Chapter 89: The true best girl returns!
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So most people are either sadistic or switches; honestly sounds about right though it does make me curious about the fact that most guys seem to have the innate assumption that women can't also be degenerate despite sex requiring two. For example; I bet that those that don't really bother reading the author note or pay attention to the polls will instinctively be under the assumption that I'm a guy since I've spent over a year writing this story. Just something interesting to think about despite the obvious fallacy.

Also, as you all probably guessed, decided to take Christmas & this week off with no writing to recharge... So anyway I'm nearly ready to upload my new novel onto patreon.

I'm sorry I'm a bad girl...

Anyways, enjoy~♥


“Tsk~ nobody here is of any worth so let us get this over with~!” <Eel>

“Grumpy.” <Lyada>

“Thou certainly seems to have conceptualised an errorless diagnosis.” <Promicarus>

Eel held her bone spear in her right hand though continuously tapping her shoulder with the blade while her gaze turned across the streets. Both the bunny & demon lord were confused at the abrupt aggression from the bored baby beast to the point where they were left in the dust by not only Eel, Emily, Alexis & even the unconscious Fuka floated past! Noticing this the pair quickly chased after with Promicarus’ pout being unparalleled.

At the very least the surprised pair were in a far better situation than the crowd they had left behind upon witnessing the mini-vixen. The state of the guard was the worst as he just stood there while looking fearfully at the back of Eel who walked into the city; she didn’t even bother paying for her entry though neither did the rest of her party. They were used to a little bloodshed by now as 2 of them had watched Eel grow up, one of them had gone through two great wars and the last one was trying to be a demon lord.

Even if they weren’t bloodsoaked maniacs they didn’t particularly mind murdering a scumbag or two to make their lives easier.

Still Promicarus was annoyed that she was caught unaware like usual.

“What is wrong with that hussy - hiding her advancements only to show off in front of an entire crowd like this is some circus?!” <Promicarus>

“Don’t know not Eel expert.” <Lyada>

As they mentioned an ‘Eel’ expert the two slackers looked at one another before both turning to piece a hole into the back of the local little cow’s head causing her to tremble. Slowly she turned around to see who was glaring at her so intently after Eel had just scared everyone away only to meet with Promicarus’ intense glare making her shiver. Say what you wanted however the Icky one certainly had an occasionally intimidating air about her… Even if she comes across as incompetent at times.

“W-what do you want?” <Emily>

Hearing the nervous yet still somehow sleepy cow Promicarus pointed towards the swaying tails of Eel who had the air of a hunter looking for her next prey. That was mostly because she was a hunter looking for her next prey. However, considering her ‘prey’ was likely to be bipedal, the once intimidating adventurers & mercs' frightened appearance made more sense. The kit even stayed low as if prowling.

“What is up with her!?” <Promicarus>

Emily followed Promicarus’ finger to Eel while made her tilt her head for a second before nodding softly with a sweet smile on her face. A smile that certainly contrasted that beastly one that was upon Eel’s face while those purple tails on her back waved about; her ears rotating in a cute manner upon her head. Of course it was because she was listening closely to the few voices that spoke up in the crowd of adventurers & mercenaries.

“Beth was excited upon seeing her boredom was about to end yet it didn’t meet her satisfaction due to them being weaker than she assumed. This is partly due to them being in a dangerous haunt, one we’ve heard about since we were young due to me being a cow-kin. Simply put she’s disappointed these people are so weak..” <Emily>

“Well nobody of actual worth would have been around this shitty country.” <Promicarus>

“Oh~ actually it is likely that she overlooked the fact that the guys at C-rank or maybe even below would not be messing around in the woodland. Instead they would have headed up into the mountains like she planned to do - resulting in them coming in from the eastern side of the town not the west. That is not even talking about the fact they would take longer to come back due to the terrain being far more complicated hohoho~” <Alexis>

Hearing the words of her mother figure made the Eel who was prowling on ahead suddenly become motionless making it quite clear Alexis had a point. Even her tail & ears dropped down cutely while her face went from intimidating into a frozen awkwardness; this lasted for a solid minute which actually resulted in the floating stretcher to bump into her. Not long after that Eel turned around with gumption.

“Right~ let us stop wasting time here and hand out some jobs. Lyada and mo- Alexis should take Fuka to go find an inn which we can have her recover in without having to worry - do not pay much attention to cost yet do not get anything opulent. We do not want to bring any more attention to being rich as well as foreign .” <Eel>

“How will thou discover where thine are after the fact?” <Promicarus>

Slowly Eel turned to look towards Promicarus with a judgemental look while a sneer revealed how dumb of a question it was. Seeing that the demon lord quickly crossed her arms under her chest while lifting her nose in the air which in turn seemed to make the cogs begin spinning as her shoulders trembled. Still she refused to let her pride be defeated so easily so she simply snorted while closing her eyes with a confident smirk on her face.

“Of course this one knew that thou would use thy acute sense of smell to discover them however that dost not change this one's reasons for testing thou.” <Promicarus>

“Uhuh~ well it is probably best if Alexis watches over secretly for now to ensure someone does not come up to use Fuka as a hostage. Do not want any nasty surprises to occur while we are doing this after all. Nobody else can do this other than Alexis - probably not even me or Icky could protect Fuka at this point though Emily may~.” <Eel>

“Me?” <Lyada>

Turning her gaze to Lyada, Eel remained silent for a second before shaking her head, luckily Alexis was willing to fill Lyada on as her bunny ears were beginning to fall sadly..

“Nope~ illusions will not work against who I am worried about - at least not on the level you can manage I am afraid. It is the person who attacked Promicarus, my little kit and Fuka who little fox is likely worried about in this instance. As it stands I would be a little worried about facing her if she were not wounded by Eli- another person on her level~.” <Alexis>

With that confession what could Lyada say - everyone knew that Alexis was clearly the strongest person here so how could she think she stood any chance? Not to mention it wasn’t as if Lyada particularly cared. As such she just nodded.

“Now~ let us get back to the allocations! Me, Icky & Mil’s will go to the guild in order to get my reward for scaring off those two monster tribes. We will also be looking into the quest of dealing with those unusual golems which we were told about in that big village’s guild. I will be heading out to do some scouting while you two can mingle with other adventurers using Mil’s adorableness as well as Promicarus' self importance… Usually it would be Fuka’s job however she’s out cold~.” <Eel>

Upon hearing that the other members all saluted while they split into two groups with Eel leading the trio of little girls. Once more she confidently strode forth with her tails wagginging behind her while seeming to hypnotise the cowubus who had a blush upon her face; her little hands stretching forth to grope the air. Clearly having discovered her goals in life

Promicarus meanwhile looked between the two with a disgusted expression before looking towards Eel with a smug smile that suited her well (considering it was her default expression).

“Dost thou know where the guild is located?” <Promicarus>

Eel promptly stopped again.

“Elizabeth, Emily is that you two?” <Tom the not Bandit>

The familiar voice caused the two (as well as Promicarus) to turn to find out who it was only to see a man standing beside a very suspicious windowless carriage with a heavy door. If the two didn’t recognise him they may assume he was transporting slaves - even more so with his cueball head and large scar upon his face. Seeing him the aggressive midget demon lord turned to look at her partners in doubt.

“This one of those so-called ‘villagers’ whomst turned out to be bandits?” <Promicarus>

“Nah~ he’s a good guy who gave us a ride~!” <Eel>

“Did he offer thou candy?” <Promicarus>

“He is actually just a nice guy…” <Emily>

“So tho say.” <Promicarus>

“Anyways~ how did you find us here since I’m not exactly the same~?” <Eel>

“Ah, well, it wasn’t too hard to figure out. Pretty much everyone in the city heard the shouting of a young girl filled with intimidation and by looking a little I could easily find you. Even if you now have fox ears… For some reason… There couldn’t be another little monster like you.” <Tom>

As soon as those words left his lip Emily looked towards him with pity on her face as she then turned to look towards Promicarus. The person in question was busy checking her metal nails with seemingly no interest in the arrival of the new man now that she had got her cheeky comments out in the open. Looking at Eel her tails were waving happily.

“I’m sorry…” <Emily>

“Hm? For?” <Tom>

An interesting question with some danger...
  • Creampie Votes: 24 85.7%
  • Moneyshot Votes: 4 14.3%
Total voters: 28