Four Heavenly Kings
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We finally reached one of the boss rooms.

We would defeat each of the Heavenly King and claim our divine equipment, to defeat the Demon Lord.

To our surprise, all of the Heavenly Kings were gathered in one place, while there's only four of us.

It's so unfair, weren't they supposed to go one-on-one?

My companions began to panic.

"Hero-sama, what should we do?"

...but my head was empty. The Four Heavenly Kings began to put a smug front whIlst sharpening their blades.

Wait a minute...

"Why are you folks called the Four Heavenly Kings?"


My companions looked at me like I was crazy.

"Because we are the Four Heavenly Kings! If you had no questions, prepare for your death."

"I mean, is there anything heavenly about you guys? You're the servants of Demon Lord."

"That is..."

They began thinking so hard; we eventually manage to steal the divine weapons and defeat the Demon Lord.

Many years after, they're still thinking in the Demon King's castle, despite their master's death.