Chapter 25: Gambit
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Chapter 25: Gambit


Wrapped in spider silk I sat in the mandibles of a large spider. 

One of the yellow-eyed ones to be exact, at least, from what I surmised from my constant squeaking.

My forces were routed, defeated, my strongest Champion laid low as I was brought squeaking into a winding series of tunnels and caverns that finally lead into a massive chamber.

I, was alone. No ally or friend, deep in enemy territory without a single saving grace.

At least, to the enemy anyway.

Pinging my surroundings, I picked up the leader of my assailants, a massive green and yellow bug, one entrenched in a cavern wall with dozens of spiders clinging to its jagged engorged body.

All around me were arachnids, an entire audience with variants I already encountered save for the two hulking spiders that stood even above the Yellow-eyed arachnids.

One was blue, the monster staring at me with eight blue eyes, a phase-spider of some kind from what I could recall from my memories. The other was brown and gray, massive, almost coming up to the size of the matriarch with its iron plates clacking with every minor movement.

A guardian variant of some kind no doubt.

Suddenly I was dropped on the floor, my body rolling across the cavern letting out squeaks as the spiders knelt in reverence to their monarch.

“Yousssssss.” The Matriarch let out, her mandibles clanking as her steel-like forward facing appendages struck the floor.


It can speak?!

“Dare to intrudddde on my domain.”

“Squeak.” I sent back.

“Enter the mind of your superiorrrr.”


“Violate me and attempt to usurp my controlllll.”


“Now you are a king with no subjectssss. A sovereign with no nation. Another slave in my collectionnnnn. Another livestock.” 

“Squeak. Squeak.”

“I shall feast on you. And the treasure you brought. A fine addition to my collection.” 

“Squeak Squeak.” 

I turned my attention to my dungeon heart, the sphere joining the collection of other spheres that sat near the Matriarch.

Trophies from other dungeons.


Ah… crap.

I was rolled across the floor, a yellow spider pushing me until I was before the Matriarch that reached its massive head down, picking me up gently in its mandibles where it began to suck on me.




Ah… so this is happening.


Almost immediately, I could feel my HP and mana draining, the vitality in my body leaving its rubber shell that made me feel droopy.

Suddenly the sucking feelings ceased, my body covered in acidic drool.


“D-deliciousssss!” The matriarch suddenly moaned, its hundred eyes blinking in unison.


Suddenly the sucking began to continue, this time so vigorously it felt as though my soul was being pulled out of my shell.

Well it's good to know I'm delicious.

Now, you may be asking yourself, “Well Hiro, how did you get into this predicament? Or, why aren’t you dominating the spider.”


Simple really.

To answer your second question first, its because I was unsure if I could. The mind of the Matriarch was tough, connected to the minds of the hundreds of arachnids under its command. There was no telling how it would react if I tried to invade its mind. 

No, I would wait. Bid my time for the perfect opportunity to strike.


And to answer your first question.


I allowed myself to be taken.


After Slimey had taken a direct hit, the battle became a chaotic mess, still, it didn't mean she was out of the fight, just severely injured with her mind fracturing. 

Under my orders, Slimey retreated, falling back as more blasts of energy tore her being apart. 

With the damage sustained from the constant use of slime bullet and the enemy attacks, Slimey could no longer hold her form, and dissipated, her cores clacking to the ground with no goop to hold her.

Now with the main obstacle to their advance gone, the swarm of arachnids marched on my domain, a horde that bayed for my rubber body. Yet I couldn't leave Slimey behind, couldn’t have her be subject to the mercy of my enemies.

It was time for plan C. Operation Dunkirk. 

I ordered Dave and most of my army to the front, not to hold the enemy off, but to rescue Slimey, fighting off the hordes with my lesser slimes firing slime shots to stem the tide long enough to gather my fallen champion.

With Slimey’s cores in hand, Dave fled, crawling into the exit that had been dug out by my Capruxa at the other end of the chamber along with Hector and several of my loyal subordinates to retreat to fight another day.

But they needed time to flee, a distraction, and what better a juicy morsel than the leader of an enemy army?

So I, and the lesser monsters under my command stood our ground, a final line of defenders. 

I took a gamble. Relying on my memories of old that surfaced. Combining what I saw of the matriarch when I was in her mind and the knowledge I held of arachnids as well as what I’d come to learn from my own tarantuals.

Spiders don’t eat by munching. Not in the sense we know it. They use their mandibles to inject victims with acid, slowly turning their bodies into jellified goop that they then eat. The caveat of all this is that I have acid immunity! 


Sooooo instead I sat in the mandibles of the matriarch, the monster injecting me with poison and sucking on me, covering me in its sticky green bile.

Gross. I’ll make sure you’re cleaned from the world.



Slimey: Holy Super Slime LvL 13 [CRITICAL CONDITION]

Title: Hiro’s Champion

HP: 122/2050

MP: 15/400

Skills: Dissolve LvL 6. Slime Shot LvL 5. Cleanse LvL 5. Foam LvL 2. Solidification LvL 5. Bounce LvL 3. Physical Resistance LvL 4. Cold Resistance LvL 2. Mimic LvL 2. Blend LvL 1. Duplicate LvL 1. Shape Change LvL 1. Slime Bullet LvL 1. Holy imbue LvL 1. Mend LvL 1. Bubble Blow LvL 1, Acid Immunity LvL EX, Striking Resistance LvL 3, Slashing Resistance LvL 3

Dave: (???) LvL: 2

HP: 441/550

MP: 21/40

Skills: Bite LvL 6, Iron Tail LvL 5, Blend LvL 5, Swim LvL 4, Endure LvL 2,  Pain Resilience LvL 3, Minor Regeneration LvL 3. Strong Body LvL 1. Heavy Constitution LvL 1. Human Potential, Darkvision LvL 2, Iron claw LvL 2.

Hector: Skeleton Rogue LvL: 1 

HP: 97/100

MP: 0/10

Skills: Undead. Swift Step LvL 1, Uncanny Dodge LvL 1, Play Dead LvL 1, Inconspicuous, Acrobatic, Trap Finding LvL 1, Dash LvL 1, Scarlet Kisses LvL 1, Detect Prized Possession LvL 1, Pilfer LvL 1, Critical Damage LvL 1.

[Name: Spooderman]

LVL: 6

Species: Lesser Taruntual.

HP: 72/90

MP: 81/150

Skills: Spin Silk LvL 3, Paralytic Bite LvL 2, Pouce LvL 1, Poisoner LvL 1, Blend LvL 2.

Chloe: Minor Skeleton LvL: 10 [Evolving]

HP: 100/100

MP: 0/0

Skills: Undead.

I opened my minion menu, eyeing the condition Slimey was in. I had ordered Dave to retreat to an upper level, taking with her my subordinates that survived.

Fortunately, despite being so far away from my retainers, I could still see what they were doing using one simple trick. 

As I sat there, under the crushing pressure of the Matriarch, I reached out, activating minion synchronization, a skill that cost no mana.

Suddenly my consciousness shifted, my mind now in the body of Hector.

I had one minute.

“Mast…r” Slimy wept, my champion immediately recognizing my presence as my menagerie of monsters turned to the skeleton housing my spirit.

I do not have much time. I sent, my spooky blue eyes gazing upon the small cluster of orbs that sat clutched close to Dave’s bloody chest. A sense of guilt took me, a sinking feeling sparking in the back of my mind as I gazed upon my injured companions.

Still, time was of the essence. There was work to be done.

Heed my orders, followers of Hiro. Hunt, recover, and grow stronger. Work together so that we may end the Tarantual threat that has slain so many companions. 

Although monsters, I would be remiss to say I wasn’t attached to them, because I was. These monsters were akin to children under my guidance and care. Children who were devoutly loyal to my whim and reason. At least, when they listen. And as their guardian, I owed it to them to take care of them, to see that they were at least well taken care of if they were to fight on my behalf.

“mAssterrr.” Slimey let out.

Rest. You have done well. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you al-

And then I was back in my rubber shell, stuck between the iron pincers of the Matriarch spider that wiggled with joy, enjoying the treat that was me.

Good. It looks like it can’t detect when I use MS.

Perfect hehehehehe. 

I let out a squeak, pinging my nearby surroundings once more as I plotted how I was going to take over this kingdom of arachnids ripe for conquest.