Chapter 31: Path Which Is Paved By Billions Of Dead Bodies!
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ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

There was a moment of silence within the room after Mo Fan spoke…

No one said a single thing, they just stared at Mo Fan.

“Magic God, you say… Sigh… Mo Fan, you…” Zhankong sighed in disappointment, he thought Mo Fan was lying since he didn’t want to say it.

“Haha, Magic God he says~” Song Lin laughed it off.

“I’m not lying—”

“Kid… it’s fine, if you don’t want to say it, I won’t pry further into it. Since I already saw the process of you casting your unusual magic earlier. I know you didn’t used any forbidden arts or taboo magic there. You casted your spells the orthodox way. So, there’s no need for you to lie.” Tang Zhong said reaffirming Mo Fan that he was not in any trouble.

“But still, I guess, his innate talent is not as simple though. Since his Main Element is Fire, but he also used Lightning!” Zhankong said.

“Maybe so, but he has reached Intermediate level, so what’s the problem?” Song Lin said.

“N-no, that’s not what I meant. Till this evening he was still a peak Basic Mage in Fire Element, so it doesn’t make sense that he awakened the Lightning Element as his secondary Element and reached Intermediate Level for it within 4hours, right?” Zhankong said while being confused.

“Wait, what?” Now Song Lin was also confused.

“Exactly!” Zhankong exclaimed.

“No, I…” Mo Fan wanted to explain but he didn’t know how to explain.

“Interesting! Allow me to peek inside your Spiritual world for a moment.” Tang Zhong said.

“N-no wait—”

He didn’t wait for Mo Fan’s permission and immediately used his intent and dived inside Mo Fan’s spiritual world! Not that Mo Fan right now was capable of blocking him anyway.

A normal Mage’s spiritual world was usually dark but Mo Fan’s was bright, because of Four Nebulas shinning brightly!

Tang Zhong was astonished! The person in front of him had reached Intermediate Level just one hour ago, but he had already mastered the Tier 1 spells of Fire and Lightning Element! Not only that but he had FOUR Elements!

Considering he had yet to go through his Secondary Awakening, that means this guys awakened Four Elements at Basic Level! And even trained them to reach Intermediate Level in the span of just three short years with the meagre resources provided by this Low Class Magic High School which is out here in the sticks…

Tang Zhong stared at Mo Fan in a daze…

“You awakened Four Elements at Basic Level and cultivated all of them to Intermediate Level simultaneously in just three years?” He said in a dumbfounded manner.

Song Lin and Zhankong were stunned! They couldn’t believe what Tang Zhong was saying! But judging from his dumbfounded expression it doesn’t seem to be a lie.

Mo Fan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry right now.

“You… what you said before was true?!” Tang Zhong asked.


“No! Forget that! Kid you must join the Enforcement Union!” Tang Zhong immediately let go of the former matter and started poaching Mo Fan right in front of Zhankong!

He grabbed Mo Fan’s shoulder and pressured him into joining!

“Um… No, I…” Mo Fan wanted to say something but…

“That’s right he won’t! Because he already promised to join the military!” Zhankong joined the bandwagon and refuted Tang Zhong firmly!

“W-wait! When did I say that—”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Can you even support him the way I can? Besides don’t forget that I am the CHAIRMAN! The Chairman of the entire Enforcement Union of China, as you said before~”

“Mo Fan, if you joined the Enforcement Union, I guarantee you, that you won’t ever have to worry about money or Cultivation resources ever again!” Tang Zhong changed his attitude of being aloof and detached from the world like a Forbidden Mage to being a next door friendly elder brother.

“No, wai—”

“Hey now that’s cheating! You’re abusing your power! Mo Fan you don’t have to listen to him, it might sound great and all, but he will literally work you to the bone!” Zhankong said! He was not backing down at all!

“Little Xingyi, you’re not filial at all, are you?” Song Lin suddenly joined in~

“W-what do you mean?” Zhankong asked while being confused.

“Even though you used to chase me around saying you’re going to marry me all the time~” Song Lin said and seemed a little sad as she was reminiscing something.

“Aaaah!!! Stoppp!!! Don’t bring up my dark history from childhood!” Zhankong yelled as he cringed!

He really wanted to go and strangle his kid self!

“Haizz~ you cried and wailed like a child during my marriage and even snarled at my husband. At that time you were 15years old, I suppose?” Song Lin continued.

“Nooooo!!!!!!” Zhankong exclaimed in embarrassment!

He looked utterly miserable, to the point where even Mo Fan and Tang Zhong felt sorry for the poor guy.

Zhankong crouched in a corner after that like a gloomy guy.

Mo Fan couldn’t believe his eyes, that this seemingly harmless beautiful lady in her early thirties made the Ancient Undead Emperor crawl into a corner with just her words.

Mo Fan decided not to mess with her ever again!

“Ahem! As I was saying before, will you considered joining the Enforcement Union?” Tang Zhong continued.

“I’m sorry sir, but I decline!” Mo Fan humbly said.

“Aw~ Hmm… How about this, if you consider joining the Enforcement Union, I’ll let you marry Tang Yue—” Song Lin suddenly spoke after contemplating a bit.

“That will not happen!” Before Song Lin could finish her sentence, Tang Zhong immediately cut her off!

“I will not marry my daughter to anyone! Hmph!” Tang Zhong said firmly!

“Sigh… You know this is the reason why she completely blocked us from finding her in this city, right?” Song Lin said in disappointment.

Tang Zhong was so strict about Tang Yue, that he literally sent her to a girl’s only school for Elementary, Middle and High School!

He made sure that she won’t get into contact with boys at all.

“What? T-that’s not true and you know it!” Tang Zhong refused to accept it.

Mo Fan didn’t know when to butt into the conversation. He became a complete background character while the couple argued with each other.


Mo Fan let them argue and quietly slid towards the crouching Zhankong who was hurt.

“Chief Instructor, look at this.” Mo Fan handed him the map of Bo City.

“Sigh, what’s with you and maps... Why did you mark these places?” Zhankong opened the map and saw some of the places circled with red pen!

“I came here tonight to warn you about something!” Mo Fan said in a serious tone.

“… What is it about?” Zhankong asked.

“As you know, I’m going to the Underground Holy Spring tomorrow morning to cultivate.”

“Yes I do know about it, it’s your reward for winning the duel.”

“The Black Vatican are after it!” Mo Fan just gave it to him straight!

“What?!” Zhankong was surprised!

“Yes, they’re planning on stealing it, after releasing the monsters on the city amidst the chaos. Six days from now!” Mo Fan said grimly.

“Wha?! Wait I’m having trouble believing all this! What is your source?” Zhankong asked.

“There isn’t anymore… Do you remember the incident of one of the buildings of Mingwen Girls Middle school collapsing?”

“Yes, I do! It was just four days ago, the cafeteria and library building just collapsed but fortunately no one was hurt in that mishap.”

“I was the one who did that!”

“W-what?! You did that?!” Zhankong yelled!

“Yes… My sister Ye Xinxia is handicapped so she stays near the school. At that time I was returning to my dorm building from her home, when I heard something from inside the school! I thought some students were sneaking inside the school but I heard a monster’s growl instead. I went inside and found out that there was a black cloaked individual and 3 purple coloured monkeys which had long scythe like sharp blades growing out of their wrists reaching all the way above their head!” Mo Fan made up a story again! He lied while adding some truth in between!

He described how a Mutated Cursed Ape Monster looked like, to make his story more believable!

The moment Zhankong heard about the monster’s description his face became serious!

Tang Zhong and Song Lin also came over after they overheard their conversation.

“I killed the monsters and beat the crap out of the guy, since he was just a basic mage and interrogated him. He then very easily spoke about it all, after that I incinerated him, but before that I looted his corpse and found out he had that map on him, the places marked on it are the hideouts of the Black Vatican within the city.” Mo Fan continued!

Zhankong’s hands which held the map trembled in rage, because all the places marked in the map are very influential places. Among them his military base was also marked.

“I needed to destroy that building, because I found out, an underground tunnel which was connected to our Bo City’s sewer system. I destroyed the building along with tunnel, after that I explored the tunnels and killed all the monsters I came across, and found the other end of tunnel which was connected way outside the Northern side of the Safe zone, right into the Monster wolf kingdom!” Mo Fan said seriously as he brought out his previous map from when he was traveling in the tunnels from his space pocket.

“After that I destroyed the other end of the tunnel and closed it up for good. With this the One Eyed Magic Wolves won’t be able to invade our city from the inside.

There’s only one way they can enter the city, and that is from outside the safe zone, crossing over the Northern and North-Western mountains! I bought around exactly two days more for you to evacuate everyone in the city inside the City barrier!” Mo Fan said to Zhankong.

Zhankong was simply stunned by all this information! He couldn’t believe it, but considering Mo Fan had said so much, it didn’t seem like he was lying.

He cast a glance at Tang Zhong, who was analysing Mo Fan’s behaviour and heart beat fluctuations with his magic, and he couldn’t find any fault as Mo Fan never faltered while speaking even once.

That means he was telling the truth! Or at least he seemed to believe it to be truth!

“You said that in six days from tomorrow the Black Vatican will start their plan, right? It’s not that I don’t believe you but I will need to investigate all this as it concerns Seventy-five Thousand people’s lives! I will decide after confirming it for myself!” Tang Zhong said firmly!

“Yes Sir! I will give you the alias and identities of the Black Vatican members I found.” Mo Fan said and handed him a list.

He had basically been going round the city for the past two years while figuring out the identities of the Black Vatican members. He had gathered a lot of data over the couple of years and compiled it into this list!

The list contained the names and designation of the Black Vatican members who were active in this city.

Tang Zhong took the list, and read it. After a few moments his forehead creased in displeasure. There were around 708 Black Vatican’s Black Clergies and Grey Priests in the city.

Mo Fan purposely didn’t hand out the list, which had the Identity of the Blue Deacons!

“Please don’t do anything suspicious and alert them! I want them to carry out their plan, so that we could capture them all at once!

I assume there are a few Blue Deacons and Great Bishops involved in this conspiracy too. Apprehending them will contribute greatly to getting rid of this scum once and for all!” Mo Fan said righteously!

Song Lin and Zhankong were touched by Mo Fan’s sense of justice, but Tang Zhong was still not able to believe him completely.

“Thank you for this information, Mo Fan. If this is all true, then you will be a Hero who saved this city, Young man.” Tang Zhong said.

Mo Fan winced hearing Tang Zhong’s words. _... I’m no hero… A hero saves everyone, but my path is paved with billions of dead bodies…_



Fire/Space/Summon: Tier 3

Lightning Element: Tier 4


Fire Element: Tier 1

Space Element: Tier 0

Summon Element: Tier 0

Lightning Element : Tier 1

Mental Strength: Lv.3



6× Stronger Than Every Monster at it’s Level because of Royal Bloodline!

8 metres Huge.



Lightning Element: Tier 1


Fire Element: Tier 1

Earth Element: Tier 1

Wind Element: Tier 1

Small Heavenly Fire Element Seed: ×16

Inferior Heavenly Earth Element Seed (Mutated): ×11

Inferior Heavenly Wind Element Seed (Mutated): ×13

Mental Strength: Lv.5 (Around 5.5)



Plant Element: True Forbidden Curse

Summon Element: True Forbidden Curse

Lightning Element: True Forbidden Curse

Wind Element: True Forbidden Curse

Chaos Element: Forbidden Curse (Summon)

Mental Strength: Lv.9



Ice Element: True Forbidden Curse

Light Element: True Forbidden Curse

Lightning Element: True Forbidden Curse

Space Element: True Forbidden Curse

Earth Element: True Forbidden Curse

Mental Strength: Lv.9