Dream Collection 6
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I don't know if it's a nightmare or so, but I found myself in a post-apocalyptic world.

I wasn't alone, however.

With my friends, I kept searching buildings and scavenging stuff. Everything's filled with dilapidated and rotten feeling, with patches of rust.

There's a lot of undead nearby, and I accidentally beat up an old nun who looked no different than one. She seems hostile, so I continue beating her up and even landing a kick on the back of her head.

She spoke some language I didn't understand, but she seems angry. I kept on until she was finally dead.

That's when my friend actually translated her words, "If you keep hurting me, you will go to hell!"

I wanted to ask, "Why don't you say sooner?"

...but it's not like I would stop even if I understand.

Her threats held no weight since we're pretty much in hell anyway. I don't think it can go worse than this.

After that, I was stuck in a party game but I was terrible at it. For some reason, the key to surviving the entire thing laid in a random restaurant I found.

It's manned by Spongebob and we ordered some patties.

The next thing I remembered was quite lucid.

I was picking my own feet.

Though when I looked down, my two feet were still intact.

But the ones I picked up had toes missing.

It had the exact same texture and felt like my own feet. It reminds me of some bits of a dream I didn't get.

Like probably eating my own foot when I was so hungry, but it's all just a dream within a dream.

...or was it?

I don't know anymore.