Chapter 33: The morning after
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I wake up alone. It's morning, I can hear the birds. The equipment I put out last night is nowhere to be seen. I feel … amazing.  I’m energized.  I wasn’t expecting that after having my throat slit.  OK, honestly, I wasn’t expecting to wake up at all.  It’s chilly.  My buffs are gone?  I try replacing them, starting with See Invisibility.  I look, and find I can see myself. And I'm naked again. My own chest fills up my field of view as I lie on the ground. My great globes of jello jiggling in the sun. I feel a warmth start to spread in my loins at the sight. Now's not the time, though. I finish my buff routine, and summon meatsuit.  Testing, I fly up slightly: OK, yes, my spells are running now. I check my hand: No ring. So I lost my gear, and can see myself because I don't have my ring on. I call, and it answers, appearing on my finger as I fade from my own sight.  I’m alone and invisible, so not minding my own nudity for now, I reach out mentally for my friends, 《What happened?》

I get a flood of overlapping replies.

《My goddess, I knew you were fine!》- Emily.
《My goddess, I thought you were dead!》- Dan.
《Dude, what happened to you?》- Adam.
《... I'll give it a minute for folks to calm down.》- Bobbie.

I get a headache from trying to process it all. I'm pretty sure there's an item to solve that… I’ll need to look it up. In the meanwhile, I pick the voice that seemed calmest: Bobbie's. I focus on her.

《OK, Bobbie: What happened?》

《From my perspective? You simply stopped responding, and a few minutes later we found your body - visible - in the grass. We couldn't ID the cause quickly, so we ran 'bug out' protocol from the game. Emily asked for an explanation when we said 'bug out', so we explained: Quickly grab everything that's not nailed down and run away from the invisible killer.》

《So you have my phone, wallet, and keys?》

《Emily does, yeah. Her Keyhome was already open, so we just grabbed your body and tossed everything in there. So what happened to you?》

《I don't know for sure… I got an email last night from the folks that have been hunting me, saying I'd simply die at midnight Alaskan time. Couldn't think of anything to do about it, so just went on with my plans.》

《Last night… ah. You don't know. You've been out for five days.》

《What! Why didn't Dan just Wish me back? Why didn't his Soul Vault do anything?》

《That would be because his rings went silent. You're the source for his spells and Mythic power, after all.》

《... so while I'm dead, he's powerless. Of course. Well… yay for redundancy.  The third layer held.》

《The good news is your non-magical spells and things persist without you. I couldn't use your shapechange anymore, but kept the stat boost from it as well as the full buff routine you applied. I lost all of my Mythic power, though… probably because that comes from you.》

《The buffs on me didn’t stick.》

《That might be because your body is currently buried in a coffin in Forsyth Cemetery.》

《So Rejuvenation grew me an entirely new body, and most, maybe all, of the buff spells are all tied to that.  I see.  Well, that suggests my warehouse will still be standing, at least.》


《I bought a plot of land and built a warehouse on top of it. And a five story office building underneath. I cheated on the engineering with Walls of Force.》

《So that's what you've been up to.》

《Yeah. And I am going to have to murder that organization. Seriously, they have the ability to make someone simply drop dead?》

《Is that what happened?》

《Basically. I heard a heartbeat, felt a knife across my throat, then bled out, choking on my own blood.》

《But you don't bleed. Or breath.》

《I don't have a heartbeat, either, but that was my perspective on things.》

《That is SO overpowered.》

《Yeah, well, so am I. I'm still here, after all. Or maybe back?  Regardless… I DID beat the thing.  And I don’t see anything stopping them from just doing it again, so I guess it's time to stop trying to live in peace. I'll need Dan, though. Oh, and Bobbie?》


《Thanks for keeping your head.》


Contrary to what I told Bobbie, I actually call Emily next.


《Yes my goddess!》

《Thank you for safeguarding my equipment while I was dead. I am going to need it back for what I have planned.》

《Certainly my goddess. Where shall I meet you?》

《Faster for me to come to you. Where are you?》

《I'm in our apartment.》

Something isn't clicking. 《Yours and whose?》

《Yours and mine, my goddess.》

Wait, what? Oh. I was handing out keys, and she thought… well… I was planning on eventually… before… I suppose it may as well be now.

《Right, sorry, this has been quite the ordeal. I'll be over in a moment.》

I put on an illusion so Emily can see me - as I am; she is my girl, after all, even if we're not exclusive anymore, so it feels good when she's the one looking - and I find myself letting her tackle me. Because she needs it. Her makeup is running down her cheeks, and her eyes are red from way too many sleepless nights crying. She needs this, so I let her.

She strips off her own clothes, and asks, "How may I serve you best, my goddess?"

I need to give her some kind of order for this, huh?  OK… "You are beautiful…and when I first gave you the ability to change your shape, you took me as a man… I would like to feel that again, while gazing on your form." May not be the best choice, but….

"Yes my goddess," she responds as she changes, trading her baby oven for a batter mixer, and also enlarging her chest.  She knows me so well. My true seeing from Glimpse of Truth is active again, so I see both naked Emilys through the cavern of my cleavage. She is beautiful in any form, and I am seeing double.  I warm up almost instantly, my flower opening, dripping it’s nectar. I lay back on our bed and spread my legs for her, dismissing my eidolon and some of the more troublesome buffs for what we're about to do. My tunnel is hungry, making a damp spot on the bed, while her new rod is already standing proud at a full foot and a half.  She made it bigger this time, it seems.

Needing no more invitation than that, she slowly slides her unshod rod into my baby bakery, pausing briefly when she encounters momentary resistance and I feel - and hear - something familiar.

"Take one point of damage from a torn hymen," comes the voice of Dan in my head.

I have gotten a bit better at thinking through pleasure, and piece it together: Regeneration replaces lost or damaged body parts. Which includes internal membranes. Which means I'm a perpetual virgin. So I'm going to hear Dan saying that EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. But that’s OK. This feels awesome, despite the brief pain.

I spy a bump on my belly as she bottoms out in me. I moan; the bump pulls back as she does, and suddenly reappears as she slams herself back in, causing her now jumbo jugs to jiggle. She pulls back again, and comes in faster, and I see stars as I scream out and start thrashing around her. She keeps going, faster and faster, her sack slapping against my well-padded rear and her hips hitting my legs. Soon she's moving with enough force that her mammaries lift off her chest and come crashing back down, adding to the noise of our lovemaking.

I explode again when she tugs a tap, my milk arcing in the air. She leans forward and manages to catch the other in her mouth, not stopping the movement of her hips. I watch her swallow the essence my body so freely gives, and moan as I explode a third time. We keep going, that way for quite some time, until she finally unleashes her seed in my furrow, giving me another earth-shattering tremor and a pleasantly full feeling. She then lays down on me, and we cuddle for a while without her pulling out.  Her rod stays rock hard for quite some time, but does eventually go soft within me.

"I needed that,” I tell her, unsure if I’m lying or not, “Thank you… but I have work to do.  I need to end the folks that killed me, even if it was just temporarily.  Where’d my stuff end up?”

“We buried you… well, your body… in your dress and with your ring, my goddess.  The sound system is packed in the utility closet by the generator. Everything else…” she points at the dresser, “... is in the top-right drawer.”

So I won’t need to stare my own corpse in the face to get anything back.  That’s good.  The dress is disposable.  I get up (Emily pouts slightly as I do), clean up with Prestidigitation, make a new dress, renew my illusion to match that I’m dressed, and get my things out of the drawer.  Not seeing my laptop, I pause… ah, I never told anyone where my hotel room was.  Well… it’ll still be tied to my bank account, I imagine, given that I never checked out.  I should fix that; between the keyhome apartment and the warehouse, I really don’t need it anymore.  

I kiss Emily deeply, her rod stiffening again as our tongues wrestle back and forth between our mouths, and then we make our goodbyes.  I teleport to the hotel, and… yep, they’ve cleaned the room since I was there, but my laptop is still present.  I grab it, and dump it into one of my ‘spare’ apartment keyhomes.  I also stop by the front desk and check out.  Quite the bill… but basically nothing to my bank account.

I then check up on Dan as I visit the hotel bathroom and Teleport to one of the levels in my warehouse,《Hi Dan.》

《Yes my goddess!  What can I do for our risen savior?》


《Your church is running fine.  Seems that even if I couldn’t cast while you were… indisposed… the gifts you left were quite convincing.  The ‘curse’ you gave me is exceptionally convincing for most newcomers.  Growing and having my face change in front of someone … well, that’s hard for folks to explain.》

That explains why I’m feeling energized.

《And they haven’t tried to kill you?  How big is the flock?》

《Oh, they tried.  If anything, that made the flock grow.  So far, I’ve taken six bullets, a pipe bomb to the face, and two missiles to the back.  It hurts, but it’s worth it for your glory.  Your gifts are powerful, my goddess.  Your flock stands at just a hundred or so right now, but we have a concert planned later, and now that you’re back… well, I’ll be able to properly demonstrate your gifts.  I expect the flock to grow quite a lot.》

Ah. 《Speaking of… I’ll need to use one of the Wishes from one of your rings… and I should probably buff them up fully at the same time.  I’ll need one of my keyhomes sealed against teleportation, and it can’t come directly from me.》

《Certainly, my goddess.  When and where?》

《I’ll come to you.  Where are you located?》

《Preparing for the concert now…》he gives me an address of a venue I’ve visited before.

《I’ll be there shortly.》

I teleport over, open up one of the empty keyhomes, and he duplicates a Forbiddance spell inside of it.  I thank him, close the theoretically sealed Keyhome, and… go shopping.