Me and My Toilet (weird shit)
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pretty unhinged stuff, so skip if it's not your thing.

or proceed with caution. leave common sense in the door.

Dear my toilet,

You have been with me for so long already. Thanks a lot for giving me a place to let out my dark matter and all the foul things from my body. When I want to vent all my desires, your mouth would always be there to swallow it all.

Your face was the most comfortable seat out there. It's also quite secure I can lay open my naked butthole without feeling any shame. While at times, I was afraid, a swordfish or a giant cockroach might appear to stab my anus, you always protected me. Thanks again, my toilet.

I really want to apologize for my laziness. Lately, work had been so busy as well when I went home, I didn't always have the time to clean you up. That's why the bathroom was often dirty with the slippery and dirty black spots.

When I cleaned it up, it's more so I wouldn't slip and fall into the bathroom floor. One day, I ran from my room to the bath while I was about to cum from fapping. At one time, it was slippery enough, before I managed to cum, I slipped in and fell sideways. My ribs hurt like hell and it didn't recover until a few days.

It didn't feel right using tissues since my cum amount was pretty high. I was afraid the tissues would also be pregnant after I flushed it. I got pretty surprised when my carrot also got pregnant in the trash can when I took the trash a few days later. Thankfully, you're pretty much sterile. Thanks for making my job easier, my beloved toilet.

Maybe it's because my balls are pretty big as well, sometimes I did it two times a day. But it's only at my home, where I can be horny with ease.

It was never comfortable doing it in the public toilet, especially the moment I opened the door, there was a huge pile of unflushed shit lying there in the open. The disgusting scene killed off my libido even quicker than looking at pregnant rotting corpses where babies with big breasts came out from the corpse's butt.

So yeah, thanks for being with me always, my toilet. When I'm sitting at your face, it always filled me with inspiration.

It might just be a distant dream but, I wonder if one day, you can turn into a cute anime girl for me? You already accepted tons of my white stuff, even more than my actual wife would be—nothing.

Yeah, I felt so sad that we really can't be together forever. I plan to move out of the house pretty soon.

If there was a shooting star somewhere, I hope the heavens will grant my wish. I just want my toilet to turn into my waifu.


Many years later, I was walking the carpet in a church, dressed in a groom outfit.

I carried a toilet bowl with a wedding dress wrapped nicely around her body.

The audience were all delighted; both my parents cried in happiness.

It's okay, Father, Mother. Your son finally has a special someone. Love knows no gender and race. It may not be legal to marry or have sex with an underage child or animals—but there's no rule that says you can't marry and do intercourse with a toilet.

...and when we finally came in front of the priest, the ceremony will begin.

"Groom. Will you...uh...take your toilet to be your bride. In sickness and health. In wealth and poverty. In happiness and sadness...and, in constipation...and diarrhea?"


"Bride...ugh...please kill me...will you..."

...the toilet bowl opens up and a feminine voice came out of it.


The priest looks as if he's about to die, but it's understandable. My wife is just too beautiful for a holy man like him.

With the priest collapsing on the altar, my Father went on the initiative and took the mic.

" may kiss the bride."

The toilet seat cover opened, and a beautiful girl in a wedding veil popped out, locking gaze with me. I never saw her smile so brightly before. might not be an anime girl, but at least...we can finally meet face to face.

This is also the happiest day of my life, as well.

I'm glad, on this day, you're finally able to show your true self to everyone. It's okay, everyone accepts you. Even the priest has to go to heaven himself, to plead to God in our behalf.

When we sealed our kiss in front of the dying priest, we knew...this was the time our family life began.

I hope we can have lots of children and raise them to be successful people.