Chapter 1.08 – Care
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"Warp Space entered. Entry speed will enable fifty-nine hours of warp travel."

Hera grinned. Standard was twenty-four. She'd more than doubled it with that maneuver. Not that it was an approved maneuver, but the S-Xplorer pilots didn't require approval for anything, operating so deep in space that commands would not only take a long time but often be impossible to receive.

Technically she'd done it next to a command centre. But, they'd probably forget in ten years. 

She hoped Amelie didn't. She let Octavia continue to generate ENEG for them - SLT-VC would let her out after a while, there was a maximum period a pilot could be in that state and the AI wouldn't let her overdo it. Hera just thought she should go exactly to that time since Hera had been the one to save them.

She disconnected from the pilot's harness and sat in a chair, enjoying the sight. Somehow, her cock was still hard, she was still in the mood to idly stroke it as Octavia kept getting pummeled by the machines. The Second Pilot couldn't dismiss the First Pilots' order, and the annoying woman looked at Hera with a furious look that absolutely turned Hera on. This was the life.

She thought for a moment. She'd left her life. She'd left Amelia. The note was still tucked behind her collar, but she would read it later. In her own quarters.

"Second Pilot ENEG generation reached maximum time - releasing Second Pilot." 
Hera braced herself.

"YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING CUNT" Octavia coughed, not even waiting for the gel to be fully pulled out of her throat. 

"Fuck you. I was glorious" Hera spat back. She probably shouldn't have tried that maneuver, but it was sick. And it pissed Octavia off.

"MUSIC OFF!" Octavia roared as she was placed down on the floor, her feet slapping on the floor, wet with cum, as she stomped over to Hera. "We almost fucking DIED 'cause you wanted to LOOK COOL?" She roared, drool on her chin spluttering onto Hera.

"I knew I could do it."
She didn't expect the slap, suddenly her face just stung, and she touched her sore cheek.

"No. You. Fucking. Didn't" Octavia spat at her. And then, even more surprising than her slap, hugged her. Hera froze.

"What.... What are you doing?"
"Shut up. I almost died. You are the only human within... However far we've traveled now. I need a hug."
"I don't want to hug you, vicious asshole." Hera spat, not feeling quite as angry as she wanted to. If she was honest, hugging the sticky woman felt nice. Her cock pushed against her thighs softly, the mixture of their juices leaking between them stuck them together. But she'd never admit it.
"I don't care. Just hug me. I'm pretending it's not you."
Hera stood awkwardly, frozen just letting Octavia hold her.

SLT-VC's voice rang out again, as the bridge changed - the robot arms formed a bed, soft cushions appearing in the middle.

"Mandatory care initiated - ENEG generation at a level that requires both pilots to engage in post-generation co-care to prevent resentment and retain pilot mental health."

Hera sighed. She knew this would happen, but had hoped it wouldn't right away. Enforced cuddles with the most toxic, annoying, stupid person in the world. Fine.

"I don't want to do this. But we have to." Not doing this would cause SLT-VC to shut down until they went through an even longer care session, and she knew it was important.
"Same. Lets... Let's cuddle." Octavia disengaged from Hera and took her hand leading her towards the bed. At least Hera would have her own room, her own space - Octavia would never penetrate those walls. She would do what was required and not feel anything.

Half a minute later she was facing Octavia, both girls snuggled into each other in an embrace. As per the AI's instructions, Hera's face was pushed into Octavia's neck, her enemies' faces in her, and they were softly stroking each other's hair.

"Now say gentle kind things to each other" The AI said. Sternly. Stupid robot. Stupid enormous Octavia's tits pressing into her, soft thigh against her monster cock.

Stupid Hera for finding the stroking of her hair soothing. 

She closed her eyes, pretending. Pretending it was Amelie. Wishing, hoping.

"Do not make me ask again. Both of you. Now." SLT-VC demanded.

"You... It.. Uhm" Octavia started. "You felt good." Hera felt her nemesis's face pushing further into her neck.

"You... You too. You took that well."

"Good start. Now, Hera, tell Octavia she's a good girl." The commanding AI spoke again.

Hera stayed quiet.

"Hera. This is a requirement. The vessel will cease to function otherwise." And now she was being admonished by an AI. She'd flown through a star, her heart was still beating fast thinking about it. And she was getting told off.

"You were a good girl." She said, tried to mean it. She had felt really good, and if she hadn't called for Hera to be involved in the additional ENEG generation well... They probably would have died. 

Octavia shuddered at the compliment, which felt nice. It made Hera felt like she was even more in control - the power as the First Pilot was intoxicating... but this kind of gentle control was nice too.

"You're a good girl too." Octavia said, unprompted, and Hera let out an involuntary squeak. That felt less good. And, somehow better. She pretended it was Amelie again. They both had blonde hair, and that's all Hera could see at the moment as she nuzzled into her copilot, the only human she was likely to see for a very long time. 

SLT-VC found herself needing to prompt the two less and less, just guiding them slightly in caressing each other, massaging out stiff muscles but there was no more refusal. It was mandatory after all, Hera decided, and she might as well get it over with, as her enormous member got hard again, and Octavia stroked her to a gentle finish.

It was only cause it was mandatory, she thought as she saw the rainbow colours of the warp flying past them through the window, as the two mortal enemies embraced in gentle aftercare on the mechanical bed.

Hours later, SLT-VC Announced that appropriate care had been completed, and the two women separated and went to their own quarters. Hera had no intention to speak to Octavia until the next required briefing. She couldn't stand that woman, she was awful. Her juices still dripped off her cock as she traversed the hallways.

Their rooms were wall to wall, but they had insisted SLT-VC take them separate ways through the vessel to their dorms. Hera had insisted, Octavia had agreed because she was subservient and a copycat. They went through an internal elevator from the bridge, placed at the head of the mech, to the core quarters in what would be the S-Xplorer's abdomen - the chest hosting its engine and cargo bay.

Ten minutes later the women reached their dorms at the same time, and Hera tried to glare at her co-pilot as she waited for the mechanical door to open. Instead, she blushed a little and looked away. What was that? But Octavia looked so cute, her hair messy and still covered in cum - no chance to show yet. Hera had done that. 

But she had things to do - first of all, explore her new room. There was a third pilot's dorm available that was larger and intended for shared use - many pilots ended up romantically entangled after all, although Hera was certain that would never happen. There were multiple smaller rooms - not unusual at all for DSDE vessels to temporarily host alien diplomats or assist with travel for species they encountered. Hera was excited. Hopefully, some of them would stay in her room.

Her room was a bit smaller than the shared room - there was a door between the rooms and Hera immediately locked it from her side. A second later she heard the click of the lock from the other side. Good. Everyone is on the same page.

Her personal effects had been moved from the training facility and placed here for her, as well as some additional items. She had more room here after all. There was a set of plants on one side under a grow light, next to a large window - tiny on the mecha itself, she knew, she didn't spot it at all walking up to the giant.

She sat down on her bed looking at the digital display on her wall, displaying general information regarding the ship. Fifty-five hours left in warp, thirty hours until a destination decision was required. She was exhausted and drained. She dismissed her uniform as she lay down on her bed, stretching out. 

What a day. A slight tickle underneath her collar reminded her she had one thing left to do. Amelie's note. Handwritten- she was so adorable, so cute.

She pulled it out and started reading. Within seconds the first tear fell, and before long, Hera sobbed herself to sleep, crying tears for hours before finally dreams taking her, after finally having started her lifelong dream.