193 Views 3 Favorites 3 Chapters 0 Chapters/Week 5 Readers 0 Reviews 9.6k Words Mar 21, 2024 valentinedagger In a speculative near-future United States of America, a reptillian alien species colloquially known as Dusties have inserted themselves into the US government via a military takeover. Dusties are named for the pollutant dust they dissolve into on death, sometimes referred to as stardust; stardust pollutes the atmosphere, forcing humans to wear dust masks and respirators when they go outside, and blocks wireless signals, preventing wireless transmission of information by anyone other than the Dusties themselves.
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Several years after the initial coup and bombings, July Wright, a fiery sniper with closeted psychosis, and Cass Trehan, a brutally intelligent strategist, are young officers in a paramilitary cult formed in opposition to the Dusty-run government, hiding in the subway tunnels of New York City.
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