensifying thirst for dominance. Her first target was the legendary assassin Malketh Alazorious. Through dark sorcery, Orelia stripped Malketh's soul from his body and bound it to a warforged construct, subjugating his will to her own. Now little more than a weapon in Orelia's arsenal, Malketh was sent on a bloody campaign of conquest across the plane of Eternum. First to fall was Sanctum Forge and its king Arkhonen, slaughtered by Malketh's cold, arcanometalic hand. Blood spattered the walls as screams echoed through the halls. From there, an unrelenting path of destruction was carved - the great repositories of Sanctum Eternus burned to ashes, the brilliant spires of Sanctum Progressus systematically annihilated by weaponized onslaught. The lawless Dross Sanctum fell to Malketh's overwhelming force, its scrap-born gangs powerless against his merciless arcanometalics. Even the treacherous tangle of The Maze, rife with predators and killing underbrush, could not halt Malketh's rampage, leaving a scorched path of desolation in his wake. At last, the holy sanctuary of the Basilica of Fallen Tears was profaned, its fanatic demagogues helpless before the Queen's unholy wrath. The screams of the innocent filled the air as Malketh destroyed everything in his path. But Malketh's path of conquest was not to end there. He was brought before Urabrask, the very embodiment of freedom, who promised to return self autonomy - at the cost of his memories. In a final, gruesome act, the newly-named "Church" brought Urabrask before the Empress Orelia and slew her in a frenzy, blood covering his metal frame as he tore her apart. Fleeting fragments of his torment flashed across his consciousness only to be torn away, leaving him an empty vessel. As Orelia's lifeblood pooled at Church's feet, Urabrask kept his bargain, stripping the last shreds of memory and naming the former assassin the Grand Artificer of the newly-conquered Sanctum Forge. And so the reign of the domineering Queen Orelia came to an end, slain by the hand of the very weapon she sought to master, who now stands reborn - a soul freed from its shackles but bereft of the past that forged it.
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