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Well guys, here it is.

We all know this was coming....XD

I think it's time I stop writing this novel.

I started this just to see what it feels to write an interactive novel's actually hard.

I thought it would be easy but it's hard to...well, plan things ahead. I don't really know what to do with this anymore and even I get confused tracking the votes and choices made as well as what quests or items he gets...

Maybe it was the theme that was wrong in the first place. Maybe if I had controlled the background story a bit more, then it may lead to something.

But as it is, this was really a blank world where I make stuff up each day. XD

Maybe I'll write a similar one in the future...maybe not.

For now, I'm going to focus on my two ongoing stories. Ultimate Fruit and Reborn as Batman's Little Brother.

Till then, here is the last vote! :P

Do you want to shut down this story?
  • Yes Votes: 31 52.5%
  • Yes Votes: 28 47.5%
Total voters: 59