Pun Magic (Sample)
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Ohmbrella: summons an umbrella with electric resistance.

ThunderJoule: lightning attack with heat damage

WatterMelon: electric watermelon.

Catterpillar: makes a pillar that resembles a cat.

Meterror: a meteor that explodes randomly.

Foyerball: summons a ball with the size of a foyer.

Conflagaration: conjures a firestorm with the shape of Confederate Flag.

Sandwitch: conjures a witch-shaped sand.

Newton: adds a ton of weight.

Graham Bell: summons a gratin, ham, and a bell.

Leonardor: summons a flaming lion.

Gorge Washingtown: summons a deep gorge with a tsunami that can lay waste to an entire city.

Stiff Jobs: makes someone unable to change their class.

Sucker Borg: summons a cyborg with a suction ability.

Bananice: summons a banana on ice.

Sohai: rise someone up high.

Helow: lower a man's altitude.

Arigator: summons a polite alligator.

Gohan: hunting signal

Holy shit: poop attack with holy damage.

Hellocopter: summons a polite helicopter.

Tank You: gives someone a tank.

Fucking: summons the King of Fuc.

Whosyourdaddy: cheat activated!

scratch the last one. so the concept is like this.

make a random pun and assume its magical effects. i had a story idea in my mind--pun magic in another world. so this guy's summoned to another world, and he would cast magic by randomly making puns. the effect would multiply based on the pun's timing, causing unwarranted disasters (and comic relief) everywhere.

not planning to write it for real, i'm just listing this up for fun. these are terrible, i know xD

i imagine when the MC cast the pun, the otherworlders would die first from bad puns than the effect.